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Thread: Firefox 1.5 released! Warning: elitism inside

  1. #61
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Things I like about firefox.

    I think it is better at blocking pop ups.
    It loads things faster and caches better that IE.

    Things I don't really like.

    I have a tendecy to randomly right click...this brings up that box and it doesn't go away most of the time due to the way I kind of drag the mouse around. I actually have to select and option on the menu just to make it disappear.
    While 1.5 handles animated gifs better it is still far from great. When scrolling by huge pictures or even shlups sig it slows down the scroll and makes it kind of choppy.

    Those are my big things. Tabbed browsing does not impress me. I have no problem keeping track of 15 windows on the task bar.

    I can't wait till IE 7. That should be a nice big step forward considering we have been using 6 for the past 5 years.

  2. #62
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leeza
    *downloads Firefox 1.5*

    EDIT: Okay, I have a problem. It seems that MeasureIt 0.3.3 and fireFTP 0.88.3 have now been disabled for me because they are not compatible with Firefox 1.5. Any suggestions for this Yams? Dr Unne? Anyone?
    I think you just have to wait for someone to code it for 1.5. I remember cl_out specifically mentioning it would stop working if you upgraded.

    I have disliked IE for as long as I've been using it, which is a long time, 7 or 8 years. When I learned of Firefox I downloaded it because I was eager to finally stop using IE (since Netscape had started sucking some time ago). Sometimes Firefox sucks too, and sometimes I use IE when I want to view or use a page that is coded only to work in IE, but I avoid using IE as much as possible.

    None of this makes you stupid for using IE, but it gets old when we say "look, new version of Firefox" and all the anti-Firefox people start making fun of us. People should stop being so negative about everything. If you want to sulk, go do it out of my way, and stop trying to spread it to everyone else. Staff members are the only members obligated to read any thread here. So if you see a Firefox thread, and you can't stand seeing people talk about new software releases, go read the X-2 forum instead.

  3. #63
    rowr Recognized Member Leeza's Avatar
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    Thanks, eest. Upon further reading I found that they already have fireFTP ready to go for 1.5, but they had to wait till it was officially released so it should be up soon.
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  4. #64
    permanently mitten
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    I don't care if Firefox loads faster or sings Christmas carols or whatever else you guys are going on about.

    Firefox has tab browsing. And that's all that matters. Once you try it, you can never go back.

  5. #65
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I don't have a need for it because I only view one page at a time.

    What is the difference between tabbed browsing and 'open page in new window'?

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  6. #66
    Banned Karl's Avatar
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    firefox or internet explorer as in the blue e that comes with every computer? THATS what ie and firefox is? doesnt anyone get an isp and use the browser they provide?

  7. #67
    A World Unseen Rusty's Avatar
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    I will never use Firefox. Use Maxthon! For all those who refuse to use Firefox. It has everything Firefox has, like tab browsing. It's based on the IE browser.
    Last edited by Rusty; 11-30-2005 at 07:59 AM.

  8. #68
    Prinny God Recognized Member Endless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty
    I will never use Firefox. Use Maxthon! It has everything Firefox has, like tab browsing. It's based on the IE browser.
    It's not "based on", it's IE, to which they added some features like tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking and mouse gestures. I've used it, but imho, firefox just is better (never crashed on me, for example), and is more secure.

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  9. #69
    A World Unseen Rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endless
    It's not "based on", it's IE, to which they added some features like tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking and mouse gestures.
    That's what I meant

  10. #70
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    the title of this thread is the second best part about it!

    All hail firefox, the elite browsing tool!

  11. #71
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    I hate Firefox.

    I've been using IE for three years (lol YES! DON'T DIE OF HORROR, KIDS!) and I never experienced one problem in all those three. One day someone says to me, "Download Firefox *winkwink* " and oh, gullible child that I am, I do so.

    Now, it could just be a coincedence. Really. (:rolleyes2) I know it has 'superior' security.

    But I don't really care, not three Trojans and a stupid worm later. :laugh: And now I'm back with my baby, IE, and it's so sweet to me. <3
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  12. #72
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    To all those saying that people who refuse to use Firefox should not be posting in this thread: If this thread was purely to let everyone know about Firefox, it would have died in a day because it would been closed for being an announcement rather than a discussion thread. The topic is basically 'talk about Firefox'. So far I haven't seen any posts that aren't discussing Firefox - be it positive or negative - so I don't see why anyone should be told to stop posting. Just because you don't like what you read doesn't mean they have to stop. Thanks for your time.

    Okay, now to the people who replied to me...

    rubah: Oh, in that case, I can't remember the last time Explorer crashed on me at all. The crashes I've had were blue pages of death.

    Raist: Security holes are found with Firefox. To say there are no security problems at all with any browser is pretty sad, in my opinion, because it's like saying a system is 100% perfect, which no system is. Do I have the facts with me now? No, but I've had people tell me about spyware they got through Firefox, and that's enough for me to believe that Firefox has a security problem. I've also heard people talking about security problems with Firefox in the past. Just because they're extremely rare doesn't mean they don't exist. Also, it's well known that MS, despite having security holes being revealed on a regular occasion, DO have some of the best coders working for them in the world. When some of Windows' source code was accidentally released, people picked up on some flaws but it was still written in reviews of it that the code was extremely well written. But it still has countless holes being revealed in it on an almost monthly basis, if not daily. That's because hackers all over the world do target it. And I do believe that if the 99% of hackers that target MS products were to instead target Mozilla, Mozilla would indeed have massive amounts of problems pointed out to them within time. Unless you're saying that Mozilla employs better coders than Microsoft, which frankly I would find very hard to believe.

    PiP: Damned straight! I'm yet to receive all the thanks from the Firefox users, though. C'mon, guys, I'm saving your PC's bacon, here.

    People need to stop pointing out the whole tabbed browsing thing because it's not a selling point for a lot of people. So they say "But it can be disabled!" - does that make it any cooler for people who don't want it? I mean, if I don't want to use something, I don't give half a damn that I might have the option, much like I don't give half a damn that IE has the option of the integrated spellchecker on the top right of this reply window I'm looking at right now. If someone doesn't want to use it, don't debate how awesome it is with them. I'm not saying don't point it out at all, I'm just saying that debating that someone should use Firefox because of that option with someone who doesn't care about the option anyway is kind of silly, don't you think?

    Unne is right that IE is not better than Firefox. But edc seems to be pointing out flaws with Firefox. So far I think that edc is the most unbias person in this thread, because he's pointed out good and bad things about Firefox. I've done the same, and I like to think that I'm not being bias. I admit the faults, I'm just saying that for a lot of people, the benefits do not outweight the faults for their personal desires when using a browser.

    I've so far not found anything that IE can't do that Firefox can do that I actually want in a browser. IE runs all the games I play via browser, all the sites I've gone to function fine with it, it doesn't crash, it loads as fast as the site I'm using will allow it to load... speaking of which, I don't understand the load-time thing, as last I checked, load-time is determined more so by the website you are browsing and the connection you have rather than the browser. I've never had a problem with load times because of my browser, at least not that I know of. If I have a slow load time with a site, I click into another site and see how fast that loads, and generally the next site will load immediately and I'll know that it's just a slow site rather than my connection bumming out. Definitely wouldn't say I've ever had a problem with IE loading slowly. Maybe people say it's faster with Firefox because Firefox doesn't run all the tags that are associated with IE? In which case it's not a fault of IE loading slowly, it's a case of IE having more to load.
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  13. #73
    permanently mitten
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    IE doesn't support PNG or alpha transparency images. That's a pretty big deal if you ask me or any other graphic designer. =/

  14. #74
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Despite not supporting them, it seems to show them up perfectly fine on my screen whenever I view them. Well, PNG files at the least. I don't know what alpha transparency means, but if it's anything to do with transparent backgrounds on gifs etc, then it works fine for me. Having said that, according to edc, Firefox doesn't work well with animated gif files. I would rather a file actually work well and not be supported than have a file supported but not work well.
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  15. #75
    permanently mitten
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    Well I know for sure than my signature doesn't show up the way it's supposed to with IE (there's a white-bluish border that shouldn't be there), and I've never had any trouble with GIFs on Firefox.

    And seriously, tab browsing is like, beautiful.

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