I have reason to believe that Mario is indeed high when you played Super Mario World. This is with the help of a friend late in the night.

MuSHROOMS- Coincidence? I think not. The fact that Mario runs around looking for Shrooms is indeed a sign that Mario was looking forward to getting high, and what did he do? HE GOT HIGH. Friggin twice his size.

Flower Power- And then, after he got high on shrooms, he could collect Flowers, which he shot [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img] out of his hand! Now, I ask you, why would anybody think they are shooting stuff out of his hand, unless he is high? Look at me! I'm shooting stuff out of my hand! Obviously high when he did this.

Star- Flashy colors? I rest my case.

Koopas- Mario must have been halucinating when he saw these smurfers. See, these were supposable drug dealers, but after a while, Mario found out they were screwing him over, so he decided to kick some ass. Mario wanted weed, not some goddamn greenshell.

Overworld- Yeah, that's what I thought.

Mario's super jump- Who the hell jumps that high. Thats not even possible, unless you were HIGH.

Now, you decide:

I am extremely bored, wasting away forum space, or, this is very information knowledge that you did not know before, and want to thank me because I just gave everyone here a revelation of what they did not know.

Its up to you! Is Mario high?