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Thread: Why hate on Spirits Within?

  1. #46
    Old-Ones Studios Cruise Control's Avatar
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    Nope, got mine from amazon, it will be at my house tommorow.
    Leave some shards under the belly
    Lay some grease inside my hand
    It's a sentimental jury
    And the makings of a good plan

  2. #47


    Well that was speedy!

  3. #48


    i dont hate final fantasy spirits withn it a good movie i like it i got it on dvd and psp it would be better if it was like a more of a medivil type movie like ff10 or ff9

  4. #49


    It would have been better if they had some form of magic, summon, sword, or even a freaking chocobo. Dead whale ghosts arent scary, I felt nothing for the characters, no deep love story, and I dont even like love stories. Their wasnt even a archvillian really, Final Fantasy is what it is because of the extravegant costume designs and character designs, evil clowns, silver haired demi gods, swirly eyed nomads, talking dogs, a kid that weres an overall/hoody/tank top with one pant leg longer than they other with compression shorts and fish twine outfit (yes Im talkin about Tidus), otherworldly worlds, and humans with incredible powers doing things we cant hope to ever do.

    You didnt see Peter Jackson taking elves, hobbits, wizards and orcs outta Lord of the Rings and slapping it with the same title. Gigantic swords, gunblades, thundagas, Vivi, BAHAMUT all staples of the Final Fantasy series, and non are no where to be found. Can i get some Kung Fu fighting? One flip kick? Just one?
    Last edited by SoulTaker*; 01-03-2006 at 08:31 AM.

  5. #50


    lol i agree

  6. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by dark_knight_2006
    i dont hate final fantasy spirits withn it a good movie i like it i got it on dvd and psp it would be better if it was like a more of a medivil type movie like ff10 or ff9
    You seem to be a fan of FF7. Not a very midieval game. Its not the setting that matters, its how you make use of it. But we seem to agree that it just wasn't very "Final Fantasy". I coulda went for more emotional conflict. A less subtle love interest. A more demanding evil presence. I don't think chocobos and moogles would have changed much though. And swords and magic really didn't have any place in the world they created for the movie. I think the problem is it was too... possible. It was a future earth that could very well happen. And people wanted something that was a lot less likely to happen in the future.

  7. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk
    You seem to be a fan of FF7. Not a very midieval game. Its not the setting that matters, its how you make use of it. But we seem to agree that it just wasn't very "Final Fantasy". I coulda went for more emotional conflict. A less subtle love interest. A more demanding evil presence. I don't think chocobos and moogles would have changed much though. And swords and magic really didn't have any place in the world they created for the movie. I think the problem is it was too... possible. It was a future earth that could very well happen. And people wanted something that was a lot less likely to happen in the future.
    i like final fantasy 7 is my fav game i just drether see a midevil final fantasy

  8. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by SoulTaker*
    It cost Square 200 million to make Spirits, way to put all your eggs in one basket, I wonder if they thought that people were just gonna die over this movie like it was even close to the epics Star Wars and Lord of the Rings were, Square would still be Square Soft instead of Square Enix if it wasnt for this movie. And for what, the characters looked like dolls, their facial expressions were unrealistic, their body movements outside of the commando armor were stiff, and lack of tone and defromation in the skin and tissue when they went to grab something was weird also, and they expected an american audience to eat this up, it just made most people uneasy. The overreliance on special effects, and the cliche characters and storyline evil monsters appear; a way is found to stop evil monsters; catastrophic disaster occurs; heroes acquire an airship; heroes try to stop evil monsters by collecting a set of items; evil empire gets in the way. Compared to great Sci Fi movies like Alien, Aliens, Blade Runner, Independance day, and even its eastern counterparts like GITC,Akira, and Metropolis its easily forgettable. Square gets one fish slap to the face.
    FF:SW was the first Final Fantasy I've actually came in contact with. That was when it was released in the cinemas. I though it was finely crafted, the sounds, the music and the video. The story was deep, as well as the characters, who developed through out the film.

    Unlike the most popular Sci-Fi, i.e. Star Wars, etc, FF:SW is a stand-alone film. It doesn't come in series or trilogies and thus didn't have any image apart from FINAL FANTASY, when it came out. Most people however, do not know what FFs are about and thus the image of Star Wars, is a more popular one.

    Last but not least, FF:SW is not meant to be an adventure film with good Jedi and evil Sith, where the good wins in the end and everyone is happy. The film can be clearly categorised as a tragedy. The Earth gets destroyed and the only survivors live restricted in the safe areas.

    Apart from the catastrophe-film atmosphere, like that of The Day After Tomorrow, FF:SW kills most of its characters. The life of Aki starts balancing up in the 3rd/4 of the film, when she, Grey and Doc leave the planet. Tough the whole of New York gets killed, she survives and falls in love with Grey. If the film would end at this point, we'd have a happy end, however, as well all know, Grey heroically offers his life to save Aki in the very end of the film. The entirely happy end becomes impossible and Aki's life seams to be destroyed, however, the eagle in the end of the film once again reverses this idea. The life returns and a new beginning softens the tragical run of the whole story.

    Personally, I think it's a masterpiece. Though the basis and the twists, like the General firing the Zeus Cannon, stay conventional, the dramatic themes become nicely developed and give enough fuel for further thinking. For those who are not much in the idea, the film still presents nice graphical and audio effects, however, it is clear that the morality remain the main theme of the film and thus a comparison with films like Alien, Star Wars and co. are not appropriate due to the difference in style and main points of the subjects.

  9. #54


    Comparing Star Wars to Spirits within, is like comparing Apples to brussel sprouts. Star Wars is the ultimate tragedy, the boy who was prophecised as the destroyer of evil becomes evil itself and destroys his own family and friends, but then in the end chooses light over dark and saves the universe. A little bit of a happier ending than your average tragedy but it is basically the struggle between good and evil that wages in all of us, I mean we all new he turns evil but we didnt know that he did it for his girl.

    At least episode 1 has the final battle with Darth Maul and pod racing, Spirits within has nothing in the form of entertainment, and it isnt even that smart either, its not like it made up for its lack of entertainment with incredible dialogue and an interesting plot and how the hell can ghosts travel on a giant chunk of planet and make it to earth and be pissed off enough to go around touching people, if your not gonna entertain me atleast make me think.

    is far from what I would call this movie. I think the general was the only sane one in the movie dispite being the most insane, I was thinking basically the same thing he was, destroy the planet and be down with it. I never did like the lifestream anyway, when I die I wanna be able to get away from the people I hated while I was alive not join with em.

  10. #55
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    Unless you want to shrug off the onscreen destruction of Alderaan, you can't possibly ignore the fact that Star Wars has tragedy out the ass, and I'm not talking about Jar Jar. You can't even make the accusation that its ethics are black and white, in light of the prequels and especially the expanded universe. The ethics of Star Wars are even more convoluted and controversial than our own.

    Alien ghosts can come to Earth the same way I can get across town; calling a taxi. The difference is that their taxi's a giant goddamn space rock and mine's a Ford Pinto with bullet holes in the trunk.

  11. #56
    Abandon All Hope Fatal Impurity's Avatar
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    i personally thought BOTH movies rocked! they both had good solid plots eventhough AC had a bit of a naff script (could be sorted for the english version though) i will admit TSW was a bit alienated from ff due to the lack of maniacal bad guy and cool fight scenes....but thats not really a bad thing...anyway i thought it was a great little romp and is a glad addition to the series anyday!

  12. #57


    I thought it was a great movie, except for a few things... mainly being the amount of effort they put into americanizing it. That's what killed almost everything for me, were the predictable, cliche things that you see in every sci-fi movie... kill the virus before he dies! Phew, did it with one second left! OMG we're all going to die! Look! Soldiers falling in with big guns! I want nothing more but to save the world! OMG don't leave me!!

    Yeah, and some of the dialogue was really tacky. "The question is... will I be in time to SAVE THE WORLD?! *big booming music!*"

    But, yeah. Those things aside, it really was a great movie. You just have to get over the fact that they tried using the Final Fantasy name to make it a success.

  13. #58


    It was a dissapointment to me, not because it was a crappy movie, but because it was not a final fantasy movie. If the more properly labeled it Sci-Fi Alien Fantoms: The Spirits within, then i never would have seen it. The people who saw it were big FF fans that wanted to see giant sword wielding pokey headed people riding chocobos and talking to moogles and the movie did not live up to that expectation. People should have determined fromt he trailer that it was not going to be what they expected but then again they are FF fans and if its called FF you know they are going to gobble it up.

  14. #59


    The really big difference between AC with its lack of storyline and depth and SW with its storyline and depth is that AC is all round more entertaining.

  15. #60
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    It didn't have Cloud and Sephiroth.
    I like Kung-Fu.

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