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Thread: Final Fantasy X-3

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Final Fantasy X-3

    Well I finally got through Final Fantasy X-2
    Its better than I though, I want a Final Fantasy X-3.
    Yeah some of you will cry no and all that some will say yeah and stuff but a Final Fantasy X-3 might be better than part 2 to some of you.

    Well if they are going to make a FFX-3 what would you want from it?
    Like The story, characters mix other final fantasy characters?

    From what I want if they make a FFX-3 is...
    Rikku's hair down it will look cute and for her to wear clothes that don't show so much
    Yuna, want it the same legth but no spikes and wear better clothes.
    Paine, She good how she is but cover the in some places....

    "Other & New Characters"
    From what I like that would be cool or werid is that if they made
    Other Final Fantasy Characters in there
    Yeah werid but cool to me
    And if add new Bosses that stady a Boss or Surprising

    Well thats what I like and yeah better story line I still like the one in FFX-2 still, but they should take time in FFX-3 maybe even now they are

    Thank you so much Marluxiaswife Kairi girl!

  2. #2
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kissgirls

    "Other & New Characters"
    From what I like that would be cool or werid is that if they made
    Other Final Fantasy Characters in there
    Yeah werid but cool to me
    And if add new Bosses that stady a Boss or Surprising

    Well thats what I like and yeah better story line I still like the one in FFX-2 still, but they should take time in FFX-3 maybe even now they are

  3. #3
    300dpi in a 72dpi zone Slade's Avatar
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    Their already going completely over the top with all these VII spinoffs. In my opinion its not needed. One sequel or prequel is ok, although I still don't agree where FF is concerned, but two sequels or more is way overboard.
    But.....yes there is a 'but', if it were to happen then I would like to see a prequel game of Braska, Jecht and Aurons adventure.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Slade
    yes there is a 'but', if it were to happen then I would like to see a prequel game of Braska, Jecht and Aurons adventure.
    I heard a Rumour about that awhile back. Final Fantasy X-3 would be the prequal and take place 1000 years ago. But that was only a Rumour and I dont know whats happening.

    Christmas: That article is nearly two years old. A lot can happen over two years. With square, you just never know.

  5. #5
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Indeed. Did anything happen currently?

    This one is also two years old.

  6. #6
    STILL Anti Balthier Setzer Gabianni's Avatar
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    Yeah some of you will cry no and all that some will say yeah and stuff but a Final Fantasy X-3 might be better than part 2 to some of you.
    No. Not if X-2 has given the fans what they wanted already.

    Well if they are going to make a FFX-3 what would you want from it?
    Like The story, characters mix other final fantasy characters?
    I want a new storyline. Including other FF characters in another X sequel would be pointless.

    "Other & New Characters"
    From what I like that would be cool or werid is that if they made
    Other Final Fantasy Characters in there
    Yeah werid but cool to me
    And if add new Bosses that stady a Boss or Surprising
    No. No. No. X-3 should contain X related characters only. What does stady mean? Translation please.

    Squareenix should not bother with an X-3. The fans thirst for what they wanted in X-2was answered by the ending of X-2. The story has been answered. We don't need any extra focus on Rikku, Paine...

    I know it's just my opinion, but I'm thinking realistically here.

  7. #7


    X-3 might be a nice idea, but I think that for a sequel there is very little left n spira to make a story out of. They'd recycle places, people, and in the end, it might just be X-2 all over again.

    Having a prequel game based on Braskas pilgrimage might be an ok idea, but some, if not most of it was already covered in the jecht spheres in X, so it would make it very predictable. A movie perhaps based on it may be better as you'd only spend two hours knowing what was coming, and not 100+ hours only to find out that Braska defeated sin, which you find out in the first few hours of X anyway.

    As for my idea, if they do make another X, a prequel based on another summoners pilgrimage. whether its a successful pilgrimage or not, i dont care, but setting it before X, ie 485 years after the appearence of sin, might allow a wider view of spira, and allowing the player to visit places that had not yet been destroyed, eg, Baaj before it sank, or some other Island community that happens to have a temple and more Aeons. SE would have to be imaginative with any plot twists, they cant use, or I believe even mention, Dream Zanarkand, but it could easily think of something different.

    Thats what I think anyway, but at the moment, X prequels and sequels are purely in the mind of fan fiction authors

  8. #8
    The giver of *hugs* boys from the dwarf's Avatar
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    this has been discussed many times. there are plenty of idea buy none of them suit an FF story. theres ideas like one obout braska and jetch but if you give it some tough none of these ideas would suit FF and it would be just as bad as the first sequel, unless they just make absoloutely new characters, different time, different enimies and start fresh , the chances of a sequel working are very very low.
    ...*holds up free hugs sign.*

  9. #9
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    As crappy as X-2 was, an X-3 might not be so bad...unless it's worse...then that is bad and no more sequels ever!!!

  10. #10
    Old-Ones Studios Cruise Control's Avatar
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    I think it should either be X related or more of an expounding upon the Bevelle Zanarkand War, that would include the first attempted use of Vegnagun vs Sin, etc.
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  11. #11
    Yuna_wannabe's Avatar
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    well i think it would be a nice idea to get another final fantasy 10 sequel i would like to know what happens cause my imagination is crap. I know some people might say that x-2 was bad but i really liked it (more then i did with 10)

    I dont know if everyone has seen this scene but its yuna talking to rikku and rikku says something like "that will be my story" maybe they should make another squel but in rikkus point of view. Like the first was tidus, second yuna, and now rikku. I dont really care about the plot i just want something to play on my ps2!!!!!

  12. #12
    Wow a Final Fantasy X-3!

    I remeber in part two when Yuna was talking to Rikku on the airship.
    And I don't want to be mean but I think Paine should be the main Character in Final Fantasy X-3, But Rikku it's Rikku Story so I don't mind

    But once they make a Final Fantasy X-3, I hope they let you be each character at times, like of course Rikku, then Paine and Yuna, then over course back to Rikku.
    Like how all the other Final Fantasys have been

  13. #13


    There can be tidus and yuna's daughter or rikku's cousin.
    warriorboy && battlingbard.

  14. #14


    Well, Sin can come back again. Yuna and tidus will marry, but sin interrupts, and steals yuna. I don't know, something like that.

  15. #15


    Just reading this thread title alone made me cringe. As if they didn't go far enough with X-2, but milking it further would only cause more diehard fans to lose faith in the series.

    It would just be too cheesy

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