Well I finally got through Final Fantasy X-2
Its better than I though, I want a Final Fantasy X-3.
Yeah some of you will cry no and all that some will say yeah and stuff but a Final Fantasy X-3 might be better than part 2 to some of you.

Well if they are going to make a FFX-3 what would you want from it?
Like The story, characters mix other final fantasy characters?

From what I want if they make a FFX-3 is...
Rikku's hair down it will look cute and for her to wear clothes that don't show so much
Yuna, want it the same legth but no spikes and wear better clothes.
Paine, She good how she is but cover the in some places....

"Other & New Characters"
From what I like that would be cool or werid is that if they made
Other Final Fantasy Characters in there
Yeah werid but cool to me
And if add new Bosses that stady a Boss or Surprising

Well thats what I like and yeah better story line I still like the one in FFX-2 still, but they should take time in FFX-3 maybe even now they are