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Thread: whats Mcdonalds like in the U.S.A.

  1. #76
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Levian
    That would be too easy.
    You could sing about Shania Twain Cock whenver they give you them?

  2. #77
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rye
    You could sing about Shania Twain Cock whenver they give you them?
    huh, that word isn't censored. :mog:

  3. #78
    Markusdot Markus. D's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rye
    I love pickles, I'm sad when they don't put them on my burger. I dislike onion rings though, Wendy's always puts a lot of them on their burgers.

    im fine with 1 or two.

    but come on... 19 pickels atop the normal 2, thats like.... 21 pickels.

    with only cheese and meat pattie....

  4. #79
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShlupQuack
    Steak sauce! I didn't even think of that. A1 goes on everything. BJ's brother puts it on bread.
    Man, I am so glad I'm not the only one that feels that way. A1 is the best sauce ever. I'd put A1 sauce in my A1 sauce if I could.

  5. #80
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    I am an expert on the differences between McD's (And most fast food) in England and in America.

    My conclusion is basically that it's the same, except the US gets better value for money (Big shock there, eh?), and there are bigger portions.

    I really wish we had Hardee's over here though, they kick the crap out of BK and McD.

    As to condiments: Mayo normally sucks, but it is awesomesauce (No pun intended) with a cheese, cucumber, and ham sammich. Brown sauce is a necessity if eating beef. Ketchup and/or catsup are the de facto accomopaniments. Ranch dressing has its moments as well.

  6. #81
    Δ As above, so below ∇ crashNUMBERS's Avatar
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    It's okay. I just hate that they just get old burgers made before and just put it in the microwave. It was better when they actually made the burgers...

  7. #82


    I think the Mc D's in America have a few more Burgers than any where else. Kinda annoyed me when the Mc'ds in London served the Big Tasty, then stopped doing them. Was the only burger I really liked.

  8. #83
    Howdy. Shaun's Avatar
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    You're all making me want to just take a tenner into McDonald's and buy a few double cheeseburgers and some chicken nuggets.


  9. #84


    I generally dislike the big fastfood chains/companies or whatever you call them. It already starts with ordering your food: so much choices, what the hell is that good for? I couldn't imagine a hamburger with two burgers a few years ago. Now they reached even three burgers! Like how much burgers can a bread hold? And all these variations on types of burgers is so exorbitant you almost can't make up your mind. Hell, you can't even trust the people who work there as they could be serving you five-day old burgers without you knowing it, their thinking method is like this: if nobody buys that burger it will be lost profits so .... we serve it tomorrow.

    When you finally made up your mind WHAT to eat, you can pay and sit down in an eating hall or something like that where they play music that makes you stop thinking and instead of thinking you're chewing your food like a brainless cow.

    So, you have eaten and leave the 'business' and guess what: after an hour you're hungry again because the food they serve you doesn't really fill (well it does ... with calories).

    Believe me, I wondered alot about those commercials "how would that x-burger-layered hamburger taste?" and when I actually got to taste it, it tasted like crap. Every time I see a commercial about fastfood I can throw up in an instant ... everytime a good time my ass. I'd rather buy fastfood from a very small franchise, they usually make everything fresh
    and people are more social.

    Now about that mayonaise, what is so icky about it? It's just made of eggs, mustard, and plant oil. It is fat yes, but it doesn't make you fat at all when used in normal quantities. You should try it once: put some of it on your fries (don't overdo it). I'm from Belgium, yes, it is the land of 'French Fries', people all over the world say french fries, just because
    they think that people in Belgium speak French (only in southern Belgium: Wallonia or something like that) They were invented in northern Belgium by flemish people (talk dutch). And it's standard that we have mayonaise on our fries because it's yummie ShlupQuack rules!

    Omg what a rant

    ps: How is my english?

  10. #85


    in costa rica, you can get rice and beans at McD's

    It still sucks, the only burger restruant that i eat at is harveys, and thats like once every two years...

  11. #86
    Chocobocconcini Doomie's Avatar
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    Mayo is the best condiment to put with chicken burgers, and tastes decent with fries.

  12. #87
    Pat Fenguin Xaven's Avatar
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    The only thing I eat from McDonalds are fries. :kaoplain:

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLadyNyara
    A1 sauce does not go with eggs.

    I second that emotion.
    Third'ed. I don't know how all y'all like steak sauce so much. Eww. On the other hand, Soysauce = :<3:.

  13. #88
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IceT
    I generally dislike the big fastfood chains/companies or whatever you call them. It already starts with ordering your food: so much choices, what the hell is that good for? I couldn't imagine a hamburger with two burgers a few years ago. Now they reached even three burgers! Like how much burgers can a bread hold? And all these variations on types of burgers is so exorbitant you almost can't make up your mind. Hell, you can't even trust the people who work there as they could be serving you five-day old burgers without you knowing it, their thinking method is like this: if nobody buys that burger it will be lost profits so .... we serve it tomorrow.
    There's no reason to presume that you are getting out-of-date food (In fact there's plenty of reason to presume you're not. ie people aren't ill and dying.), therefore why presume it, except as a typical reactionary measure against big business?

    Also, please do not ever criticise choice. There is no such thing as too much choice, even if it does mean you have to take awhile to make your mind up. I still don't think I get enough choice in 95% of things.

    When you finally made up your mind WHAT to eat, you can pay and sit down in an eating hall or something like that where they play music that makes you stop thinking and instead of thinking you're chewing your food like a brainless cow.
    Nice imagery, but entirely flawed, My conversations while eating in a fast food place are are the same caliber as those elsewhere. I can barely even think of anywhere that plays music, fast food-wise, so that tells you how pervasive it is.

    So, you have eaten and leave the 'business' and guess what: after an hour you're hungry again because the food they serve you doesn't really fill (well it does ... with calories).
    Now that's just an outright lie. A good burger and fries will fill me up as surely as any other meal will. Usually, in fact, it takes longer for me to get hungry after eating at BK's than at home, and we get pretty large meals at home.

    Believe me, I wondered alot about those commercials "how would that x-burger-layered hamburger taste?" and when I actually got to taste it, it tasted like crap. Every time I see a commercial about fastfood I can throw up in an instant ... everytime a good time my ass. I'd rather buy fastfood from a very small franchise, they usually make everything fresh and people are more social.
    Taste is a matter of personal preference.

    I have had friendly and unfriendly people at both multinational corporations and at family-run corner shops.

    ps: How is my english?
    Good enough that I wondered why you asked at first. Certainly no notable mistakes.

  14. #89
    This is England
    Papa Waigo
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    I know this is late, but Jesus Christ. Tomato Ketchup on Eggs? and Brown Sauce as Steak Sauce? You people are smurfed up.

  15. #90
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyono
    I know this is late, but Jesus Christ. Tomato Ketchup on Eggs? and Brown Sauce as Steak Sauce? You people are smurfed up.
    Brown man lies! Ketchup on Eggs is GOOD.

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