Art Tournament 2006
Yes it is the return of the Art Tournament. Last time Black Orb was declared the winner, now it is someone elses chance to win the Art Tournament.
1: Anybody may enter the Tournament (With the exeption of Black Orb, as he has already won once before. Sorry!)
2: Artwork that may be used in this tounament includes:
3: Once a person has entered the event, nobody will take their place, for example as a replacement or substitute. However, if a competetor has problems with
continuing in the tournament, then their reasons shall be looked over and a decision shall be made whether or not a substitue would be suitable or not.
4: Nobody may enter the Tournament late, once rounds have started, there shall be no more entries. No exceptions.
5: Anybody who is participating in the event may vote twice only per round. Neither of these votes can be for themselves.
6: Anyone who is not participating in the tournament has unlimited votes per round, however, they may not vote for all candidates, for example, if there were
to be 10 candidates, then the voter may vote for up to 9 candidates.
7: Any artwork that is submitted may only be submitted once in the whole event, i.e. you may not use a single piece of work in more than one round.
8: Have fun!
Application for Entry:
As stipulated in the rules, anybody may enter. If you wish to enter, please send me a PM before the application period expires. Any appplications after this period will be deemed nul and void. In the PM, if you could give your username and a small message, i will be pleased to grant you entry into the tournament.
Tournament System:
The tournament will be divided into several seperate rounds (The number of rounds depends entirely on how many competetors apply). Each of these rounds will be divided by a voting period between each round. Each round there will be at least one competetor voted out of the tournament (Dependant on amount of competetors). See the Rules section for voting, etc. Each round will last 5 days, as will the voting periods. Timer Posts will be made each day, as a reminder as to how long the competetors or voters have left to take action.
Please note that each individual round will be posted into a different post. This saves trawling through one long post. Keep an eye out for each round.
Competetors List:
1. Shadow Bahamut
2. Rocket Edge
3. *angel tears*
4. final_andy
5. Rice Cake
6. Chaos
7. Rase
.: Applications closed :.