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Thread: What is EoFF, to you?

  1. #46


    a place where one can just chill

    [Life is Eternity in a nutshell]

  2. #47
    good evening, miss Tifa's Real Lover(really's Avatar
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    i waste too much time on eoff

    I would probably go play video games or have sex (the usual) - Nominus Experse

    my mom would be like "ve? yo te dije, el internet no es bueno."

    "seriously, my mom tells me "que tu hase en eso el dia entero?" and im like "mami yo toy hablando con people" xD. spanglish, ftw." ~ liz

  3. #48
    Neco Arc's Avatar
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    look at my profile picture


    All of the above....
    Signature removed for exceeding the 250 pixel height limit (including text)


  4. #49
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    To hit on the obvious, I like EoFF. I think it's a great community for Final Fantasy fans to come together and share not just their interest for FF, but to find other's who share other passions. One could come here for answers or theories concerning their favorite Fantasy, or if it please them, they can come here to make friends.

    EoFF has added a number of friends that I would have not met otherwise; I view it as a boon to have my friends, and I am grateful that I had not missed my chance to make them. Despite this, I do not feel as if I owe EoFF much in terms of anything, save for my participation in the fora; if it weren't for the members, this would be a sad place indeed. I'll try to donate some moolah when I have some in excess. :P

    EoFF is not a home to me; I've been to too many diverse fora in my tenure online to truly call any one place a home. I do feel at home here, and I enjoy our community immensely. And yes, I do view it as a site that could change the lives of somebody, because that somebody may use this for more than a gaming resource, but for advice and help.

    I'd still recommend therapy, just to be safe.

  5. #50
    Northern String Twanger Shoden's Avatar
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    Ultra cool forum where I can learn lots about FF and meet friends (hardly many...)


  6. #51
    get mad Zeldy's Avatar
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    Some of my close friends are on here ^_^

  7. #52
    bitchin in black Twisted Tinkerbell's Avatar
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    I left the forum for a little while, and was on one for an RPG that I play, and hated the way it was run. Everyone here is way nicer, and I feel more like I belong here. Some great people have added me on their msn, and more people should, (talk to me people!) That and I missed the smilies :twak: and finally :strut:

    This sexy sig is by Owen Mcwere. Thank you Owie!

  8. #53
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chocolate Thief Locke
    I'll try to donate some moolah when I have some in excess. :P
    I was more meaning giving something back as in Site Staff, EoFF Post, stuff like that.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  9. #54
    bitchin in black Twisted Tinkerbell's Avatar
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    I'll give something back! Whaddaya want?

    This sexy sig is by Owen Mcwere. Thank you Owie!

  10. #55
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    Participation, my dear Daniel.

  11. #56
    Banned ~SapphireStar~'s Avatar
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    Its a place where I can show off my sigs and somewhere to stop me from ripping my hair out from boredom.

  12. #57
    Forehead Remon's Avatar
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    I've only been here for some months and i'm thinking of staying here more and more.I enjoy posting replies to threads.

  13. #58
    Oh go on then Cz's Avatar
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    EoFF is usually a place where the social rules are just about different enough for me to feel like I can be myself, even if in reality I'm probably no more open with people here than I am with people offline. That being said, it rarely fails to entertain, either because of some huge forum-wide event that keeps me up all night posting, or because of a 'friendly' argument with another member, or simply because of that indescribable feeling of warmth that comes from being part of a community for so long, even if I never quite made it into the heart of the place.

    The people are of course the main attraction (since EoFF without the members is little more than a photo album and a collection of indecipherable smilies) and it's them that keep me coming back. Some of them have their moments of genius, others get on your nerves and then win you over, and some of them are simply plain interesting to be around. Simply watching a bunch of cool members spam the crap out of feedback, or reminisce about moments that only a few dozen people can still remember is more fun than anything else I've found across all the billions of pages out there.

    However, the thing that keeps me coming back (six times and counting!) is that over four and a half years it's been responsible for so much of who I am that I couldn't honestly be parted from it. So many of my opinions have been formed, rethought and dissolved by things I've seen or heard here. I've experienced emotional highs and lows just as great as those I've felt with friends or family. Having EoFF so clearly imprinted on every aspect of my character makes it impossible for me to truly leave the place behind, and in that sense it transcends being a mere image on a computer screen, or a message written by a person whose face I've never seen.

    I'm not going to go into greater detail, as far from taking me all day, it would probably carry me into next week. Consider this brief, foolishly nostalgic message to be a thank-you note for absolutely everything you've ever given me.
    "The most important and recognize player in the history of the country."

    Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I were as great as Paulo Wanchope.

  14. #59
    Viva La Resistance Psydekick's Avatar
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    In like a field like with like people


    What is eyesonff to me..... an excuse to get away from the dreadful reality that is Known as school

  15. #60
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Mage 121
    EoFF is usually a place where the social rules are just about different enough for me to feel like I can be myself, even if in reality I'm probably no more open with people here than I am with people offline. That being said, it rarely fails to entertain, either because of some huge forum-wide event that keeps me up all night posting, or because of a 'friendly' argument with another member, or simply because of that indescribable feeling of warmth that comes from being part of a community for so long, even if I never quite made it into the heart of the place.

    The people are of course the main attraction (since EoFF without the members is little more than a photo album and a collection of indecipherable smilies) and it's them that keep me coming back. Some of them have their moments of genius, others get on your nerves and then win you over, and some of them are simply plain interesting to be around. Simply watching a bunch of cool members spam the crap out of feedback, or reminisce about moments that only a few dozen people can still remember is more fun than anything else I've found across all the billions of pages out there.

    However, the thing that keeps me coming back (six times and counting!) is that over four and a half years it's been responsible for so much of who I am that I couldn't honestly be parted from it. So many of my opinions have been formed, rethought and dissolved by things I've seen or heard here. I've experienced emotional highs and lows just as great as those I've felt with friends or family. Having EoFF so clearly imprinted on every aspect of my character makes it impossible for me to truly leave the place behind, and in that sense it transcends being a mere image on a computer screen, or a message written by a person whose face I've never seen.

    I'm not going to go into greater detail, as far from taking me all day, it would probably carry me into next week. Consider this brief, foolishly nostalgic message to be a thank-you note for absolutely everything you've ever given me.

    I feel the exact same way. I've been here for so long it's just part of me. I feel strange not posting or chatting.

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