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Thread: Who's superior: Beatrix or Kuja?

  1. #91


    Why so many people think that Kuja can use Ultima and destroy a planet with his own power? Everyone forgot that Kuja only gained his powers because he STOLE the souls(and the power) of the Invincible. Is the same thing if i say "Kefka can use the Light of Judgement and destroy a city, with his own power".
    Incorrect. Kuja went into a Trance. The souls were to enhance the Trance. A “normal Trance” as he put it, wouldn’t be enough. So, it was his own skill with a bit of an addition. Besides, he more than proved his abilities before even going into Trance. He made the entire race of Black Mages. I’m sure that’s NOTHING, though..........

    And Kuja cannot destroy a big planet(like Gaia, for example). He only destroyed a dead and small planet, located in the core of Gaia(like the Ultimania Guide said)
    It said in the guide he could only destroy a planet like Terra? Quotes?> Evidence? Get some.

    And in the first post, was said that this is Kuja in the begin of the game(normal Kuja), so, forget about Ultima, Super Trance, etc.
    Okay. One uber-spell down and a crapload of other accomplishments and feats still left.

    This being said, i will give my opinion. I think that Beatrix would win in a fight. Both of them are powerfull with magic, but Beatrix is very strong and skilled too, and she have more experience in combats.
    Well, I doubt she fought an opponent like Kuja. Only true history on her is that she killed a hundred knights. 100 hundreds do not equal powerful mage. So, her combat expertise may be totally useless here.

    Beatrix is a legendary knight in FFIX world(like Sephiroth is in FFVII world), when Kuja is just a powerfull mage, but that don't know how to really fight.
    He doesn’t know how to fight? More assumptions and unsupported assertions.

    Beatrix more remarkable quality is her strength and power. Kuja more remarkable quality is his intelligence.
    In a direct fight Beatrix wins, in a indirect fight Kuja destroy her.
    Well, what do you mean by a direct and an indirect fight? A mage won’t attack her in melee combat, if that’s what you mean bya “direct” fight because that’s below him. And as for remarkable qualities, Kuja did take a shot from Bahamut, King of Dragons and second most powerful eidelon, and get a small scratch. Then laughed at the blood. He then would go on to survive an attack by the most powerful weapon in FFIX, the Invincible, while the kingdrom around him was demolished. Oh and he made the Black Mages and Mistodons and Zorn & Thorn...and yes, so his power is equal to his intelligence.

    There are intellectual villains who lack real power. Moebius the Timestreamer for instance is a complete genius but horribly weak. Kuja has the best of both worlds.

  2. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    Incorrect. Kuja went into a Trance. The souls were to enhance the Trance. A “normal Trance” as he put it, wouldn’t be enough. So, it was his own skill with a bit of an addition. Besides, he more than proved his abilities before even going into Trance. He made the entire race of Black Mages. I’m sure that’s NOTHING, though..........
    And this bit of addition is what really matter. The souls of the Invincible made him much more powerfull then a normal Trance will made. The fact, is that he would not be so powerfull if he didn't stole the souls. Exist a greate difference in saying, that Kuja can become a normal Trance with his own power, and saying that Kuja can destroy a planet with his own power.
    If you put normal Kuja in a fight, and in the middle of it, he become Trance, he will not be so powerfull like in the game, because he didn't absorbed any soul during the fight. Will be just a normal and weak Trance.
    A guy that can blow up a planet(or destroy the surface of it) with his own power, don't need to stole anything to become more powerfull.
    And Kuja used the Mist of the Iifa Tree to create the mages. He don't created them using his own powers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    It said in the guide he could only destroy a planet like Terra? Quotes?> Evidence? Get some.
    No, is not said exactly this. I really don't want to explain everything right now, so, if you want to know more about this, just go to this thread
    If you readed the thread, you will agree that Terra is a dying planet, and is more small then Gaia. Just because Kuja destroyed it, doesn't mean that he can destroy a living and more big planet like Gaia or Earth or etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    Okay. One uber-spell down and a crapload of other accomplishments and feats still left.
    Okay, i confess that i forgeted about the incident between Kuja and Bahamuth. That was something very impressive, and he have a chance of win because of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    Well, I doubt she fought an opponent like Kuja. Only true history on her is that she killed a hundred knights. 100 hundreds do not equal powerful mage. So, her combat expertise may be totally useless here.
    Beatrix is a mage too, with powerfull spells. I doubt that during all her life of combats she never fighted against mages, but i can be wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    He doesn’t know how to fight? More assumptions and unsupported assertions.
    Of course that he know how to fight. But not like Beatrix. She trained and fighted during all her life, becoming the most powerfull knight in the world and a living legend. This is why i said that she have more experience then him. She was trained to fight and kill people, during almost all her life, and probably fighted against many powerfull enemys. Because of this, she is more experienced then him(know how to read the movements of the enemy, can use the enviroment in her favor, etc). She is fighting ALL HER LIFE and is a LIVING LEGEND. You cannot compare Kuja with that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    Well, what do you mean by a direct and an indirect fight? A mage won’t attack her in melee combat, if that’s what you mean bya “direct” fight because that’s below him. And as for remarkable qualities, Kuja did take a shot from Bahamut, King of Dragons and second most powerful eidelon, and get a small scratch. Then laughed at the blood. He then would go on to survive an attack by the most powerful weapon in FFIX, the Invincible, while the kingdrom around him was demolished. Oh and he made the Black Mages and Mistodons and Zorn & Thorn...and yes, so his power is equal to his intelligence.

    There are intellectual villains who lack real power. Moebius the Timestreamer for instance is a complete genius but horribly weak. Kuja has the best of both worlds.
    Direct fight, is when they are in front of each other and have to fight. Indirect fight, is for example, they having to kill each other in one day or one week, without even seeing each other. Beatrix will try to find him and kill him, but Kuja will use his intellect, to manipulate someone to kill her, or will use his Black Mages to do this. Kuja is a very intelligent guy, and have many resources, and because of this, is the tipe of guy that is in the shadows, manipulating everyone. But if you put him in front of his enemy(without giving time to Kuja, to create a strategy to win), and say "Okay, fight against him/her", if this enemy is powerfull, Kuja is probably screwed. Kuja is a guy of thinking and planning. Beatrix is a woman of fighting and killing.
    And Kuja never survived an attack of the Invincible. Garland attacked Alexander, not Kuja.

    But in the end of all of this, anything can happen. Maybe Kuja will win, because Beatrix's attacks haven't the same power of Bahamuth's attacks, or maybe Beatrix will win, because she is more fast and more experienced then him, making Kuja be incapable of touching her.
    In the end, is all about opinions. I have my opinions and you have yours.
    Last edited by The Crystal; 09-13-2006 at 08:47 PM.

  3. #93


    And this bit of addition is what really matter. The souls of the Invincible made him much more powerfull then a normal Trance will made. The fact, is that he would not be so powerfull if he didn't stole the souls.
    Hm? Where is that stated? He simply states a normal Trance wouldn’t due. Perhaps he means a normal Trance as in how it does not last a very long time. For all we know, the souls merely keep the Trance perlonged. It’s never made clear.

    Exist a greate difference in saying, that Kuja can become a normal Trance with his own power, and saying that Kuja can destroy a planet with his own power.
    Well, we never saw him in a normal Trnace. So, yep

    If you put normal Kuja in a fight, and in the middle of it, he become Trance, he will not be so powerfull like in the game, because he didn't absorbed any soul during the fight. Will be just a normal and weak Trance.
    A “weak Trance?” So, we have a very powerful mage given a normal Trance. We’re to presume it’s “weak” in anyway? We’re to presume it is weaker than the Trance he went into in the game? No proof either way.

    A guy that can blow up a planet(or destroy the surface of it) with his own power, don't need to stole anything to become more powerfull.
    And Kuja used the Mist of the Iifa Tree to create the mages. He don't created them using his own powers.
    So, an artist who uses paint can’t get credit for his paintings? A writer used a pencil when writing so it can’t be credited to him? Their painting and writing were not done by their own power... Kuja used the Mist to make them but also used pure black magic. So, he had the intelligence and the power to make them. Just like a talented writer has the intelligence to write a superb novel.

    And he did destroy Terra.
    No, is not said exactly this. I really don't want to explain everything right now, so, if you want to know more about this, just go to this thread
    If you readed the thread, you will agree that Terra is a dying planet, and is more small then Gaia. Just because Kuja destroyed it, doesn't mean that he can destroy a living and more big planet like Gaia or Earth or etc.
    Assumptions, assumptions. But, hell, not even everyone agrees he destroyed Terra. People will chooose to accept his power in wrong ways but that’s to be expected.

    Okay, i confess that i forgeted about the incident between Kuja and Bahamuth. That was something very impressive, and he have a chance of win because of it.
    Thank you. I try. And I admire a person admitting when they forgot a detail. Most people attempt to just lie and distort.

    Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    He doesn’t know how to fight? More assumptions and unsupported assertions.

    Of course that he know how to fight. But not like Beatrix. She trained and fighted during all her life, becoming the most powerfull knight in the world and a living legend. This is why i said that she have more experience then him. She was trained to fight and kill people, during almost all her life, and probably fighted against many powerfull enemys. Because of this, she is more experienced then him(know how to read the movements of the enemy, can use the enviroment in her favor, etc). She is fighting ALL HER LIFE and is a LIVING LEGEND. You cannot compare Kuja with that.
    And Kuja was created to be a temp Angel of Death. More experience in combat would be a serious factor but we don’t know the extent of that experience.

    There are intellectual villains who lack real power. Moebius the Timestreamer for instance is a complete genius but horribly weak. Kuja has the best of both worlds.

    Direct fight, is when they are in front of each other and have to fight. Indirect fight, is for example, they having to kill each other in one day or one week, without even seeing each other. Beatrix will try to find him and kill him, but Kuja will use his intellect, to manipulate someone to kill her, or will use his Black Mages to do this. Kuja is a very intelligent guy, and have many resources, and because of this, is the tipe of guy that is in the shadows, manipulating everyone. But if you put him in front of his enemy(without giving time to Kuja, to create a strategy to win), and say "Okay, fight against him/her", if this enemy is powerfull, Kuja is probably screwed. Kuja is a guy of thinking and planning. Beatrix is a woman of fighting and killing.
    And Kuja never survived an attack of the Invincible. Garland attacked Alexander, not Kuja.
    That’s while he says he’ll “show” Kuja andd telling him he’s gone too far and makes other statements in regard to halting Kuja because he’s “gone too far.”

    But in the end of all of this, anything can happen. Maybe Kuja will win, because Beatrix's attacks haven't the same power of Bahamuth's attacks, or maybe Beatrix will win, because she is more fast and more experienced then him, making Kuja be incapable of touching her.
    In the end, is all about opinions. I have my opinions and you have yours.
    That’s a good way to end it. Thank you and I agree.

  4. #94
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