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Thread: Quotes In and Out of Context!

  1. #61


    * I_LOVE_MARIA_BALTHASAR wants to write something not depressing... a Maria Balthasar lemon. But it would probably have a sad ending.

    BOU> yeah, like Fei and Bart go to jail


  2. #62
    ☆carrot☆ Linus's Avatar
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    Sep 2000


    I apologize profusely for the chat log.

    sonic> Linus..
    sonic> i jus got here and im being told to leave
    Wyllius> THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS !
    David> *gasps*
    sonic> believe me...i really dont wanna be enemys
    sonic> yes
    sonic> *gasps also*
    Wyllius> He was supposed to send you E-mails before you came online
    sonic> huh?
    Linus> I did, Wyll.
    sonic> email?
    Linus> He never checked them, obviously.
    *** Scottie has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
    Wyllius> Good
    sonic> me>
    sonic> ??
    Linus> We're having maintenance done soon. I'm here to warn everyone to leave.
    sonic> ....
    sonic> so why aint everyone else leaving?
    Linus> They're stubborn bastards. **Points at Wyll.**
    Wyllius> I'm a mod and as such have to supervise the server shift
    sonic> i dont belive you
    Wyllius> Chick, Matt & Rag are ops and deal with it
    sonic> im satying
    sonic> stayin
    Linus> Why would Wyllius lie about it? He's a mod.
    sonic> ....ill do it when everyone else does it
    Linus> Seriously, if your mIRC is running when they shift, your software can be damaged.
    * Master_Vivi_Away concurs with Linus
    sonic> ill be the last one to leave
    Linus> Give me your AIM and I'll alert you when it's safe to come back on.
    sonic> im ot on mirc?
    sonic> i dont have it
    sonic> i dont have aim
    sonic> i have msn
    *** Mikzers has joined #eoff
    sonic> okay
    Linus> Well, then I can't contact you.
    Linus> Mik, you've got to go.
    sonic> yes
    sonic> go
    Mikzers> *s3x0rs Linus*
    *** Zephy is now known as Zephy|NA
    Linus> We're shifting the servers very soon.
    sonic> so..
    Linus> If your chat is running, it can damage your software.
    Wyllius> WE R SIEDWAYZ
    sonic> I dont have mirc
    sonic> i run on java
    Linus> It can't hurt your computer.
    Kalen|Away> Mikael!
    Linus> Not just the program.
    Mikzers> Boo Kalen! *stabStab*
    sonic> okay
    Kalen|Away> OIf.
    sonic> if i really must go...
    sonic> .....idont know if imbeing tricked to leave
    David> w00t! I mean...yes, that would be the proper course of action
    sonic> or if its the real deal
    Linus> It's real.
    sonic> cmon you guys
    sonic> tell teh truth
    Linus> Scott got off to prepare for it.
    sonic> .....
    sonic> so hwy aint everyone else leaving?
    sonic> tell them to go to
    David> Cause this isn't my comp XD
    sonic> ...
    sonic> damn..
    sonic> well....
    Linus> I already told them.
    sonic> ill go now
    Linus> Most of them are idle.
    sonic> BUT I SWEAR IF IM BEIG LIED TO.....
    sonic> .....
    Linus> You're not.
    Linus> Ask Wyll.
    sonic> wyll>?
    sonic> hes a joker
    Wyllius> I AM SIEDWAYZ
    sonic> he wont be serious
    Linus> Well, he's the only unidle mod.
    sonic> you see?
    sonic> well....
    Wyllius> Meh
    Linus> The servers are shifting soon.
    sonic> damn il go now
    sonic> bye
    Linus> Bye.
    *** sonic has left #eoff
    David> 3
    David> 2
    David> 1
    Linus> YES
    Linus> PARTY
    Linus> WOOHOO
    David> Wow, he didn't come back yet
    Mikzers> I didn't have to sacrifice then
    Wyllius> Evailishness

  3. #63
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    Aug 2000


    Just random discussion about Rafael's arse, and some other junk.

    Kalen|Away> ARSE-MAN!
    Chickencha> Josh, you did the quote wrong, you freak.
    * Master_Vivi_Away arses Kal
    Kalen|Away> Oif.
    Wyllius> I'll freakin' well go over to Paris and hunt you down Raffles !
    Wyllius> "I'm looking for Raffles, oh for God's sake speak English!"
    Master_Vivi_Away> lol
    Chickencha> They probably wouldn't understand you even if they DID speak English.
    Master_Vivi_Away> indeed
    Wyllius> That's not the point
    Wyllius> My hat and suit would lead the way
    *** Master_Vivi_Away is now known as Master_Vivi
    * Master_Vivi is Back [2Back from:12 Away] Gone for 3hrs 57mins 29secs
    Linus> I fix0red it, Chach.
    * Mikzers looks at Vivi's arse ( =D~~~~~~~~~ )
    Chickencha> Good w0rx0r, Linus.
    Wyllius> Ewwww
    Kalen|Away> Yeah, When I talked to you, I couldn't understand you. Ya mumbling Scot. :P
    Wyllius> I do not mumble
    * Master_Vivi points to the "0wned" sign on it
    Kalen|Away> Yes you do.
    Wyllius> I just talk to myself miliseconds before I talk to other people
    Wyllius> You can't talk miss "I'm shy"
    Linus> Uhh, my first post isn't deleting.
    Linus> CURSES
    Wyllius> Someone call me
    Wyllius> ?
    * Master_Vivi calls Wyll by his nickname
    Linus> Yay, there we go.
    * Mikzers notices 0wn0red sing at it
    Wyllius> Someone just call me God there?
    Wyllius> Oh it was Raffles xD
    * Mikzers sings "I wanna own y00ps arse, Raffis" song.
    Kalen|Away> Every person who calls me, quickly finds out that I'm very boring to talk to on the phone.
    * Wyllius backs off from Mik's Homosexual songs
    Wyllius> That sounds like an Album
    Mikzers> It's not sexual, I just wanna eat it!
    Wyllius> "Mik's Homosexual Songs" - The Ultimate edition
    Kalen|Away> Hehehe..
    Mikzers> Food songs.=D~~~~
    * Master_Vivi warns Mik about the danger of attempting to eat my arse
    Kalen|Away> *whipes up drool*
    David> O_o
    Mikzers> ~HehhEHEhe
    Master_Vivi> And I know that Cha will agree on this
    Linus> Gee golly that was fun.
    Wyllius> Phoenix am owner, smite am goal
    Master_Vivi> hehehe
    Mikzers> :0((
    Chickencha> I will agree on this? Raf, you trying to imply something? o_O
    Mikzers> *_;
    * Wyllius resumes listening to a song about a hat
    * Master_Vivi smites Wyll AND mik
    Mikzers> *laughs*
    * Wyllius Deaths Master_Vivi
    Wyllius> Quiet Phoenix's Bitch
    Wyllius> xD
    * David would whip Raf, but Phoenix beat him to it XD
    Wyllius> xD
    Kalen|Away> Vivi's girl can be scary. ;-) But she's kew'
    Mikzers> I'm gonna quote that arse convo Vivi.
    Master_Vivi> On the fact that trying to break into Phoenix's property is dangerous
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  4. #64


    As I was reading som threads I can across this :

    "Up and down and up and down and you get paid. Yay."

    Yes, Linus, We know what you want to be when you grow up. >_<

  5. #65
    the salt of the earth Ally's Avatar
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    lol internet


    TheAlly> The Matt is The Ally's sister!
    TheAlly> Err
    TheAlly> *dies*

    Wait what.

  6. #66
    ☆carrot☆ Linus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2000


    Good one, Nikki.

    That folks, is definitely OUT of context. =D

  7. #67
    I've Seen Things Rydia of Mist's Avatar
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    loony_bob: *still can't believe Chicky has a street-number in the ten-thousands*
    rydiofmist_ff: That's another of the things you wrote about.
    loony_bob: O_O freaky...
    loony_bob: As you may tell, my memory SUCKS.
    loony_bob: ...actually, no, it doesn't suck. It doesn't have a mouth at all. Never mind.

    * Rydia_of_Mist hugs Matt and squishes him all up.
    * Matt feels all warm and gooey
    * Rydia_of_Mist takes the Gooey Matt and spreads him on toast.
    * Matt is on toast

  8. #68
    This is England
    Papa Waigo
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    Default Me and Robb...

    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    I thought you kinda looked like that
    ViperRT/10 says:
    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    cept my mental image you had a shaved head O_O
    ViperRT/10 says:
    What? Cute and outrageously sexy?
    ViperRT/10 says:
    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    Maybe in Jo's mind yes
    ViperRT/10 says:
    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    i don't think i'll be calling you Cute and outrageously sexy anytime soon
    ViperRT/10 says:
    aw.. Too bad xD
    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    scratch that
    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    *uses it*
    ViperRT/10 says:
    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    ViperRT/10 says:
    Down boy xD
    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    sorry, i can't help myself
    ViperRT/10 says:
    Who couldn't?
    My mom got arrested for drink driving. says:
    Ummm....don't ask me questions i can't answer
    ViperRT/10 says:

  9. #69


    * Kildarre throws a tiny rock at Wyl.
    *** BlkKnight|away is now known as BlkKnight
    < Beowulf > WB
    < Beowulf > BrB
    *** Wyllius has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

    I'm over there! *points* See?

  10. #70
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Loony_BoB: Meanybum.
    Kalenisis: My bum is mean?
    Kalenisis: *spanks herself* Bad bum!
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #71
    Ten-Year Vet Recognized Member Kawaii Ryűkishi's Avatar
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    * Chickencha is reminded of something a kid once said to try and insult him in 4th grade.
    <Chickencha> He said "Your mom doesn't have a dick!" He was dead serious and trying to insult me, and I just about died laughing.

  12. #72
    angel's Avatar
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    this one is nice

    [9:38am]«@ Del_Snizz» Yeah, you have to do some insertin' every now and then.

    another day :

    [8:01pm] «@ Rydia_of_Mist» Yes.
    [8:01pm] « Ashley » Yes.
    [8:01pm] «Angel» yes ....
    [8:01pm] «@ Rydia_of_Mist» YES!!!
    Last edited by angel; 09-03-2001 at 08:58 AM.

  13. #73
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    Fun fun which happened this morning. (poor Angel took it so seriously =P)

    Kishi Edit: Holy cats, Mik. What did the woman say?
    Originally posted by Rydia of Mist
    However, try to keep them fairly short. Nobody really likes reading through piles and piles of chatlog. Seriously.
    Yeah, that was it.

    Anyone who wants to read Mik's hellaciously long "quote" can do so here.
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  14. #74
    Good luck. And Godspeed. bossker's Avatar
    Join Date
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    I've moved on to another place.


    Good 'ol Ramon was on his way to bed, when Bossker felt a little frisky....

    * Bossker|AWAY taps Wasubu on the ass, "Dream of me, oui?"
    * Bossker|AWAY winks
    * Wasubu Faints
    < Wasubu> You're a good ass-tapper
    < Wasubu>
    * Wasubu Inches his face close to Bosskers
    * Bossker frenches Ramon
    * Wasubu Hails the ground
    < Wasubu> I love you too Bossker
    < Wasubu> Well that makes me fell warm and fuzzy
    < Bossker> Wasubu, are you a moron in a cage?
    < Wasubu> No.
    < Bossker> Moron on the loose! MORON ON THE LOOSE!
    < Bossker> Your the styoopidest BASTARD i've evah met!
    < Bossker> You are the weakest link. Goodbye!

    *Note- My last few quotes are copyright of Sat. Night Live, a bloody great T.V. show.
    Don't ya just love EoFF?

    "How can you not know the greatest member known as Bossker?!" ~Rirse
    "How can you not like bossker!? Bossker's a hottie! "~Ayame
    "Bossker's my dad."~Mikitzsu

  15. #75
    Magic Hotdog BlkKnight's Avatar
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    Anywhere I can have perfect hair forever


    [15:54] * Master_Vivi slaughters Wyll
    [15:54] < Master_Vivi> Who said that ?
    [15:55] * Lord-of-Homework is just over 2 feet high.
    [15:55] * Master_Vivi grabs his spear
    [15:55] * Wyllius grabs his Sword
    [15:55] * Lord-of-Homework grabs his books.
    [15:55] < Master_Vivi> En Garde!
    [15:55] * Master_Vivi takes a defensive position
    [15:55] < Lord-of-Homework> En who was the first Australian Prime Minister!?
    [15:56] < Lord-of-Homework> -Arde.
    [15:56] < Wyllius> Jimbob
    [15:56] < Rydia_of_Mist> Billy-bub.
    [15:56] < Lord-of-Homework> You rang?
    [15:56] < Lord-of-Homework> Billy-Sue.
    [15:57] < Master_Vivi> Loony BoB ?
    [15:57] < Wyllius> Luuny Boob
    Do the la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-lalaaa-laa-lada!

    Everything you wanted to know about my RPGs and more.

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