The Totally Unfunny, Totally Unoriginal Party

I think 1% of the forums will actually get what I'm trying to say here. Successful elections strategy or what? But if you can't even make fun of yourself from time to time...

Hello friends! I am Psychotic, leader of the Totally Unfunny, Totally Unoriginal (TUTU) Party! A simple question:

If you find something witty, clever, original, funny, or just generally worth reading or saying, what do you do?

A) Only use it the one time - any more and it becomes stale.
B) Use it here and there.
C) There is no C.
D) Run the damned thing into the ground again and again, because that way it'll never get old!

If you answered D, then TUTU is the party for you! If you answered C, you are very handsome, and are already a member of this party.

Policies and Beliefs

Hating George W. Bush

It is TUTU's firm belief that by constantly insulting that idiot George W. Bush, he will finally realise that "Hey, internet people hate me!" and resign. He has done a terrible job as president, doing such things as:

- Starting a war
- Starting a different war
- Being stupid
- Killing liberty!

BUSH OUT! BUSH OUT! smurf democracy!

Chuck Norris Facts

The very height of wit. Chuck Norris once played baseball then the baseball ran away because it was too scared to be hit by him! HAHA! Chuck Norris once kicked a ship then the ship sunk because Chuck Norris is strong! HEHE! Chuck Norris once sneezed and then in a possibly related incident several endangered turtles died! HOHO!

Calling people Emo

See that kid over there? He likes the colour black and wears goofy glasses. He's an emo! GET HIM! Hey, see that girl over there? She likes writing angsty poetry. She's an emo! GET HER! Hey, see that guy over there? He's crying because his parents, sister, grandparents, girlfriend and dog were all killed in a car crash. (it was a big car) He's an emo! GET HIM! Anyone who does not show signs of being happy 24/7 is officially emo, and will be ostracised accordingly.


Ok so like there's this picture of an owl and it has internet shorthand on it and it's funny because it's funny! And then there are even more owls with internet shorthand and that's also funny! O RLY. YA RLY. NO WAI. STFU FAG.

OMFG!!!11 lol!!!!111

OMG!!!1111 Omfg dis is so hilarious!!!11 and ironic!!!111!!! lolz u luk DUMB now!!!!!1111111!!!11111 HAHAHAAHAHA I AM SO FUNY!!!1111!!11!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!11!!11!11oneoneoneoneoneone!!11!!111!!11eleven!!!!!1111!

Posting chatlogs everywhere

<Psychotic> Haha you guys, check this out: SOMETHING FUNNY!
<kikimm> xD
<Doomie|Away|Trains|Stuff> xDDDDD
<Doomie|Away|Trains|Stuff> Psy you should totally post that on the forums!
<kikimm> Yeah, everyone on there will find it hilarious! They'll be glad that you did!
<Psychotic> Okay, I'm sure it won't lose its incredible humour out of context!

The slaughter of all who do not use correct "grammer".

The Internet, home of many young people and persons from different lands where English isn't the first language, such as Germany or Canada (HAHA WE MADE A CANADA JOKE! Cutting edge of humour or what?), has lots of people who can't FREAKING SPELL. These excuses are unacceptable. The internet is an extremely formal place, where nothing but the most perfect grammar should be tolerated. Violators will be exterminated and/or mocked.

More people need to win, fail, and pwn! WIN THE THREAD! WIN THE INTERNET! WIN THE SOOPAHBOWL!

I need not regail you with why this is so superb, instead, allow me to provide you with some examples: TUTU win the internet. The other parties fail. pwned. It won't get old for at least 20! (20 what?)

Members (aka the few who aren't offended in some way)


This is the main TUTU banner:


Other banners you might want to use are featured above in the policies!

(Let's just say this is what having a laptop on a train journey does to a person)