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Thread: Farplane,,,,,

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    some where in Oregon


    How long does it take you to get through the path to the farplane and fight, Shiva, Mega sisters, and anima?????

    It took me at least 20 minutes to llik Shiva. about 30 minutes to kill the megas sisters and well 20 minutes to kill anima the second time.

    [edit-- please don't double post:] -rubah]

  2. #2
    Yuna_wannabe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in your bed cause thats where its at


    It took me ruffly 5 to get to shiva 10 to get to the Megas siters and about 20 to get to Anima. All together i was through with the farplane bit in about,40 minutes. IT all depends on which entrance(s) you use

  3. #3


    It's actually a pretty easy part.

    In fact,those dragons you fight in those portals are harder than Shiva.

  4. #4
    STILL Anti Balthier Setzer Gabianni's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Hull, East Yorkshire, England


    I must have spent at the most, 10 minutes on each monster. Used the same combo nearly every time. 2 Dark Knights + White Mage.

    Quote Renmiri on FFXII
    I bitch about the game a lot, mainly for the lack of story and weak characters, but it is still the best of the series out there.
    She loves it more then X!

  5. #5


    Easy enough. Bout half an hour.
    The last words of Oscar Wilde, to the wallpaper in his room - "One of us has to go"

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