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Thread: Adels Powers

  1. #1
    Phoenix King The Last Oath's Avatar
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    Default Adels Powers

    Sorcress powers have to be passed on. Edea's were passed onto Rinoa, Rinoas were carried across generations to Ultemchia and then Ultemchia's reached Edea again. Im not 100% sure but i think Adel got hers from someone else like in the tutorial it has info on the 1st ever sorcerer. But when Squall and co killed Adel were her powers passed on?Or did they jusr freeze her back and chuck her back into space?

  2. #2


    Adel gave her powers to Rinoa before dying in the Lunatic Pandora. As for where Adel got her powers from, we are never told, but it's not really important.

    The first sorceress you speak of is Hyne, but Adel certainly didn't get her powers from him/her, as Hyne left the arena ages ago.

  3. #3
    Phoenix King The Last Oath's Avatar
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    I thought Rinoa got her powers from Edea, thats why the estharians wanted to lock her up and that was before they were in Lunatic Pandora, thats why ultemchia was able to control rinoa because she had edeas powers. Can a sorecrer recieve powers when they are already a sorcerss?

  4. #4


    Yes, they can. Remember in the ending, when Ultimecia gives her powers to Edea. Well, if you remember, Edea says that she's already a sorceress, even before getting those powers. Anyway, when Laguna explains his plan, one of the vital parts is that Rinoa should take Adels powers.

    True, Esthar wanted to lock Rinoa up after she got Edeas powers, but you fight Adel after Rinoa is released from Tears Point.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Bahamut
    The first sorceress you speak of is Hyne, but Adel certainly didn't get her powers from him/her, as Hyne left the arena ages ago.
    Who is actually a sorcerer. Which has made me wonder, why are there only sorceresses later on?
    You don't hear the symphony I hear...

  6. #6


    Actually, I AM in fact correct in calling Hyne a sorceress.
    From the Tutorial:

    The Great Hyne
    Creator of mankind, and believed to be the first sorceress. Calling a
    sorceress the Great Hyne's descendant shows great respect.

    What you should be wondering about is Hynes gender, because although he is clearly called a sorceress, he is elsewhere referred to as 'he'. Chances are, since Hyne was creator of mankind and all, that 'he' didn't really have a specific gender, but was dubbed the first sorceress, because only women were capable of holding 'his' powers.

  7. #7
    Banned The Devourer Of Worlds's Avatar
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    Well, Hyne would have been called a 'Witch' in the Japanese version, and since witches can be male or female this would have been perfectly acceptable. The problem lies in the fact that 'Witch' was translated to 'Sorceress'; a gender specific word.

  8. #8
    official beerpong champ Stayin Dizzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Devourer Of Worlds
    Well, Hyne would have been called a 'Witch' in the Japanese version, and since witches can be male or female this would have been perfectly acceptable. The problem lies in the fact that 'Witch' was translated to 'Sorceress'; a gender specific word.
    Actual a witch is a female. Males are refered to as Wizards

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  9. #9
    ♥ Italian Princess ♥ *~Angel Wing~*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Bahamut
    What you should be wondering about is Hynes gender, because although he is clearly called a sorceress, he is elsewhere referred to as 'he'. Chances are, since Hyne was creator of mankind and all, that 'he' didn't really have a specific gender, but was dubbed the first sorceress, because only women were capable of holding 'his' powers.
    Good point.

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  10. #10
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    Quote Originally Posted by Daryn
    Actual a witch is a female. Males are refered to as Wizards
    Or a Sorcerer

  11. #11
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daryn
    Actual a witch is a female. Males are refered to as Wizards
    Wrong. A male would be called a warlock.

    Traditionally, witches and warlocks are people who use magic for evil purposes. Sorcerers, enchanters, and wizards all use magics for different purposes and in different ways.
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    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  12. #12
    Card Queen Qurange's Avatar
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    Actually, just to add to the chain, it is in fact correct to call a male or a female witch a witch. But Adel probably did take her powers from someone else; personally, I don't think that we saw all the Sorceresses in the world, but only the most powerful.I'm sure that there were some weaker Sorceresses, or some crafty ones, that managed to hide themselves from the likes of Adel and Ultimecia. But, that's a different thing.

  13. #13
    Recognized Member TheAbominatrix's Avatar
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    witch -
    # A woman claiming or popularly believed to possess magical powers and practice sorcery.
    warlock -
    A male witch, sorcerer, wizard, or demon.
    There, just to get this back on track instead of arguing the semantics of the word.

  14. #14


    A good point, but the original Japanese word was not actually gender specific. It translates best into witch or warlock, but has no bias towards either.

  15. #15
    Recognized Member TheAbominatrix's Avatar
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    You're right there. I just figured some definitions would help for those arguing the male equivilant to a witch and whether or not witch is gender biased.

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