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Thread: Favorite Final Fantasy VIII Couple?

  1. #46


    That's a really good point...I never thought about that.

    But can anyone explain to me the Seifer/Quistis concept? I really can't see it. My favorite couple: Seifer x Me. lol jk.

  2. #47
    Card Queen Qurange's Avatar
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    The thing about Zell and Quistis is that they'd have to overcome the power differential--right now, Zell still calls Quistis 'Instructor'--they aren't on the same level, really, though that could change. I prefer them as friends.

    With Seifer and Quistis, people usually take the angle that they're both outsiders--Quistis is being pushed out, and Seifer, now that he's free, isn't really /evil/, he's just Seifer. There's a lot of arguing, but 'opposites attract', according to the theory. I don't usually like it, but it can actually work.

  3. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by xXthedarkestlightXx
    Just out of curiousity..the "traditional" couples are usually Squall/Rinoa, Selphie/Irvine and Seifer/Quistis...but I really can't see Seifer and Quistis together. I just can't.

    Meanwhile, Rinoa still annoys me...I don't understand how Squall's able to deal with her...

    Poor love interest...err...except the pigtail girl.

    And I like Selphie and Irvine, but I like Selphie with any of the main FFVIII characters. (shrug)
    hmm, that's gonna be hard. Oh wait, Squall and Rinoa. but I liked Selphie n Irvine.

  4. #49


    SeiferxZell forever and ever and ever!!!!
    (Best story potential I think)

    No Squall and Laguna fans then?

  5. #50


    I'm a Squall x Laguna fan! Lol I know it's weird, but I don't think Squall would ever see Laguna as a father, because he's never been there for all the times Matron was there, so if anything, she's more of a Dad.

    As for a fave couple for FF8, there are only yaoi and yuri ones I can read. I cant seem to stomach FF8 het right now. My faves are Zell x Squall (obviously), Zell x Irvine, Selphie x Quistis, I don't really like Seifer all that much though so he isn't in there, sorry!
    Last edited by zell_and_squall_have_***; 08-26-2006 at 09:46 PM. Reason: spelling error oopsie

  6. #51


    Squall - Rinoa. I can't see Squall with anyone else, except for Seifer in a completely different context.
    Selphie - Irvine. Irvine and not Zell, because I thought Selphie and Irvine had better chemistry. Zell and Squall seemed more like big brothers to Selphie. Plus in the ending video Selphie is wearing a cowgirl hat, which matches well with Irvine's cowboy outfit.
    Zell - random school girl.
    Quistis - Seifer. Quistis is serious, quiet, strong, and smart. Seifer is loud, sort of obnoxious, and impulsive. It never could have worked between Squall and Quistis, and Seifer and Quistis just look good together.
    Raijin - Fujin
    Edea - Cid. I could be mistaken, but wasn't Cid with Edea in the ending footage?

  7. #52


    Quifer, Squinoa. All the rest I could care less.

    But Zell and Zell sounds VERY promising.

  8. #53
    Banned ~SapphireStar~'s Avatar
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    I always wanted Selphie and Zell to pair up. Mainly because they look like me and my ex, but because they are bubbly and hyper, they just look so better suited for each other. So Quistis and Irvine are better suited cause they act older then the others.

  9. #54


    Rinoa/Ultimecia, Edea/Ultimecia, Quistis/Ultimecia, Selphie/Ultimecia, Xu/Ultimecia, Fujin/Ultimecia.
    Hell, Ultimecia is the main villain of the game, and is very HOT, but no one write any lemon fanfic with her! This is so annoying!

  10. #55
    Banned Lilliputian Hitcher's Avatar
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    Any non-consensual coupling with a Malboro has my vote.

  11. #56


    1. Squall and Rinoa
    2. Laguna and Raine
    3. Selphie and Irvine
    4. Zell and Xu (just say it.)
    5. (calm) Seifer and Quistis

    Let's face it. Square loves the opposites attract theory.
    Squall=Closed, keeps to himself and quiet.
    Rinoa=Loud, obnoxious (in a good way), and open.
    The whole theory of Yin and Yang work beautifully in the FF couples. Even the other games have the same thing.
    If your not living on the edge then you are taking up too much room.

  12. #57
    MS Guardian Heero Yuy NWZC's Avatar
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    Hmm, I've been gone for quite some time from the forums outside the RPs. I go with Squall and Rinoa, of course. The falling in love seems cliche, but I like the idea.

  13. #58


    I'll make a list...a one froma blonde! WARNING: MAY SOUND CONFUSING!! I have a piccy in my profile thingy!!

    Squall - With Rinoa, o' course!

    Quistis: Seifer. Opposites attract. He's loud, obnoxous, and...funny! Quisis is serious, mature, and...Quistis!
    He could teach Quistis to loosen up and have more fun and she can keep Seifer out of trouble. [I am a makor Seiftis fan!! XD]

    Raijin - Fujin. Don't know what you think!

    Edea - Cid; they're married of course!!

    Zell - Selphie. Irvine and Selphie most likey won't wok out. Irvine would probly cheat on Selphie or maybe the other way around!!

    Irvine - Garden ladies! Oh yeah..

    Laguna - RAINE!! That would be sick if he had Rinoa with Julia cause Laguna had Squall with Raine. Ew, if that happened, Squall and Rinoa would have to break up.
    I've seen Lagulia fans!! [Don't laugh at the name I just made up!!}

    It feels like I'm missing someone...cept Xu

  14. #59
    I junctioned your GF ;) BardTard's Avatar
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    How I think they should be:

    She seems really boycrazy to me and like she'd put out for any guy who'd date her, and that would work out just dandy for Irvine's crazy hormones!

    Selphie likes him. And he's a nice guy. With pretty hair and a gun. I think they'd be really cute together. Even if Laguna is kind of old for her.

    I would have said Squall+Zell but that definitely would not work out cus he's so whiny and when they break up he'd go cry to his mommy. Squall+Quistis=hott!!! She's not as needy and demanding as Rinoa so he doesn't have to save her all the time.

    this one is a joke but I think it would be funny. lol
    Zell: "Aww man, they're all out of hot dogs again."
    Seifer: "That's okay, you can have MY hot dog."

  15. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by ~Rikku's_Lover~ View Post

    this one is a joke but I think it would be funny. lol
    Zell: "Aww man, they're all out of hot dogs again."
    Seifer: "That's okay, you can have MY hot dog."

    Eeek!!! Quistis should say that instead!! But that was funny...


    this one is a joke but I think it would be funny. lol
    Quistis: "Aww man, they're all out of hot dogs again."
    Seifer: "That's okay, you can have MY hot dog."
    Zell: *Thinks* Damn it! Seifer's not gay and why I did I have to a hot dog today?!

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