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Thread: What's so Bad About X-2?

  1. #166


    Quote Originally Posted by Shiny_Griever
    What's so bad about Final Fantasy X-2?
    Just look at the pics below.
    I remember at 4chan seeing pics from the creator (CG) for the charaters for FFX-2. I remember something about on one of his hentai DVD's having pics of all three girls!

    smurfing hell.. that is nasty. I can understand Kimhari and Freya (FFIX) getting it on and Freya pics in Furchan. I also can understand doujin about the characters, that's not stoppable. but really, do we need X-2 pron from the producer of the SG art for the game?

    I agree Yuna and Rikku were sluts, I sometimes thinnk Paine wanted to dom both of them at once as the reason she was on the Celsius.

    And I'm not sharing or pointing out how to get the pics. Please don't ask.

  2. #167


    all three are lesbos i think (yuna is bi)

  3. #168
    Banned ~SapphireStar~'s Avatar
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    all three are lesbos i think (yuna is bi)
    What sort of a post is that? If you have nothing constructive to say, dont say anything.

    I personally seen nothing wrong with this game. I really enjoyed it. The only thing that annoyed me was Brother.

  4. #169


    I can have my opinions so bug off

  5. #170
    Banned ~SapphireStar~'s Avatar
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    No I wont and you call that an opinion? Nothing to it at all, just a childish comment.

  6. #171


    Yes I do, would you like me to show you the definition of "opinion" so i can prove you wrong? Saying something is childish is YOUR opinion. Like in my opinion "walk the Line" was a piss poor movie, but that doesnt mean i can call you a retard for liking it.

  7. #172
    permanently mitten
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    PontiusPilate, don't tell other members to "bug off". It's rude and unacceptable.

    ~SapphireStar~, stop commenting on posts that you find rude. Let the CKs handle it. Your post was just as unnecessary as PontiusPilate's.

    Both of you cut it out right now.

  8. #173

    Default I KNOW!

    I know! Everybody is like "I cant believe they made a sequal it sucked so much" I admit it wasn't as good as the first one, but it was good, i like it a lot.

  9. #174
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Mainly the story and the behaviour of those three girls.

  10. #175


    The math mini-game makes me want to choke small animals to relieve the stress. I hate you Shinra! You and your math can die!

    Other then that,the story and overall "TEE-HEE" of it all may not be the greatest the series has, but it's not all bad. I enjoyed it enough. I just think of it like a huge party through Spira and I'm good. But I only paid 15 bucks for it not 50 so I'm less bitter then most.

  11. #176
    Roger Dodger Ruskies's Avatar
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    Nothing is wrong with X-2 as long as you liked FFX and its awesome heartbreaking story. Its not the best FF but its different and I thought it was a lot of fun to take a break from turn base battle. Its even more fun if you can get the perfect ending. O and dresspheres are totally hott.

  12. #177
    おいしいですね。 Leen-Leen's Avatar
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    Well ... some things i didnt like about X-2 was:
    a. the background music
    b. some of the missions were kinda boring
    ehh there might be others but those are the main things ...

    but the things that rocked:
    a. the way you could change dresspheres
    b. real Emotion ... 1000 Words
    and there IS others i just can't think of any right now ...

    but personally, i liked 10 better. but X-2 was pretty good.


  13. #178


    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoldenChocobo
    Quote Originally Posted by Yliette
    -Brother is a bisexual moron.
    A bisexual moron who fancies his cousin!!! ...eeewwwww!!!
    Actually in Asian culture,(chinese,japanese..)it's okay to marry ur mother-side's cousin(your mother's sister/brother's son or daughter)

    Only one cannot marry Father-side's cousin because they are considered with blood ties.

    About sex's not new in the history of video games,Dead or alive beach volleyball......King of Fighters.......
    even in the final fantasy series.
    Look at Tifa,extremely short miniskirt,oversized boobs.....isnt this way more provocative than Yuna's outfit?
    In old school FF,u even have character sprites without cloth covering their ass.....
    Nothing wrong actually using girls to attract customers,as long as they dont go too far.Besides,there isnt any nudity or sex scenes in FFX-2,and the three girls just wear like a girl would when going for a party nowadays.I dont think there is anything wrong with one teenage girl to wear hotpants and tube,nor it is inappropriate to wearing a bikini either.
    You want the real sex appeal?Well u might as well try out God of War and Metal Gear Solid 3...There is the REAL sex element featuring inappropriate obscure love-making scenes.Now that is what i call to attract male customers.
    Last edited by SephiRave; 06-06-2006 at 04:56 AM.

  14. #179
    seyuripa Rikku X-2's Avatar
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    I love everything in it, but Final Fantasy VII AC I hated everything about it

    credits go to atlanteay for making this cool sig for me

  15. #180
    What You Say? Recognized Member BG-57's Avatar
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    IMO, the biggest failure was of tone. Had it not been a sequel it wouldn't have been a problem. The world of FFX was one of hope against adversity and despair, with occasional moments of levity. The world of FFX-2 was mainly silly with occasional moments of seriousness. The transition was jarring, to say the least (Yuna as an idol singer?!?).

    Almost all the characters from X seemed diminished in X-2. Except maybe Rin and Cid, who remained more true to their original characters. Perhaps that why I liked the original X-2 characters more than X characters that carried over. Especially Leblanc and Gippal. They were conceived in this world so they fit in better with it.

    It's not a fatal flaw, but it really interfered with my enjoyment with the game. I liked the idea of changing classes and the battles were fun, as were the sidequests like Gunner's Gauntlet and Sphere Break. Also I would have liked to see the Shuyin/Lenne story explored more. I didn't regret playing FFX-2, but I still wonder if it should have been made in the first place.

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