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Thread: What's so Bad About X-2?

  1. #106
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    I find it amusing how so many people in this thread don't know what the words "slut", "whore", "prostitute", "smut", or "porn" mean.

    I guess that either I missed all the sex scenes in FFX-2, or there's a remarkable amount of unintelligence and hyperbole here.
    You did. If you put FFX-2 in your computer, and opened up the files, you would find a small folder called "Hyperbole", and another one named "symbolic of what Square sold themselves to do to make this game". Long folder name, wierd too. Maybe it means something, or are you incapable of being able to read what is sarcasm, and what is symbolism. Hyperbole isn't a bad thing. Even Jesus used hyperbole. The writer of Daniel wrote about the Greeks without actually referring to them in name. It's a small method people use when they know they will get in trouble for naming names.

    there is nothing nasty in this game at all i am 100% sure if this was tifa nobody would complain because most people who are making fun of the "softcore" are those that watch and ****off to real porn
    Now which porn are you talking about? Hardcore or softcore, because there's a difference, and if you didn't know that, then stop using the word "porn" as if you knew what it meant.

    No one should complain about Tifa and softcore, because you never see her wear anything LESS than what she wears normally, which isn't all that revealing. (The implied sex is completely blacked out, and concealed, so therefore, it cannot be judged traditionally). Now I could complain about the OC with all the "less than softcore" softcore, but unlike X-2, it is used responsibly. Sex has consequences. The worst consequence in FFX-2 is how to stop idiots from talking, and asking God to bring people back people from the dead. (in this case, the non-existing, and the from the non-existant)

    In the ACTUAL prostitution scene (VII), not the symbolized one (X-2), she wears MORE than what she wears normally. But the difference is, you can complain about Tifa's breast size and complete moron-acy. FFX established that Yuna and Rikku are NOT idiots. X-2 played them like they were.

    Or have you considered that the people who do, are trying to protect others from corruptive influences? We complain because we know EXACTLY what it is, and despite what has happened to them, they are still willing to keep others from viewing it because it will poison their mind forever.

    OFF TOPIC: Has anyone actually BOTHERED to read the entirety of my posts? I think the original question has already been answered, and yet, people are forcing others to go on as though it weren't.

  2. #107
    Banned Death Penalty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tavrobel
    I find it amusing how so many people in this thread don't know what the words "slut", "whore", "prostitute", "smut", or "porn" mean.

    I guess that either I missed all the sex scenes in FFX-2, or there's a remarkable amount of unintelligence and hyperbole here.
    You did. If you put FFX-2 in your computer, and opened up the files, you would find a small folder called "Hyperbole", and another one named "symbolic of what Square sold themselves to do to make this game". Long folder name, weird too. Maybe it means something, or are you incapable of being able to read what is sarcasm, and what is symbolism. Hyperbole isn't a bad thing. Even Jesus used hyperbole. The writer of Daniel wrote about the Greeks without actually referring to them in name. It's a small method people use when they know they will get in trouble for naming names.

    there is nothing nasty in this game at all i am 100% sure if this was tifa nobody would complain because most people who are making fun of the "softcore" are those that watch and ****off to real porn
    Now which porn are you talking about? Hardcore or softcore, because there's a difference, and if you didn't know that, then stop using the word "porn" as if you knew what it meant.

    No one should complain about Tifa and softcore, because you never see her wear anything LESS than what she wears normally, which isn't all that revealing. (The implied sex is completely blacked out, and concealed, so therefore, it cannot be judged traditionally). Now I could complain about the OC with all the "less than softcore" softcore, but unlike X-2, it is used responsibly. Sex has consequences. The worst consequence in FFX-2 is how to stop idiots from talking, and asking God to bring people back people from the dead. (in this case, the non-existing, and the from the non-existant)

    In the ACTUAL prostitution scene (VII), not the symbolized one (X-2), she wears MORE than what she wears normally. But the difference is, you can complain about Tifa's breast size and complete moron-acy. FFX established that Yuna and Rikku are NOT idiots. X-2 played them like they were.

    Or have you considered that the people who do, are trying to protect others from corruptive influences? We complain because we know EXACTLY what it is, and despite what has happened to them, they are still willing to keep others from viewing it because it will poison their mind forever.

    OFF TOPIC: Has anyone actually BOTHERED to read the entirety of my posts? I think the original question has already been answered, and yet, people are forcing others to go on as though it weren't.
    I read them. I must say Bravo Bravo.

  3. #108


    OH yes so many bad stuff with this game, where should I begin?

    The story itself was lacking, I prefer a deep and mature theme to my books. Yuna and Rikku acted much goofier and kiddier in this game only Paine and Lulu have some sense. It seemed to girly for a game developed and originated by men. There is also the easiest final boss ever in this game. In every FF you should lose to the final boss at least 2 times, I defeated Vegnagun and Shuyin on my 1st try without a struggle. There was also some sidequests that were pointless and blitzball was so off the wall playing it then, they could've made it better.

    In overall there were only 3 good points to it, the unique battle system, the graphics and the artwork and music before the game comes on.

  4. #109


    Symbolized prostitution? Tell me when exactly Yuna or Rikku acted like such complete whores.

  5. #110
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Symbolized prostitution? Tell me when exactly Yuna or Rikku acted like such complete whores.
    You did PLAY the game, right? For that matter, you READ my previous posts, right? Otherwise, I have nothing to say or to add. So tired from having to repeat myself... it BURNS.

  6. #111
    I miss kinje longaway :[ Eiko Guy's Avatar
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    i never said tavrobel that tifa did that but i said if she did not many would care but since its a game that many people bash many will just koin in i even did it once now tavrobel why everytime someone does these types of threads do you say its because they havent played the old games and you singe out final fantasy 6 ive played most of that game and it seemed like most of the game your coasting you never feel the emergency of killing kefka now vegnagun i felt like we needed to destroy it and shuyin like kuja you felt like he was mister big bad kick your ass in a thong in that game

    Fat kids are harder to Kidnap.

  7. #112
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathKnight
    You're sad I think it's time to just let this thread die, it's gone way off topic with the MEDIOCRE bashing of the game from you and Death Penalty and Venom.
    Some of it was constructive criticism. There were some bad points to X-2 and there were some good (although hard to notice). You honestly can't really appreciate a game until you willing to except it's flaws.

  8. #113
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    i never said tavrobel that tifa did that but i said if she did not many would care but since its a game that many people bash many will just koin in i even did it once now tavrobel why everytime someone does these types of threads do you say its because they havent played the old games and you singe out final fantasy 6 ive played most of that game and it seemed like most of the game your coasting you never feel the emergency of killing kefka now vegnagun i felt like we needed to destroy it and shuyin like kuja you felt like he was mister big bad kick your ass in a thong in that game
    I explained why people wouldn't complain about Tifa, if they knew what they were talking about.

    As far as getting people to play FFVI, it's not just VI that people need to play, it is all the others. By one quote alone I can tell if you don't know what you're talking about. I mention VI because that is the one everyone knows about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Random newb
    This game was upbeat compared to all the other FFs.
    Kind of a burn to IIIj and I.
    They were FAR more upbeat than any of the others. No deceit; your enemy is the enemy, and your friend, is your friend. Zande is quite clearly called out, and there are MANY prophecies concerning the Clouds. Chaos is said RIGHT AWAY that he is the enemy. There's no conspiracy, and the darkest cavern you go through is a very clearly illuminated green backdrop, with techno half-beat music. Bevelle underground is barely lit up, has MIST floating all around, the main character has gone EMO, the second main character is now a moronic, dumbass who doesn't know what she's doing and well, for Paine... who knows. You don't even know Vegnagun EXISTS until Chapter 2, and Shuyin until the End of Chapter 3. I was wrong before. SquareEnix DOES have a sense of humor.

    In X-2, there is no emergency. Bringing back Tidus from the dead isn't exactly convincing argument to say that "ohh they had to kill Vegnagun RIGHT AWAY". So when they brought back Tidus, it meant he would come back from death, even worse, non-existence. If that can occur for Tidus, than what fear do Yuna and Rikku have? Not only that, they have a PLAN how to beat Vegnagun.

    VI, VII, IX, even in certain cases, IV and IIj; you HAD to beat the enemy. He only gave you a week to live. In VII e.g., they explicitly state that you have 7 days before Seph will pwn all. The others are rather obvious that the final boss will try to destroy the world as quickly as they can. Yet we are not given a timeframe for Vegnagun? There is no emergency, especially if I can use the game's system against itself.

    I call out VI also because people need to know better. Nothing worse than a fanboy girl who doesn't know what they are talking about. If they can form an opinion, and back it up without name calling, I'll leave them alone, and let them have their time. But instead, I'm getting named called for having a VERY clear and well enough reason for me to dislike X-2. And I'm called the idiot because I can defend myself? What's worse is that I'm winning the argument against 5 people who have done nothing to defend the game. Except eikoguy. You're alright.

    I will concede that we have to kill the bad guy in a thong... it's just not right. If I actually have to watch him and his stupid thong in FMV form, he's dead. Guaranteed. I WANTED Necron to kill me. That way I'd bash Kuja again. And again. And again. Nothing that threatening about a machine that's barely as large as a tank, does nothing, despite being able to do the same damage that Sin does, and is controlled by an even MORE emo character who moans about

    Quote Originally Posted by A summary of Shuyin
    What arrogance. If you're going to complain, back it up. Shuyin doesn't even have an attack that does more than 9999 damage (or anything over 1k for that matter), nor does Vegnagun have an attack that reduces your HP to 1. I didn't even realize my controller wasn't plugged in until I notciced my Alchemist wasn't healing.

    I keep repeating myself, and no one listens. Before you come in going "Yuna/Shuyin isn't emo", then learn what emo is, silly. I could imagine both of them slitting their wrists the way SquareEnix portrayed them as.

  9. #114


    i liked FF-2 but i thought it was too easy you can beat it so many times you could loose count, i liked FFX better it was more of a challenge

  10. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus
    Yeah, there is nothing wrong with X-2, it is the best game ever.
    I hope you were being sarcastic.
    If you've played any of the other FF games, FFX2 doesn't even par-up.
    Leblanc, Logos & Ormi are useless characters.
    The Dressphere was pointless.

    SquareEnix (or SquareSoft.. whatever I don't know) could have done a better job with this game.

  11. #116
    STILL Anti Balthier Setzer Gabianni's Avatar
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    He was being sarcastic, he generally is XD. eiko guy, please use full stops when you're posting, I can never understand what you are saying >.<

    Quote Renmiri on FFXII
    I bitch about the game a lot, mainly for the lack of story and weak characters, but it is still the best of the series out there.
    She loves it more then X!

  12. #117
    I miss kinje longaway :[ Eiko Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tavrobel
    I find it amusing how so many people in this thread don't know what the words "slut", "whore", "prostitute", "smut", or "porn" mean.

    I guess that either I missed all the sex scenes in FFX-2, or there's a remarkable amount of unintelligence and hyperbole here.
    You did. If you put FFX-2 in your computer, and opened up the files, you would find a small folder called "Hyperbole", and another one named "symbolic of what Square sold themselves to do to make this game". Long folder name, weird too. Maybe it means something, or are you incapable of being able to read what is sarcasm, and what is symbolism. Hyperbole isn't a bad thing. Even Jesus used hyperbole. The writer of Daniel wrote about the Greeks without actually referring to them in name. It's a small method people use when they know they will get in trouble for naming names.

    there is nothing nasty in this game at all i am 100% sure if this was tifa nobody would complain because most people who are making fun of the "softcore" are those that watch and ****off to real porn
    Now which porn are you talking about? Hardcore or softcore, because there's a difference, and if you didn't know that, then stop using the word "porn" as if you knew what it meant.

    No one should complain about Tifa and softcore, because you never see her wear anything LESS than what she wears normally, which isn't all that revealing. (The implied sex is completely blacked out, and concealed, so therefore, it cannot be judged traditionally). Now I could complain about the OC with all the "less than softcore" softcore, but unlike X-2, it is used responsibly. Sex has consequences. The worst consequence in FFX-2 is how to stop idiots from talking, and asking God to bring people back people from the dead. (in this case, the non-existing, and the from the non-existant)

    In the ACTUAL prostitution scene (VII), not the symbolized one (X-2), she wears MORE than what she wears normally. But the difference is, you can complain about Tifa's breast size and complete moron-acy. FFX established that Yuna and Rikku are NOT idiots. X-2 played them like they were.

    Or have you considered that the people who do, are trying to protect others from corruptive influences? We complain because we know EXACTLY what it is, and despite what has happened to them, they are still willing to keep others from viewing it because it will poison their mind forever.

    OFF TOPIC: Has anyone actually BOTHERED to read the entirety of my posts? I think the original question has already been answered, and yet, people are forcing others to go on as though it weren't.
    i know the difference between hard and softcore fyi and there is no part that constitutes porn the special dressphere is the closest and paine and rikku dont get a dress like yuna does but that is okay it is still not porn

    Fat kids are harder to Kidnap.

  13. #118
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    Tavrobel, you can debate without personally attacking other members and inferring that they are stupid. Please do so or do not post at all.

  14. #119
    The Last Ray of Hope Kalinda's Avatar
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    Okay... I'm just gonna reply. I don't feel like readin through the entire thread worth of bashing and arguments about what makes a good RPG. I do feel the need to add my opinion, though.

    Actually, a problem with a thread such as this is that, in the end, whether you like the game or not is all down to opinion. And I don't think anyone is going to make me stop loving the game with a few nice arguments.

    That aside, I'll admit it's not perfect. Yeah, sometimes it was cheesy, silly even. But it was also amusing. And it managed to make me cry on two occasions (the end and the 1000 Words concert).

    The story, which I really do like, could have been fleshed out more. More information about Lenne and Shuyin could've been provided, for one, and some of the plot holes might've also been filled (was Shuyin really living inside Nooj for two years? Why didn't he act sooner? Did he not always have total control?). Things like that.

    But, few shortcomings aside, it's fun to be able to play it over and over and skip certain events because there's so much freedom. I think part of what FF IS is trying new stuff; Square is always changing the battle systems, throwing in new stuff and whatnot. I don't see why that can't be the same with story-telling. You STILL had to save the world, which seems to be an important part of all the games. It just wasn't mega-epic like the others. Oh, well.

    Anyway.. what I really wanted to say... and maybe someone said it before me.. but...

    Perhaps I am a minority, an exception even, but I HAVE played old school. I've played FF6 and I loved it to bits. In fact I played it BEFORE I played 10-2. And it didn't change my outlook of 10-2 one little bit. I love them both. Sure, 6 is better, but that's not the point.

    So saying that the only people who like 10-2 are the new gen fans is incorrect. I am a fan of both gens. I haven't played ALL the games from old school or new gen yet, but I have every intention of doing so. I'm most looking forward to FF4, it sounds really good. So let's not make such sweeping generalizations, okay?

    Oh.. one more thing - I find all this "they look like sluts" stuff to be extremely childish. It seems to be the token argument used by people who haven't played the game. And it has little to no bearing on how good the game is or isn't. Plus the concept is not new to video games, therefore I think it matters little. Everyone's just complaining because this game has an all-female cast. But really, what difference does it make? They have somewhat skimpy outfits; big freakin deal. It might matter if they ACTED like sluts, but do they? No. So grow up. Honestly.
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    Haven't played the others yet, working on it :P

  15. #120


    Wait a minute Tavrobel, I'm confused. Is Yuna a prostitute or emo?

    Or there's the more likely option: that she just changes into different cliches to fit your arguments, despite your complete lack of in-game evidence.

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