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Thread: What's so Bad About X-2?

  1. #1
    I miss kinje longaway :[ Eiko Guy's Avatar
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    Default What's so Bad About X-2?

    i generally liked it the upbeat game broke the final fantasy cycle of being all sad all the time killing the final boss and instantly being happy evevthough they still have to rebuild half of the world( im talking to you ff9) whats bad about this game

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  2. #2
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I agree. I have no idea why most people don't like it. I liked (or even loved) the game. It was just... free. I liked the whole "Charlies Angels" atmosphere, and heck, I LOVED the concerts (Jen's 1000 Words RULEZ)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The game, in my opinion, rocks (just like nay other FF), only in a slightly different way. It all depends on ones taste.

  3. #3


    To me nothings wrong with they game, everyone says that FFX-2 is a girly game ><
    what do you expect?, YuRiPa becoming guys in the middle of the game or something?

  4. #4
    Banned The Devourer Of Worlds's Avatar
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    There is nothing exceedingly wrong with the game, it's just the little things that get on your nerves a little. Ok, a lot. There are a lot of lame ‘one liners’ and poorly thought out dialogue that kills the feel on occasion. Otherwise, the storyline is decent, the game play is fantastic (except for the fact that they concentrated all of the difficulty into one dungeon), the insane amount of side quests are for the most part entertaining and the non-linear feel exponentially increases the replay value. Apart from the travesty that is '1000 no Kotoba', the music was decent, even though it would have been nice to hear some traditional FF themes in there somewhere (are they EVER going to bring back the prologue/ending theme?)

    No where near as terrible as it’s made out to be, although certainly not as good as FFX.

  5. #5


    I don't like the woredrobe.
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  6. #6
    Banned The Devourer Of Worlds's Avatar
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    Really? I thought it was rather clever the way the modernized the classic jobs.

  7. #7
    IceAngel's Avatar
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    I thought the game was alright but I personally preferred ffX. This is because most of the game seemed to revolve around how good the girls looked. ie 'dressup'. Again, I didn't hate the game but I thought square had gone a bit too far into making the characters more girly. Some points I expected a sleepover to be the next mission. Not all though.

  8. #8
    STILL Anti Balthier Setzer Gabianni's Avatar
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    Bad points:

    - It was girly. Only being able to use girls was either A) For the perverted males B) Or for the girly girls. I am not included in either point A or B.
    - Too easy. How lame the last bosses were.
    -Pointless sidequests. Clasko anyone?
    - Yuna being an attention whore - all the game was about her getting a bigger ego boost and looking for her lover boy.

    - Dresspheres were good
    - Gippal, Baralai and Nooj were scrummylicious.
    -I liked the whole New Yevon + Youth League rivalry.

    Quote Renmiri on FFXII
    I bitch about the game a lot, mainly for the lack of story and weak characters, but it is still the best of the series out there.
    She loves it more then X!

  9. #9


    I shall begin my FF X-2 rant.

    First off a lot of people said it was easy. I can't veryfiy this since i finished only a few misisons before the game started to piss me off. The maps seemed almost exactly like X's, and while I must admit it be wierd if they were completly different since its the same world so not avery valid point. The dialoge was crap. The three main girls were annoying as hell, the dressphere system irked me. Very much so. Don't know why but it did. And since I don't feel like using spoiler text right now i will just warn you. You go throught the game a few times to get 100% story doing all this stupid tedius tasks listening to all the crap dialogue and stupid characters just so you can get a whiney annoying blonde dude who doesn't even exist in your party for he is a dream. When I heard that was the end I was pissed. I wasn't going to put up with a crap game that much longer for that.

    On a positive not some of the songs were cool and Rikku was pretty hot.

  10. #10
    I am Keyran! a nirvana fan's Avatar
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    All my friends hate the only one who likes it...I like a lot, its great and feels more fresh than the normal RPG

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  11. #11
    I miss kinje longaway :[ Eiko Guy's Avatar
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    setzer:it would have been weird for it to be two girls and a guy cuz he wouldve seemed girly
    the last bosses arent hard when you spam darkness and curaga but if you use the techniques that arent meant to go crazy like charon i bet you wont think theyre easy then
    it's yuna's story next your gonna say sora needs to back off let donald have a life

    corncracker: the maps have to be the same or the nerds are gonna be like " now sir after they destroyed sn why is the moonflow one foot narrower are we supposed to believe that they magically for no reason made it smaller :: nerdlaugh::
    not all hero's are good at making lines but those three were the game is meant to be fun you know duck soup duck what if the three main girls irked you you wouldnt have bought the game cuz you would've hated rikku and yuna from X
    the dressphere was meant to be new it's the same as the sphere grid just a bigger boost
    sidequests are all meaningless if they had meaning they would be mandatory like killing omega in all games you don't have to but you want to is killing 20 tonberries wworth getting tonberry king in 8 kinda but you do it because you choose to

    Jsb01: the cllothes rocked unless youre a womans rights activist even though virtual girls dont need rights

    The Devourer Of World: i know i want to hear the new version of that song

    i can make a great lawyer

    Fat kids are harder to Kidnap.

  12. #12


    I really enjoyed it from start to finish. As for it being a girls game, I thought it was fun playing dress up, instead of all that macho crap thats constantly in games. The whole Charlies Angels feeling was fantastic.
    It was a nice change for the FF series.
    Plus as it was a sequel it was always gonna get some stick for not being FFX (sequels always get stick)!
    For me it was an excellent game, i loved it!!

  13. #13


    Hey, i mention it be weird withouth the maps Eiko. And those two weren't quite as annoying in X. It just got worse. So Hah! And I didn't like sphere grid. I only bot the game cause my friend was saying it was better than X which was only a mediocer game to me. Last time I listen to some dude who loves ICP.Which makes me wonder why he liked it so much? ICP and Yuna don't seem to go hand in hand to me.

  14. #14
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Default Response to eiko guy

    Quote Originally Posted by eiko guy
    i can make a great lawyer
    No. You make a statement without any backup, and expect people to listen to you. REAL lawyers lie.

    setzer:it would have been weird for it to be two girls and a guy cuz he wouldve seemed girly
    the last bosses arent hard when you spam darkness and curaga but if you use the techniques that arent meant to go crazy like charon i bet you wont think theyre easy then
    A REAL boss knows what to do and can adapt to what you spam, or at least is not completely predictable in all his actions. And for 2 girls and a guy, being all wierd and all. What do you call Paine? That's right, a guy in woman's clothing. His testicles never descended at birth, meaning that he's immune to Testosterone. A guy in woman's clothing, indeed.

    corncracker: the maps have to be the same or the nerds are gonna be like " now sir after they destroyed sn why is the moonflow one foot narrower are we supposed to believe that they magically for no reason made it smaller :: nerdlaugh::
    It's nice to know WHY something happens. Normal people don't really notice it, if they do, then it's not a problem. REAL nerds say that the people who worked at SquareEnix were getting lazy, so they made it 1 foot narrower, but it's even lazier to recycle ALL of the graphics from FFX.

    not all hero's are good at making lines but those three were the game is meant to be fun you know duck soup duck what if the three main girls irked you you wouldnt have bought the game cuz you would've hated rikku and yuna from X
    the dressphere was meant to be new it's the same as the sphere grid just a bigger boost
    Of course not, if we expected a one liner from all the characters, which characters would we have to laugh at for being pathetic excuses for having a brain? And Rikku and Yuna are much more hatable in FFX-2 than in FFX.

    Jsb01: the cllothes rocked unless youre a womans rights activist even though virtual girls dont need rights
    No, they didn't. It was a pathetic attempt to buy new gamers into the fold with absolute sex appeal, and close to what seems like softcore. If I wanted THAT from a Final Fantasy, which I expect very little and that it be done tastefully, then I would watch the OC. (and I do, it's awesome)

    Now I can explain why FFX-2 isn't good, and I can explain why it is good. The latter is most certainly not my own position, but I will defend it in my statement to the best of my ability.

    I will need to double post, one for a reaction, and one for a statement. Sorry in advance to the Mods and Admins.

  15. #15


    thank you Tavrobel for explaining what I did not have the patience to explain.
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