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Thread: Recent accomplishments

  1. #106
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Recently I completed G1 and G2 as well as collecting my warlock's boots, gloves, tights, and tabard. The last piece isn't going to be fun, though. The two NMs I need to fight are nasty buggers.

  2. #107
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chionos
    even if it was npc-able wouldn't sell for squat.
    sagensyg's obviously completely full of it up to her eyeballs. ha
    there's only 1 fully upgraded gkt on my server, owned by a jp who's played since game began and only got it this year

    in any case, my accomplishments since monday
    Hecatomb Harness
    Hecatomb Leggings
    I've had the abjurations for a while, but didn't have gil freed up for the cursed items

    even better than that, ls claimed King Behemoth last night so I'm a Behemoth Dethroner
    and i got Pixie Earring /cheer~
    another DL run tonight so maybe Assassin Armlets will drop /pray--
    Im a guy...

    Damn. You geeky nerds caught me in my act. At least its a better reaction than I thought. But, seriously, guy. Don't spend your life on this game. You'll soon find yourself with nothing to do, then you'll think...
    Or you might run out of money to pay for it-either way you'll tell yourself:
    Was it worth it? I know from first-hand experience.

    I don't want you to get your hopes up but, Congratulations?
    Last edited by Lawr; 07-03-2006 at 05:44 PM.

  3. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by Sagensyg
    Quote Originally Posted by chionos
    even if it was npc-able wouldn't sell for squat.
    sagensyg's obviously completely full of it up to her eyeballs. ha
    there's only 1 fully upgraded gkt on my server, owned by a jp who's played since game began and only got it this year

    in any case, my accomplishments since monday
    Hecatomb Harness
    Hecatomb Leggings
    I've had the abjurations for a while, but didn't have gil freed up for the cursed items

    even better than that, ls claimed King Behemoth last night so I'm a Behemoth Dethroner
    and i got Pixie Earring /cheer~
    another DL run tonight so maybe Assassin Armlets will drop /pray--
    Im a guy...

    Damn. You geeky nerds caught me in my act. At least its a better reaction than I thought. But, seriously, guy. Don't spend your life on this game. You'll soon find yourself with nothing to do, then you'll think...
    Or you might run out of money to pay for it-either way you'll tell yourself:
    Was it worth it? I know from first-hand experience.

    I don't want you to get your hopes up but, Congratulations?
    Uhh, right... Sorry I just can't comprehend how stupid and ignorant this post sounds...

    I've been playing for around two years or so, and I say it has been worth it. You know, I do other stuff than just play this game, I do have a life. I'm sorry but you just can't make a broad accusation about the people who play an MMO, like you just did.

    Also about the lying, that was just lame. You don't have to go putting down the people who caught you out, that can be considered flamming. It came across as very immature on your behalf, very immature.

    I don't exactly understand what you mean. Get our hopes up for what? Congratulations for what? Make more sense in your posts, please.

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  4. #109
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omecle
    Congratulations for what?
    This is the Recent accomplishment thread isn't it?
    And I'm sorry if it sounded like a put-down. Just a suggestion, cause
    I got lots a friends who ended up quitting and using up alot of money they might have wanted. Yeah I don't hate you for playing. I'm not calling them nerds just their replies seemed nerdy to me.

    sagensyg's obviously completely full of it up to her eyeballs
    And you're saying I'm mean!?

  5. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by Sagensyg
    Congratulations for what?

    This is the Recent accomplishment thread isn't it?
    And I'm sorry if it sounded like a put-down. Just a suggestion, cause
    I got lots a friends who ended up quitting and using up alot of money they might have wanted. Yeah I don't hate you for playing. I'm not calling them nerds just their replies seemed nerdy to me.
    Well, certainly seemed like you were making judgements. And I still don't get why you were congratulating? You weren't congratulating anything... Therefore it makes no sense!

    And you're saying I'm mean!?
    I don't exactly see how that statement is mean? You were lying, and he stated you were lying, so how is it mean?

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  6. #111
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    I never insulted till I was insulted. Take it easy its jsut a forum.
    Sorry for any trouble.

  7. #112


    It's interesthing how stigmatised gamers area nd MMO gamers to be more specific. Me and my wife fail to see what stimulating events are out there that we're missing out on. The people who would call us losers and say, "Get a life!"... what do they do?

    I know a lot of my single friends do things like spend far too much money on a Friday night getting liquored up at a club and hoping to get laid. Is this a life? How about sitting on the couch watching some mind numbing television while swigging beer and eating cheese puffs... is that a life?

    As for married people... Honestly we don't see where all of the socializing is out there. Sure you can socialize at work but if I spend all day working with someone I don't exactly wanna hang out with them during all of my leisure time. Playing something like this is a nice alternative to going and spending too much money on something else. You keep your brain more engaged than just watching TV and have a large amount of social interaction.

    You mention the money issue several times but come on, seriously. My wife an I spend around $40 a month to play this game. How far would 40 bucks get you elsewhere in a month? If you only play offline games you're likely to spend that much per month. If you wanna go out $40 won't get you far. That would barely be enough for the cover charge to get into most clubs with 2 people. You wanna watch a movie? You might be able to take 2 people to the theater twice for $40 or go out to eat at a nice restaurant once or twice depending on how nice.

    People spend a lot more money to be entertained on many other things than something like FFXI.

  8. #113
    permanently mitten
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    Alrighty, let's get back to talking about recent accomplishments, mmkay?

    Today I leveled BLU to lvl 5 and realized that BLU is a mix between extreme elation (yay! I learned pollen!!) and extreme frustration (dammit, why can't I learn cacoon?!).

  9. #114


    Aw poor Miriel! I know the pain of BLU. I got so annoyed with it I stopped at 5! ^^

    I pulled a few extra hours last night.... level 54+ gallant gloves. I now have 995 hp, so close to breaking the 1000 mark ><
    Please check out my writing in the arts and writing forum!

  10. #115


    Oooh yes back to recent accomps ^^

    That has me all done all the way to 20. I was soloing and got 70 XP -> 15 and then died. It was sad but meh. I figure I'll solo at least to 16 and then finally hit the dunes.

    In other news my wife's WHM is only 14k tnl to 75. I feel like a noob next to her sometimes. I only have the one job at 75. Maybe one day.

  11. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Yeargdribble
    It's interesthing how stigmatised gamers area nd MMO gamers to be more specific. Me and my wife fail to see what stimulating events are out there that we're missing out on. The people who would call us losers and say, "Get a life!"... what do they do?

    I know a lot of my single friends do things like spend far too much money on a Friday night getting liquored up at a club and hoping to get laid. Is this a life? How about sitting on the couch watching some mind numbing television while swigging beer and eating cheese puffs... is that a life?

    As for married people... Honestly we don't see where all of the socializing is out there. Sure you can socialize at work but if I spend all day working with someone I don't exactly wanna hang out with them during all of my leisure time. Playing something like this is a nice alternative to going and spending too much money on something else. You keep your brain more engaged than just watching TV and have a large amount of social interaction.

    You mention the money issue several times but come on, seriously. My wife an I spend around $40 a month to play this game. How far would 40 bucks get you elsewhere in a month? If you only play offline games you're likely to spend that much per month. If you wanna go out $40 won't get you far. That would barely be enough for the cover charge to get into most clubs with 2 people. You wanna watch a movie? You might be able to take 2 people to the theater twice for $40 or go out to eat at a nice restaurant once or twice depending on how nice.

    People spend a lot more money to be entertained on many other things than something like FFXI.
    Get a passport and travel the world. Don't stay at a hotel. I mean stay are dormatories at the mercy of the kindness of host. But itt will help to know some people that live in the countries you will be visiting. Yeah the real way to live is to travel in my opinion. Just got back form Turkey and man it was crazy. town to town. Kinda like some FF game.But yeahriding in the back of a pickup filled with hay was great after you have walked 100 kilometers. Anyway it was the best 2 months of my life. Plus we did other things such as raft,try new things such as food. Hmm heard a new variety of music, and miss it. IF only I oculd go back. The best time was when I was in Izmir.....Well its split between Izmir and Alanya. With all seriousness leaving the US or whatever country you are from every once in awhile is good for you. I mean things get dull like you just said. Dull and expensive. I would rather spend 500 dollars on tickets to Turkey and stay in host families houses that's been set up by an organization than spend 600 dollars on an xbox360.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yeargdribble
    I hope this isn't considered a necropost. I recently go my 4th piece or relic. I'm now 4/5. Sadly I'm only missing the hat which is the best piece by far. Funny that I got both of my northlands pieces on the first run considering their extreme rarity and competition over the pants. I'll probably be the first BRD in history to get the entire rest of the set before the hat.

    I'll be so glad to be rid of the crown which no longer is that useful but looks pretty nice with the body so I keep wearing it for the sake of running around looking good.
    lol I went with the colonial look for awhile.I know how you feel man lol man I had to cancel my account though. Something came up, and now I have to wait until I can get some funds so I can play FF11 again. I'm gonna get the expansion soon though.

  12. #117
    Definitely not over 9000. No.78's Avatar
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    Advice for BLU's that you probly heard already... But oh well.

    It's all based on luck, CHR raises luck, so equip CHR gear and spells.
    Use the Lotus Katana to inflict the least damage possible, and raise the maximum TP in the monster.
    Use soporific or sheep song half way through to rest your HP and MP so you can continue waiting for it to use the move (soporific lasts longer)
    And an obvious one, don't kill it before it uses the move, unless you're about to die yourself

    My accomplishment is... Level 38, BLU is now my highest job! Unknown territory from now on... /scared

  13. #118
    I might..depend on you.. Lionx's Avatar
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    I have heard nothing about CHR affecting this. If it IS based on luck, and you havent really done enough testing with CHR...i dont really feel swayed to believe that.

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  14. #119
    Too Damn Old Alixsar's Avatar
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    Well it's been over a week now and I've got my sub job, and I leveled my second job (monk) to 13. Once I get it to 18 it's back to war until 37, and then the real fun will begin.

  15. #120
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    It sometimes feels like CHR does affect "luck." I need something to blame for my Treasure Hunter's weakness after all.
    But SE have pretty plainly outlined multiple times what exactly chr has an affect on, and enmity/treasurehunter/"luck" are not on that list.

    I agree with you Year. I dont' feel in any way that I need to "get a life." I have a rather wonderful life including a wife and a baby with another on the way. I work, I go to school, I spend time with RL friends(who also play ffxi and have eventful lives). All this and I can play FFXI endgame and keep up.

    By the by, I don't think it's mean to point out that someone's lying, trying to deceive others with stupid nonsense. Anyone brazen enough to post trash in a forum with multiple intelligent endgame personnel deserves what they get.

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