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Thread: GetBackers

  1. #1

    Default GetBackers

    I feel like posting a thread for people to express their feelings on Getbackers.

    One of the best anime out there. The Dub actually has great voice actors IMO. Its got a collection of some of the best anime characters there are. Ginji Amano the Lighting emporor, The Jagon user Bon Midou, and Emishee Hiriko the Fresh Blood Joker. Awsome characters. Also the Second opening theme they used is probably my favorite anime song ever. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Who knows?


    Yeah, the dub is -- for once -- pretty damn good. I love the anime, and Ban is just about the coolest thing ever. xD But the manga is borderline pornographic and it hurts me
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