Yay! I finished Final Fanasty V with lv 46 with every one! (And a lot of luck and Big Guard).

I don't really know if it is allowed to post this kind of threads, but ah, if it isn't, I'm sure there'll eb a lock thrown on this.

I finished this game, and I would like to share some thoughts of me on this. Perhaps thoughts some of you may disagree on, but I don't care. It's my opinion, and what can you people change about my opnion?

Well, first things first:

1. The story:
I heard some fans and people complain that the story was a bit to simple, or to 'happy' compared to IV. I disagree. The story was perhaps simple and linear, but it certainly wasn't 'happy'. Sure, there were funny moments, but there were moments which almost made me cry, for example: Galuf's Death.

2. ExDeath
When people start complaining about ExDeath, this are the most popular reasons: "His NAME! OMG, what was Square thinking? Naming a guy ExDeath! How original!"

My response: So? Teh name doesn't make the villain. Sure, it is nicer if a villain has an uber-cool name, but ExDeath was fine with me, because of his character. ExDeath made a very fine, cruel and evil villain to me, and I don't care about his name.

The second reason: "His reasons! OMG! What reason does this guy have to blow the world to bits? Nothing!"

Well, perhaps that's true. But look at NeoExDeath, what reason did he have to make everything, nothing? What reason did Kefka have to ruin teh world? Sure, he hated life, but I don't call that a reason. ExDeath, IMO, had a reason: he was a powerhungry maniac who just wished to test out his little toy.

3. Krile/Cara
This kinda confuses me. A lot of people who dislike FF V, or like it, for that matter, complain about Krile.

"OMG, Square didn't even TRY with this character!"

Ehm, what exactly is the problem? She can talk to animals, is that the problem? At least she talks to dragons and moogmes. But hey! Guy of FF II could also talk to animals! So, this reason doesn't make sense, cause they did it before, and nobody complained, as far as I know. Or didn't complain enough to let it ruin the game for them.

Is it teh fact that she's a little girl? Well, for me, that reason is even worse. She's a little girl, but she bravely (in my game, lol) takes up Excalibur to mash ExDeath into firewood. Sure, she's young, but that's no reason, for me.

Perhaps the reason is, because she replaced Galuf? Now, that reason is acceptable for me. Galuf was a wonderful character, and I didn't liek it when he died. But he died, and Krile took his place. You'll have to live with it.

Soem people say she doesn't have character... Why? I found her one of my favorite characters in FF V. She goes out all alone to search for her grandpa, she comes to Butz' world just in time to knock King Tycoon off. She stands with Galuf all the time when Galuf attacks the Big Bridge.

So, where exactly is the problem with Krile? This isn't flaming, it is just a question, because I don't understand. Give me a godo reason, oen that you can explain and defend why Krile is the worst character?

4. Difficulty
In my humble opinion, this game was difficult in the beginning, but also at the end. Why? Because it was kinda hard to lv up. WHen you just play through the game without training, you're around lv 38 when you fight against ExDeath and NeoExDeath. I find it a pity, because the rest of teh game was very good.

5. Graphics
Some people say the gfx of V are not even a step above IV's. Again, I have to disagree. Sure, the sprites of the characters were just liek IV's, but look further than that. The gfx of the dungeons and forest were a lot better. And also the battle backgrounds were better.
So yes, V gfx are better than IV gfx, in a way.

6. Music
I did not find many complaints here. So I just give my own opinion. This game had, like every game, teh good and the less good tracks. An example of the good tracks, in my opnion: Lenna's theme, Dear friends, The Last Battle, Evil Lord ExDeath, The Decisive battle, Pirates Ahoy, were all good tracks. Tracks I liked less... Well, none pop in my head for now.

7. The Job System
Whiel I prefer no job system, I must admit that all these jobs were pretty fun. I liked all the likable jobs and used and mastered them, and I left the ones I found useless. I just found it a bit annoying that it took forever to master a job. But all these jobs made the game more interesting because you could make whatever character you like in whatever kind of warrior you like.

I know it is perhaps stupid, but I made Krile my little warrior. I gave her all of teh genji equipment and Excailbur, just for fun. And because I like her a lot.

8. Shinriyuu and Omega
These two duded, well, I just didn't battle them. Perhaps I'll do it, someday. Or I'll just wait for teh GBA version to mash them to scrap.

9. Conclusion
In my humble opinion, Final Fantasy V was a very good addition to the Final Fantasy series. Without it, I doubt some other Final Fantasy games would have become what they are now.
It was a fun game, lots of stuff to do. The story was simple yet very entertaining. ExDeath made an excellent villain. The characters were all themselves and had their own personality, which added greatly to the fun of the game. Emotional scenes and battles were made even better because of some excellent sound tracks (example: Galuf's Death, and Gilgamesh versus Necrophobia).
All in all, while perhaps not the best Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy V was a great game and it certainly doesn't deserve the title to be the worst Final Fantasy, or be one of the worst.

Wew, what a post. I don't know what the purpose of this whole text is. I just wanted to share my thoughts. Dislikers of FF V can start flaming and shouting, it won't help. It's my opinion, and I'm sure tehre are also people who agree with me on some points which I stated here.

Any comments?