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Thread: Best friends make the worst enemies

  1. #31


    I would say there are a few keys for ensuring friendships don't end up like that:

    1.Observe the behaviour of a person for a while in class or in a group to see if it's the kind of person you really like. Most of all observe their behaviour towards others. If the person is unkind to others it is a bad sign already.

    2.Don't spend too much time with one friend. I average about twice a month in terms of long visits with any one friend, so that we don't get tired of each other. That may be a little too extreme for some of you... I suggest at least a good week between long visits for any one friend.

  2. #32
    Pantstastic Dixie's Avatar
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    I lost 5 best friends in one day a few months ago. It was very funny. ^_^ I got 4 back and I think the other one has a grudge on me....I mean, it's not like I meant to say what I said, but when you start spreading rumours about me, I get really pissed off....
    All life begins with a Nu and ends with a Nu.

  3. #33
    Banned Ballistix Man's Avatar
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    I lost a friend and he became my enemy. We shared most of the same friends so he decided to spread rumours about me so I kicked his ass. IMO best friends make the best enemies. You know all there weeknesses and can exploit them all you want.

  4. #34
    casual mind slip
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    I've never lost a friend to an argument. We just usually end up drifting.

  5. #35


    I think that would only happen through some sort of selfishness or self centeredness. Where they can't or refuse to realize what it's like on your end. Either that, or the friendship never mattered to the person. I've been in both situations. Some people just like to pretend to care.

  6. #36
    An avid reader. Yuna-Lenne's Avatar
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    I recently lost a friend. He hurt me several times and I always forgave him. I hurt him once (at least I hope I didn't hurt him any other times) and now he's decided to shut me out of his life forever. It's very complicated but basically he really hurt me, some might call it betrayal. I got frustrated, said something to a friend on msn, he asked for the log, which I sent (and not cause I wanted him to see it but because I thought he had the right). Hasn't been a moment since when I havn't thought about it and hated myself for it.

  7. #37


    Don't hate yourself for his hypocracy. Like I said, some people can't figure out what it's like in others' shoes.

  8. #38

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    When i was like 11 me and my old best friend were out and i decided to pick up a partially full sand bag and swing it around.
    I told him to duck but he didn't and when i let go, it flew into his face and he ran into his house crying. Its funny when i look at it now.
    But that is the only fall out with a friend that was my fault.

  9. #39


    I was the little group therapist for all my friends in high school, though I had a lot of strange instances like that.

    One of my current best freinds was someone who I had hated/hated me/attempted to break my arm.

    I had one of my best freinds conspire against me and actually threatened my life.

    I drifted apart from some people.

    Some of my lesser friends have 'drifted in' to become better friends

    And I have some friends who I have been close with for almost all of my life.

    It happens though, relationships in general are wierd. "Life is full of meetings, departings and reunions"

  10. #40
    Holy Dragoon Kain <3 Recognized Member KoShiatar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angellights
    I've had a few interesting experiences, to say the least >_<

    It's been mostly a case of a few people trying to be friends with me, which of course is always welcome...After a while though, sometimes people try to make passes at me, and when I tell them that I'm not really interested they pretty much figure that I'm useless after that...I don't know, maybe I lead people on when I dont really want to sometimes. I'm a weirdo

    I hate when that happens. It's sad to realize that a person doesn't want to be your friend anymore and isn't going to pay any attention to you anymore just because he realized you're not gonna give him what he's after.

  11. #41
    Banned ~SapphireStar~'s Avatar
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    Oh yes, I totally agree with this. Ive known my best friend for 10 years now, but this incident occured back in high school. Another freind (now ex) was involved and kinda added fuel to the fire. She changed my best mates attitude towards me and she did bully me for some days. I couldnt beleive it, this was a girl I'd known since primary and she was calling me names, making me feel ill. ignoring me. And it was all down to this nasty cow we knew.

    In the end I broke down, told a close teacher and he put me and my best mate in an empty classroom and told us to sit down and talk things through. It felt great to explain to her how I felt and she couldnt believe how much she had changed and apologised like crazy to me. We barely spoke to the ex friend after that and we havent seen or heard anything about her since we left school, which was 6 years ago. But me and my best mate are still close and Im glad I havent lost her.

  12. #42
    Destroyer of Worlds DarkLadyNyara's Avatar
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    I had a former friend start stalking me once.

  13. #43
    Careful. . .I BITE *iloveme06*'s Avatar
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    I had a former friend start stalking me once.
    I don't think I've had anything that bad, but yeah. . .becareful who you piss off. . .especially if they know EVERYTHING about you. . .

    I personally never really had any problems with any of my former friends, except for one. She kept trying to take all my friends away, and get them to dislike me. . .but little did she know they all couldn't STAND her!
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  14. #44
    Banned Reine's Avatar
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    I havent really had anything like that, thatI can remember...

    Most friends ive lost have mainly been because of different schools, losing contact, etc

  15. #45
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    My friend stabbed me from the back with an oversized sword when i was taking the head of my decapitated mother from outer space for a walk.

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