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Thread: Make ur own Organization XIII name

  1. #166


    Name: Diaxlos

    Title: the Unlimited

    Number: XXI

    Element: Gravity

    Weapon: Colony of bats
    Last edited by GF_Diablos; 03-15-2007 at 05:11 PM. Reason: forgot title line

  2. #167


    Real Name: Quinton

    Organization Name: Xiqoutin (Zi-Cout-in)

    Weapon:A bendable sword

    Title: The Phoenix Of Black Fire

    Number: VIII

    Element: Black flames
    Last edited by Domincy; 03-16-2007 at 12:45 AM. Reason: I messed up

  3. #168


    Real Name-Keri
    Organization Name-Xirek
    Weapon-Wield Both A Brotherhood and Murasame Sword.
    Nickname-Memory Thief
    Organization Number-XIX
    Every Hit By Either Weapon, A Memory Is Lost And Is Stored In The Blade Until The Wielder Is Defeated.

  4. #169
    The coolest moogle ever. ~Storm Ninja~'s Avatar
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    yes I am a ninja, I live in a lair


    name: Inazuma
    Org. Annogram: Zaimaxu *note: has 'N' removed =P*
    Title: Squall of Whirling Blades (squall actually means something =P look it up.)
    Weapon: fuuma shuriken
    Power: wind (xaldin r dead lmao)
    Number: umm... 42?

    note: Inazuma is not my real name, I make comics, and Inazuma is the name of my 'avatar', or my self insertion into my own work.

  5. #170
    The coolest moogle ever. ~Storm Ninja~'s Avatar
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    yes I am a ninja, I live in a lair


    Quote Originally Posted by Enjolras View Post
    Real name: David

    Organisation name: Xidvad

    Title: The Tempestuous Slasher

    Weapons: Two Katanas, Two Double-edged Longswords and Two Naginatas (A Japanese weapon thats lika a Spear with a Katana on the end). The weapons float behind his back kind of like final form, but are moved with the hands and stay at the place they are slashed to until they are moved again.

    Number: CCLXXXII (282)

  6. #171


    Real name: Peter
    Organization XIII Name: Parex
    Title: The faded enigma
    Weapon: Crooked Greatsword
    EOFF needs a resurgence to it's former glory.

  7. #172


    Real Name: Mathias
    Orginasation Name: Xaimthas - (cant be better i guess)

    (User name): Novack

    Number: XVII


    Element: Arcane

  8. #173
    Gaze Upon the Mega Man! JackNapier's Avatar
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    Chad = Dachx (my name is terrible for that)
    Übel = Üblex (much better)


    Title: The Essence of Awesomeness

    Weapon: Poisoned Cupcakes

  9. #174
    Apprentice to Saix Chaosfan84's Avatar
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    Name: Hxacos
    Title: The Ultimate Nightmare
    Number: XXXIII
    Weapon: Dual katanas(made out of bones)
    element: Pure Darkness(a more powerful version of dark attacks)

    Dracons.A giant skelital dragoon, often paired with draggons. Immune to phyiscal attacks, it's weaknesses, are fire and holy magicks.
    Last edited by Chaosfan84; 04-10-2007 at 03:40 PM.
    Big yellow ball of burning gas,
    Responds to 'The Sun'
    if you see him, tell him:
    "It's BL**DY JULY"

  10. #175


    Name: Xowdash
    Previous Name: Shadow (Not my name in rl obviously. There's more background to this, but now is not the time or place for that story.)
    Rank: XIV
    Nickname: The Manipulator of Reality
    Element: Time (Luxord can kiss my ass because he doesn't use the element right. His element should be gambling games or something)
    Weapon: Heartblade and Soulblade
    Nobodies: Knowledgables (Imagine nobodies similar to gamblers, but smaller bodies and very large heads. They have no physical fighting abilities, I can handle myself. They only have a large amount of knowledge and are used for gaining information. They only use the power to freeze time to learn the knowledge faster (for those currently frozen in time).

    Weapon info:
    Heartblade: A katana that can destroy a heart directly from within a person's body without damaging the body thus either killing them, or turning them into a heartless (never has been done before). Can also remove a heart from a person turning it into a heartless, or return a heart into the body restoring a nobody into a human once again (must have the corresponding heart first). Can be used as a normal katana and damage the body without damaging the heart.
    Heartblade: A katana that can destroy or remove a soul directly from within a person's or nobody's body thus killing it. Can also return a soul into a person's body thus reviving them (must have corresponding soul first). Can be used as a normal katan and damage the body without damaging the heart.

    For those of whom who claim to have already taken the titles, rank, element, or weapons before me; I made up all of this info about one month after the release of the American Kingdom Hearts II.
    Last edited by Xowdash; 04-10-2007 at 01:22 PM.

  11. #176
    Some kind of Nature~ Fonzie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xowdash View Post
    Name: Xowdash
    Previous Name: Shadow (Not my name in rl obviously. There's more background to this, but now is not the time or place for that story.)
    Rank: XIV
    Nickname: The Manipulator of Reality
    Element: Time (Luxord can kiss my ass because he doesn't use the element right. His element should be gambling games or something)
    Weapon: Heartblade and Soulblade
    Nobodies: Knowledgables (Imagine nobodies similar to gamblers, but smaller bodies and very large heads. They have no physical fighting abilities, I can handle myself. They only have a large amount of knowledge and are used for gaining information. They only use the power to freeze time to learn the knowledge faster (for those currently frozen in time).

    Weapon info:
    Heartblade: A katana that can destroy a heart directly from within a person's body without damaging the body thus either killing them, or turning them into a heartless (never has been done before). Can also remove a heart from a person turning it into a heartless, or return a heart into the body restoring a nobody into a human once again (must have the corresponding heart first). Can be used as a normal katana and damage the body without damaging the heart.
    Heartblade: A katana that can destroy or remove a soul directly from within a person's or nobody's body thus killing it. Can also return a soul into a person's body thus reviving them (must have corresponding soul first). Can be used as a normal katan and damage the body without damaging the heart.

    For those of whom who claim to have already taken the titles, rank, element, or weapons before me; I made up all of this info about one month after the release of the American Kingdom Hearts II.

  12. #177


    Quote Originally Posted by The Fonz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Xowdash View Post
    Name: Xowdash
    Previous Name: Shadow (Not my name in rl obviously. There's more background to this, but now is not the time or place for that story.)
    Rank: XIV
    Nickname: The Manipulator of Reality
    Element: Time (Luxord can kiss my ass because he doesn't use the element right. His element should be gambling games or something)
    Weapon: Heartblade and Soulblade
    Nobodies: Knowledgables (Imagine nobodies similar to gamblers, but smaller bodies and very large heads. They have no physical fighting abilities, I can handle myself. They only have a large amount of knowledge and are used for gaining information. They only use the power to freeze time to learn the knowledge faster (for those currently frozen in time).

    Weapon info:
    Heartblade: A katana that can destroy a heart directly from within a person's body without damaging the body thus either killing them, or turning them into a heartless (never has been done before). Can also remove a heart from a person turning it into a heartless, or return a heart into the body restoring a nobody into a human once again (must have the corresponding heart first). Can be used as a normal katana and damage the body without damaging the heart.
    Heartblade: A katana that can destroy or remove a soul directly from within a person's or nobody's body thus killing it. Can also return a soul into a person's body thus reviving them (must have corresponding soul first). Can be used as a normal katan and damage the body without damaging the heart.

    For those of whom who claim to have already taken the titles, rank, element, or weapons before me; I made up all of this info about one month after the release of the American Kingdom Hearts II.
    Funny pic. But is that an insult to me saying that I put something that contradicts something said earlier? Or is that your way of saying I just put too many words/big words? I'm not trying to be rude or offensive, just curious.

  13. #178
    I'm Back~! Kanshisha's Avatar
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    Real name Aj ( short for Arich )

    RL name translation for XIII: Jax
    OL name translation for XIII: Xuall / Squall-Xeonhart / Xeon / Leox

    RL name Stats and Info:
    Weapons of choice:Xion Bow and arrows, and Choragrecta ( black version of lionheart)
    Nickname: Stolen Aura
    Element:Wind / Speed
    Special attack:Valley of arrows / arrow reinforcements
    Partners with:Xuall / Squall-Xeonhart / Xeon / Leox
    GF:Aoxeden ( aeh-ox-oden )

    OL name stats and info:
    Weapons of choice:Lionheart
    Nickname:Lone Wolf
    Element:Light / Might / Strength
    Special attack: Renzouken or Lionheart
    Partners with: Jax
    GF:Xanderona ( san- do- ro-nah )

    OL & RL's team name is: Morale Judgement

  14. #179
    Some kind of Nature~ Fonzie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xowdash View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The Fonz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Xowdash View Post
    Name: Xowdash
    Previous Name: Shadow (Not my name in rl obviously. There's more background to this, but now is not the time or place for that story.)
    Rank: XIV
    Nickname: The Manipulator of Reality
    Element: Time (Luxord can kiss my ass because he doesn't use the element right. His element should be gambling games or something)
    Weapon: Heartblade and Soulblade
    Nobodies: Knowledgables (Imagine nobodies similar to gamblers, but smaller bodies and very large heads. They have no physical fighting abilities, I can handle myself. They only have a large amount of knowledge and are used for gaining information. They only use the power to freeze time to learn the knowledge faster (for those currently frozen in time).

    Weapon info:
    Heartblade: A katana that can destroy a heart directly from within a person's body without damaging the body thus either killing them, or turning them into a heartless (never has been done before). Can also remove a heart from a person turning it into a heartless, or return a heart into the body restoring a nobody into a human once again (must have the corresponding heart first). Can be used as a normal katana and damage the body without damaging the heart.
    Heartblade: A katana that can destroy or remove a soul directly from within a person's or nobody's body thus killing it. Can also return a soul into a person's body thus reviving them (must have corresponding soul first). Can be used as a normal katan and damage the body without damaging the heart.

    For those of whom who claim to have already taken the titles, rank, element, or weapons before me; I made up all of this info about one month after the release of the American Kingdom Hearts II.
    Funny pic. But is that an insult to me saying that I put something that contradicts something said earlier? Or is that your way of saying I just put too many words/big words? I'm not trying to be rude or offensive, just curious.
    Just saying that was alot to read thier buddy.

  15. #180


    Ah. My apologies for getting defensive.

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