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Thread: Manners

  1. #16
    casual mind slip
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    I think I'd rather be shown that someone is sorry, or thankful, instead of them saying it. There are a lot of people who say thank you or please, but they don't actually MEAN it, because you tell by how they say it. It's like a robot, who's been programmed to say it, but not feel it. But I understand what you're saying and I agree. But like I'm my own MILF said, it's being courteous that matters.

  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Azar
    I hate to say it, Rye, but I'm one of your people without proper manners. I don't deliberately snub people, but I probably don't always thank them when I should. As for some things, like table manners, (having this fork here and using this fork for dessert and this one for salad and this spoon for soup) I think they're just antiquated and retarded, and I have no intention to follow them. I'm not much for chivalry, either.
    same with me.

  3. #18 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramza Beoulve
    I have manners, but I don't care for a prize...

    Think this:

    When you open the door to someone, you do it for a "thanks" or for self respect?, actually, if you do it for the thanks, you don't have a lot of manners, just have "gentle" actitude.

    But when you do it just because you want to, and don't care about the answer of the others, then you are great

    Just be yourself, don't care about the answer of others, with the just feeling of have done a good action, that should be your prize, don't you think?

    Word up scary avatar guy.

    Another example of horrible manners, I think, is when people talk about other people behind their back non-stop, or when people mock other people for any reason at all. I don't think there's ever a justified reason to mock someone, and I think it's an example of terrible manners and a terrible upbringing to do something like that.

    Signature by rubah. I think.

  4. #19
    permanently mitten
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    I think people who use their cell phones while at the table are displaying horrible manners. I don't mean picking up a phone and chatting for a few seconds and then hanging up. I'm talking about going out to dinner with a group of people and having a nice conversation going when one of your friends picks up their cell and decides to have a LOUD 5 minute chat while everyone sorta sits and listens cause talking loudly over this person is also a bit rude. If you're gonna talk on the phone for more than 30 seconds, excuse yourself from the table and take your conversation elsewhere.

    And this is especially true when you go out with family or grandparents. It's just rude to subject others to your inane one-sided cell phone conversations.

  5. #20
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    I have table manners but choose not to use them because it's too much work.

    I have to hold the door open for people when I can and have to say thank you when someone does it for me, because it's been ingrained in my skull from birth.

    I notice when people don't say thank you to me when I do this. And I <i>never</i> forget it.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by fire_of_avalon
    Word up scary avatar guy.
    What is "word up", fiery shield avy girl? n.nU sorry, I have a crappy english n.nU

  7. #22
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramza Beoulve
    I have manners, but I don't care for a prize...

    Think this:

    When you open the door to someone, you do it for a "thanks" or for self respect?, actually, if you do it for the thanks, you don't have a lot of manners, just have "gentle" actitude.

    But when you do it just because you want to, and don't care about the answer of the others, then you are great

    Just be yourself, don't care about the answer of others, with the just feeling of have done a good action, that should be your prize, don't you think?

    I don't do it for the thanks, I do it to be nice, but it bugs me when I go out of my way to do things, and people don't thank me like I would thank them.

    And anyone who says that they don't get a tiny bit annoyed at least when you open a door for someone and they don't even smile a thanks at you is lying.

  8. #23 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel
    I think people who use their cell phones while at the table are displaying horrible manners. I don't mean picking up a phone and chatting for a few seconds and then hanging up. I'm talking about going out to dinner with a group of people and having a nice conversation going when one of your friends picks up their cell and decides to have a LOUD 5 minute chat while everyone sorta sits and listens cause talking loudly over this person is also a bit rude. If you're gonna talk on the phone for more than 30 seconds, excuse yourself from the table and take your conversation elsewhere.

    And this is especially true when you go out with family or grandparents. It's just rude to subject others to your inane one-sided cell phone conversations.
    omg you're my hero. I tried to explain this to my boyfriend and he tried to tell me I was full of crap.

    Ramza, word up is my way of agreeing with you. xD

    And Rye, I disagree with you about the lying thing. I hold doors for people all the time and I don't really care one way or the other if they say thanks or not. It's not like I'm just going to let the door slam back on them if they don't say thanks. In some cases, the courtesy is implied, I think.

    Also, it's improper manners to call someone a liar!

    Signature by rubah. I think.

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel
    I think people who use their cell phones while at the table are displaying horrible manners. I don't mean picking up a phone and chatting for a few seconds and then hanging up. I'm talking about going out to dinner with a group of people and having a nice conversation going when one of your friends picks up their cell and decides to have a LOUD 5 minute chat while everyone sorta sits and listens cause talking loudly over this person is also a bit rude. If you're gonna talk on the phone for more than 30 seconds, excuse yourself from the table and take your conversation elsewhere.

    And this is especially true when you go out with family or grandparents. It's just rude to subject others to your inane one-sided cell phone conversations.
    I hate that. It's only ever my mother who does it to me, but it's so ignorant. I also hate it when people interrupt when other people are talking. Wait your turn! If somebody doesn't say thank you if I hold a door open for them etc, I will comment on what a disgrace I think they are. And anybody who bumps in to me and doesn't apologise, if they are still in close proximity I will walk up to them and bash into them.

  10. #25
    Howdy. Shaun's Avatar
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    My workplace is a generally friendly atmosphere, but my college is not. I guess it depends on the background of the people, but 90% of youths are ignorant.

  11. #26
    Banned Itsunari 2000's Avatar
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    I extend common courtesies without thinking. It's ingrained in me, almost.

    Well, I'm SICK OF IT.

    Next time I will slam the door in someone's face instead of holding it for them and laugh quietly to myself as I strut away down the corridor, cool as they come. If their stupid relatives come after me, let's say for example their pudgy, bald uncle and whining nark of an aunt with a chronic smoking problem, I'll beat the crap out of them. Then the mall security guard, who invariably weighs 250 pounds and has a gray mustache, will bounce along swinging his stupid baton and I'll take it out of his hand and beat his ass with it before decapitating him with a spectacular roundhouse that will leave the collective public in awe. The moral of this story is, nobody smurfs around with me and lives.

    Last edited by Itsunari 2000; 04-26-2006 at 05:19 PM.

  12. #27
    Recognized Member smittenkitten's Avatar
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    I love it when a guy has manner's, I like getting pampered but what woman does'nt :rolleyes2: I think I am polite it's the wayI was brought up ex. hold the door for someone, help someone if they drop something I actually asked this old lady if she was ok getting across the street but I don't know if that's manners.

  13. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by fire_of_avalon
    Word up scary avatar guy.

    Another example of horrible manners, I think, is when people talk about other people behind their back non-stop, or when people mock other people for any reason at all. I don't think there's ever a justified reason to mock someone, and I think it's an example of terrible manners and a terrible upbringing to do something like that.
    But I love mocking people

    Slightly more seriously I'd rather someone not say thanks if they don't mean it, thats just plain rude to do. But I mostly agree with Milf.

  14. #29
    Oh go on then Cz's Avatar
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    I don't really care if people don't thank me for something, or if their manners aren't absolutely spot on. One of the terrible things about being English is the awkwardness of the "After you, no after you, oh but I insist" conversation, which is what happens when people are brought up to be polite and courteous all the time. I'd be happy to simply dispense with it all entirely. I mean, it's obvious that someone appreciates it when you hold a door for them, or let them pull out of a junction, it isn't really necessary to say it.

    This doesn't mean I'm willing to let rudeness slide, of course. Uncaring or thoughtless people are extremely irritating. But meaningless, everyday manners don't really matter to me.
    "The most important and recognize player in the history of the country."

    Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I were as great as Paulo Wanchope.

  15. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by fire_of_avalon
    Ramza, word up is my way of agreeing with you. xD

    And Rye, I disagree with you about the lying thing. I hold doors for people all the time and I don't really care one way or the other if they say thanks or not. It's not like I'm just going to let the door slam back on them if they don't say thanks. In some cases, the courtesy is implied, I think.

    Also, it's improper manners to call someone a liar!
    n.nU upsss haha, and yup, I agree with you too in the lying thing n.n

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