Having just watched this movie again for the 3rd time, I can now say this is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen. Everything about this movie is beautiful, I'm really looking forward to future films from Micheal Gondry. I thought everyone in this movie did a fantastic job, especially Jim Carrey. He was completely robbed of an Oscar, no question about it. Hell he should have at least been nominated. This shows he definetly CAN act, and in fact does it very very well. Kate Winslet was also robbed, for about the 300th time in her career (seriousy no Oscar yet?!)

I guess after going through my first breakup, this film really connected with me in a way only matched by Lost in Translation and Donnie Darko. I also can relate a lot to Joel, him being the quiet, nice, and lonely guy. Just the whole trueness of everything I guess is what drew me to this. The relationship seemed real, and frankly ended real, with a sense of uncertainty for the future of Joel and Clementine. Charlie Kauffman has a real ear for true dialouge.

So what are your opinions on the movie?