(eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate)

I've been playing thos one unpatched, will DL the bpoatch sometime in the next hours, and find it's not so much fun as the standard for the genre, ascendancy, but is a good game if your waiting for another game to play.

The graphics are good, and I should add the ship creator in the 'Starport' menu is a nice example of open ended design like Spore will have. (Although on a different theory: Playdoh vs lego)

The tech tree is too defined and there isnt' enough items to catch my intrest, although a expansion that's on a seperate disc of downloadable would be nice. (the planatary upgrades are just:: A: a on planet' image and ghost image. B: Image for the buildlist and descriptive image. C: In game modifiers if you have the improvement).

Otherwise it's pretty normal, with less that a minimul system it plays sluggishly, although has some nice features.

Looking for others who have played it. As thsi is a FFforum , yes It's cut ino mye playing FF more. (Still need to start III.)

Two: What other 4X have you played? (Ascendancy is about it for me. And Reach for the Stars (1984).