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Thread: Fishing

  1. #1

    Default Fishing

    Fishing conducive to the passive?

    The theme of pacifism is portrayed unusually in FF8 with the pastime of fishing. After the arrival of garden in FH the player is made aware that FH is indeed for pacifists and all military groups are unwelcome. So where else in the game do we witness fishing, most profoundly is Seifer in the end sequence with his comrades. In this scene Seifer longingly loosk up toward the Garden. Earlier, the headmaster of Galbadia garden, after loosing everything (his garden) is seen on the peer at FH, does this instil pacifism, it certainly seems that similarly like Seifer; fishing is endemic to peace. Is it the activity or the fact both have lost power, the most probable is the loss of power as they similarly long for Garden. This factor is by no means crucial or highly relevant, yet at the time the subconscious certainly is given the impression fishing is both tranquil and peaceful. Many works us the "repeat experience" of themes and even though we may not realise the recurring theme at the time, it most definitely effects our deeper perception.

  2. #2
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    Seifer's path of violence eventually led him to nothing - in the end, he was doing exactly what the most peaceful people (those in FH and Balamb) enjoy doing. Fishing, however, didn't really satisy Seifer, probably because of its slow pace and often fruitless demands on one's patience. Notice how frustrated he was? A fisherman isn't completely in control of what will happen - the weather, tides and even the fish themselves have some input. Seifer's a swordsman and a military leader, though, accustomed to knowing what will happen and how it's going to happen. Hence his discomfort behind a fishing rod. His unease boiled over when he was beaten - probably for the first time - by Raijin. Seifer can't stand to lose, even in a situation where he's not totally in charge of the outcome. Like fishing. A random act of senseless violence against Raijin(in the form of a vicious kick from Fujin) was enough to make Seifer laugh, perhaps because it made him realise how silly his annoyance was.

    I particularly like the way this happens rigth before the Garden flies overhead, blotting out the sun. Seifer's laughter is cut short as he looks up with a mixture of reminiscence and regret, knowing he'll never be able to go back to the life he had. The Garden's 'shadow' will be hanging over him for a long time to come, at least symbolically.

    OOC:Am I the only one who finds it strange that fishing is considered a symbol of peace and tranquility? It's at least as violent and brutal as hunting, at least from the fishes' point of view.

  3. #3


    Well I dont find fishing very peaceful as a past time, yet FF8 seems to make some bold statement that fishing is the peaceful way... I never really saw fishing this way until FF8 came along.. I really would have preferred gardening...but Martine and Seifer planting Tulips may have looked ridiculous... Zell or selphie on the other hand would gladly garden provided Squall or the garden festival requested, respectively.

  4. #4
    I have one matching sock PhoenixAsh's Avatar
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    I've already said I think fishing, being a form of hunting makes an odd symbol of peace.
    If I was going to accept it as symbolic I would have to go with either survival or back to basics (given almost all technological advancements in FFVIII are used for war). The only technologically advanced, and genuinely peaceful race being the Shumi. Of course then the world's history is that of war from very early on so it may be the wrong conclusion. Then again, FH is an offspring of Esthar, and pretty much takes back to basicsto quite serious limits (considering the engineering ability of it's people).
    It would seem odd that the makers would relate either hunting and/or primitiveness with peace.
    I think I made a point there, but to be honest this constant search for things the game might be about seems to just be an excuse to make up for lack of real content.

    I say what I think. If you disagree, then that is up to you.

  5. #5
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    He is broke and hungry? Sushi is nice btw.

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