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Thread: End of Heart

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  1. #1
    Viator's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Wrong Dimension

    Default End of Heart

    1.Balamb garden flying when the missiles coming how much hours do you think it take for Balamb Garden crash into the ocean? (Just imagine FF VIII world as big as ours)?
    2.What happened to Odine Bangle with Rinoa? and again how General Caraway can get Odine Bangle in the first place?
    3.About Obel Lake, what the hell creature inside there , who is Mr Monkey I think Mr Monkey is not monkey because he can take train to Dollet and again he can talk, how that stones can talk anyway?
    4.3015 Found a strong energy field
    4141Call this place Deep See Deposit
    4127 Travel by underwater tower
    4242 Seal off Deep Sea Deposit
    Do you have any idea what it is?
    5.When rinoa went coma Squall take rinoa to Esthar do you think squall would do the same think for Quistis if she is the one who went into coma?
    6.When we fight Adel who is the one controlling Adel is Ultimecia or Adel hersef?
    7.You know righ about Esthar solder attacking winhill and kidnapping little girls do you find that weird I mean come on why they just kidnapping and attacking why they don’t just occupy winhill it would be piece of cake for Esthar right that must be something weird about this Sorceress War.
    8.Why it take Ellone 13 years to meet Squall again that must be something happened in this 13 years right?
    9.Laguna says you need love and friendship and courage for the mission how the hell he knows about it?
    10.This is maybe silly question why Squall wear pendant in his ear?
    11.Why Time Compression had to do with love,friendship,thought,memory,emotions,etc?
    Last edited by Viator; 06-19-2006 at 10:40 AM.

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