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Thread: One of THOSE threads...

  1. #1
    Oh go on then Cz's Avatar
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    Default One of THOSE threads...

    On this day five years ago, I decided I would show off how awesome my knowledge of Final Fantasy IX was, and googled the game to find a group of uneducated fools who might benefit from from wisdom. I came across a site named Eyes on Final Fantasy, and proceeded to reply to every single thread in the FFIX forum. However, something was wrong. The people I found weren't idiots. They knew the game inside-out, and the other games in the series too, even those really old ones that you had to play on a Snez or something. And they used proper English! Holy crap!

    So I decided to stick around, and that was the beginning of it all. I've been here for half a decade, almost a third of my lifetime. And I'd never have imagined on May 19th 2001 that it would have lasted this long. It was meant to be an afternoon's showing-off, but for whatever reason it turned into something much bigger, and much more important. But the real question is, how much longer will it last? Will I be making this same half-assed thread in five years' time? How about ten? Twenty? Could I keel over and die during a long, misinformed rant about young folks today, with their music and their clothes and their Final Fantasy XXXII's?

    Of course, it'll never go that far. Every now and again I have to take a break, and it's only a matter of time before one of those breaks becomes permanent, but the thought of EoFF still being around in five years is a comforting one, whether I'm there or not. And if I see you on May 19th 2011, be sure to link to this thread so I can see what an idiot I used to be.

    There is a topic to this, don't worry. This thread is about your EoFF past/future. How did you join? How long have you been here? How long do you think EoFF will last, and will you stick with it all the way?
    "The most important and recognize player in the history of the country."

    Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I were as great as Paulo Wanchope.

  2. #2
    Meat Puppet's Avatar
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    I joined by using the register button.
    I joined in 2003 so I've been here at least 2 years.
    I think EoFF will last longer than I do.

  3. #3
    Taco Vendor Ki Ki's Avatar
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    I was a silly 13 year old when I joined Eoff. I was looking for help with FFVIII. :D
    I think EoFF's gonna last for quite awhile now. n_n

    Citrus Fruits
    Y SO SRS ?

  4. #4
    permanently mitten
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    Only Del Murder will know the full story of how I meandered over here. But basically, I was interneting one day and was prompted by a sudden idea to join like 15 forums all at once on the same day. And EoFF was the only place that stuck.

    In 2 days I'll have been registered here for 4 years. I don't know how I feel about that.

    I'll stick around for as long as this place keeps amusing me but I'm thinking that I'll leave before the forums themselves shut down. And I predict that EoFF will shut its internet doors in 2010-ish.

  5. #5
    Ominous Wanderer Tech Admin Samuraid's Avatar
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    I joined back in 2001 after seeing a link in someone's AIM profile. From 2002-2003 I wasn't really around much, but I came back around mid 2004, got on the site staff, and the rest is history.
    I'm not sure how long EoFF will last, but hopefully it will remain for a long time. Unless something catastrophic happens, I'll remain here.

  6. #6
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    I've been here for a long while.

  7. #7
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    So I decided to stick around, and that was the beginning of it all. I've been here for half a decade
    That's pathetic.

    I think this June will mark my second year at Eyes on Final Fantasy, and that, too, is pathetic. However, despite my nerdiness I have enjoyed my time here and for me, there is no end in sight. I'll keep coming here until I get banned.

  8. #8
    PSP IZ DA DAWGZ!!!!!!! Cid Vicious's Avatar
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    I've been here a Month. I wanted help on FFIX, so I typed It In Google and clicked on EoFF.
    I don't know how I found the Forum, or why I Joined, or why I'm still here.
    I'll stay until I get a life.

  9. #9
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    I was 17 when I first joined EoFF. But I had been coming to this site for at least two years before that. I've been here for almost two years now and I don't plan on goin' away anytime soon. I did disappear for quite some time earlier this year, but that's all history now. EoFF will exist as long as Cid kan afford to keep on keepin' on.

  10. #10
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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    I wandered in here, just a little over a year ago, looking for information on FFVIII.

    Although I do take little breaks from time to time, and there was a spell of 3 or 4 months from Nov to Jan or Feb when I didn't log on.

    Anyways, I'll keep popping in as long as I play final fantasy. The people here certainly share my interest in the games.

    Hopefully this site will stick around. I'm sure as long as people play final fantasy, it'll still be here.

  11. #11
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    I think I was just surfing the internet for a great Final Fantasy site, and I sort of stumpled upon this one - I then eventually found out that the site had a forum, and I joined it in 2003 at some point.
    I don't know how long it'll last, but it seems like to me that the forums get new members quite frequently, so...

  12. #12
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    Well let's see. I think I joined sometime around August of 2003, shortly after moving to where I curently live. Honestly, I had no clue what a "forum" was, and could barely navigate the internet decently (never really had a need). Anyway, I joined after trying to find some info on FFI roms () and stumbling across the frontsite. I promptly lost interest around December of the same year, and didn't come back until around April/May of '05. Since then I've been fairly regular, I guess.
    I think that EoFF will last as long as Sean decides it should, which will depend on when this doesn't become finacially wise for him, or he just gets tired of paying for it. I'll stay as long as it's around, or at least plan to at the moment.
    Last edited by Rase; 05-20-2006 at 12:23 AM.
    Boy am I an unfunny ass.

  13. #13


    I was a lost puppy looking for a home. Actually, I think I was browsing FFVIII info and popped into the forum. I ran into a blantant wall for trolling, flaming, and ignorance - so I gave up even posting in that forum. I was not even going to stay, as I was that discusted by people in the FFVIII forum, then I stumbled into 'EYES ON THE WORLD'. Then I got hooked.

    Then they destoryed it to stop vermin like me from staying.


  14. #14


    I was bored one day in 2004.

  15. #15
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    It was Spring, Clinton was in office, I had just gotten out of jail...

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