On this day five years ago, I decided I would show off how awesome my knowledge of Final Fantasy IX was, and googled the game to find a group of uneducated fools who might benefit from from wisdom. I came across a site named Eyes on Final Fantasy, and proceeded to reply to every single thread in the FFIX forum. However, something was wrong. The people I found weren't idiots. They knew the game inside-out, and the other games in the series too, even those really old ones that you had to play on a Snez or something. And they used proper English! Holy crap!

So I decided to stick around, and that was the beginning of it all. I've been here for half a decade, almost a third of my lifetime. And I'd never have imagined on May 19th 2001 that it would have lasted this long. It was meant to be an afternoon's showing-off, but for whatever reason it turned into something much bigger, and much more important. But the real question is, how much longer will it last? Will I be making this same half-assed thread in five years' time? How about ten? Twenty? Could I keel over and die during a long, misinformed rant about young folks today, with their music and their clothes and their Final Fantasy XXXII's?

Of course, it'll never go that far. Every now and again I have to take a break, and it's only a matter of time before one of those breaks becomes permanent, but the thought of EoFF still being around in five years is a comforting one, whether I'm there or not. And if I see you on May 19th 2011, be sure to link to this thread so I can see what an idiot I used to be.

There is a topic to this, don't worry. This thread is about your EoFF past/future. How did you join? How long have you been here? How long do you think EoFF will last, and will you stick with it all the way?