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Thread: KFC Cruelty.

  1. #151
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    She probably wasn't accurate on everything, but be fair, can all of us be right all the time?
    When you're making a slanderous video like that one, you'd better be damn sure that you're celebrity spokesperson is "right".

  2. #152


    I eat meat sure, Animal right protesters outside labs actually pee mee of royalty, Im against it sure, but they really bug me. Im not to bothered about them being killed, for food, we are Omivores, we eat meat. Its how its done, thats what this is about really. Im not going to research everything she says, she may be reading reports from other people, but the point she was trying to bring across is does it matter how we get our food? Painfull or painless?

    Quote Originally Posted by roto13-ness
    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    She probably wasn't accurate on everything, but be fair, can all of us be right all the time?
    When you're making a slanderous video like that one, you'd better be damn sure that you're celebrity spokesperson is "right".
    Ill qoute you next thread scince everything you say is right, and nothing you every say is wrong.

    "NPC: Sorry this house is sealed off because of Blight"

  3. #153
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    Quote Originally Posted by roto13-ness
    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    She probably wasn't accurate on everything, but be fair, can all of us be right all the time?
    When you're making a slanderous video like that one, you'd better be damn sure that you're celebrity spokesperson is "right".
    Ill qoute you next threat scince everything you say is right, and nothing you every say is wrong.
    I don't even have a view here, you know. Just that KFC employees are well off. You're the one who's talking without backing anything up.

  4. #154


    Im NOT downloading court minutes for your pleasure. It happened. It was in court, there was witnesses, evidence and drugs. Its offical and in records.
    For someone with no view your getting awfully protective and in your delelted posts abusive.

    Edit: Bloody typos.

    "NPC: Sorry this house is sealed off because of Blight"

  5. #155
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    Im NOT downloading court minutes for your pleasure. It happened. It was in court, there was witnesses, evidence and drugs. Its offical and in records.
    Quote Originally Posted by roto13-ness
    Proof. Now.
    Don't bring it up if you're not prepared to back it up.

  6. #156
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    Im NOT downloading court minutes for your pleasure. It happened. It was in court, there was witnesses, evidence and drugs. Its offical and in records.
    For someone with no view your getting awfully protective and in your delelted posts abusive.

    Edit: Bloody typos.
    I think roto made it painfully clear what his view is. Also, do you have a source for that court trial?

  7. #157


    Talking to a wall... Im not driving up to Manchester to get court minutes it happened. Deal with it.

    Edit... again...: A girl DID commit sucide, she has a grave and everything, and KFC WAS a significant factor in its ruling, it happened, you can evidence of the ruling by this wonderful thing called Google. Getting side tracked here arn't we?

    "NPC: Sorry this house is sealed off because of Blight"

  8. #158
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    Talking to a wall... Im not driving up to Manchester to get court minutes it happened. Deal with it.
    Would there be a reason why you can't defend your own argument? Can't you simply find an article about it on the Internet?

  9. #159


    There... is tonnes... listen... for the love of GOD listen...
    You can deny this girl died all you want if helps you keep the image of KFC as a saintly business.

    Google.... is your friend...

    "NPC: Sorry this house is sealed off because of Blight"

  10. #160
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    There... is tonnes... listen... for the love of GOD listen...
    You can deny this girl died all you want if helps you keep the image of KFC as a saintly business.

    Google.... is your friend...
    Why should I do research to support your arguments?

  11. #161
    Some kind of Nature~ Fonzie's Avatar
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    I had KFC today... don't hate me because i'm human(and i like to eat things bad for me).

  12. #162
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roto13-ness
    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    There... is tonnes... listen... for the love of GOD listen...
    You can deny this girl died all you want if helps you keep the image of KFC as a saintly business.

    Google.... is your friend...
    Why should I do research to support your arguments?
    Seconded. Wuggly, if you want me to take you seriously, you'd link me to that article.

  13. #163


    Because your denying a fact. It happened. Deal with it. Its not even a argument, its a statement. I really cant be bothered, really, its late, and all I get "There was no girl! the court lied! the registers lied! her parents lied!" From someone who cant even kepe to the orignal fact, chickens ARE abused at KFC, we even went back to topic and you went off with abusive posts you susqeuntly deleted.

    Its in every uk newspapers, under history. Most even keep records, there that nice. See, Igorance isnt bliss.

    "NPC: Sorry this house is sealed off because of Blight"

  14. #164
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    Because your denying a fact. It happened. Deal with it. Its not even a argument, its a statement. I really cant be bothered, really, its late, and all I get "There was no girl! the court lied! the registers lied! her parents lied!" From someone who cant even kepe to the orignal fact, chickens ARE abused at KFC, we even went back to topic and you went off with abusive posts you susqeuntly deleted.

    Its in very uk newspapers, under history.
    That's not what I'm saying at all. Pay attention. I'm saying that I'm skeptical that KFC as a corporation protected these people and "took a damn bullet to cover their asses" and you're not doing anything to prove it.

  15. #165
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuggly Blight
    Because your denying a fact. It happened. Deal with it. Its not even a argument, its a statement. I really cant be bothered, really, its late, and all I get "There was no girl! the court lied! the registers lied! her parents lied!" From someone who cant even kepe to the orignal fact, chickens ARE abused at KFC, we even went back to topic and you went off with abusive posts you susqeuntly deleted.

    Its in every uk newspapers, under history. Most even keep records, there that nice. See, Igorance isnt bliss.
    I never said that I thought what you are saying is false. It's just that you're giving no evidence to back up what you're saying. And I never said the court case never happened. I'm starting to think you're not even reading my or roto's posts, and that you're being completely unreasonable.

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