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Thread: Favourite Teachers

  1. #16
    Jäästä Syntynyt GooeyToast's Avatar
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    Almost all my teachers have sucked. However my English teacher, Mr. Buckely, is rather...out there. He's weird, but cool. Every now and then he raps for the class, which is freaking hilarious because he sounds nothing like a rapper. Must say though, some of the lyrics to the raps were pretty good

  2. #17
    RX Queen Recognized Member kikimm's Avatar
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    I've had some cool teachers, I guess, but I never form any relationships with them like a lot of the other kids do. I usually keep it strict student-teacher, so no joking around or anything like that. I don't know why, I usually like to be relaxed and fun with people but eh.

    Although Ms. Harris, my English teacher for the past two years, is awesome and I'm pretty close with her. I think she's the only teacher I've ever had that I've actually spent some time talking to, getting to know her. It's too bad that I seem to be the only other person in the school who likes her, though. As far as I know that's not an exaggeration.
    --Box Box Box Box

  3. #18


    My English 10 teacher. She's a hippie vegitarian, and I love her so much. She's strict, and expects alot from her students but if you're happy, she's happy. Oh, and it's absolutely impossible to fail her class. She'll make you retake tests/quizzes to do better. Even though it's High School & we're all supposed to be past that phase, she doesn't think anything's wrong with it. She's so awesome!

  4. #19
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venom
    I hate smurfing teachers.
    The age gap and the fact that most of them would be married already does make it awkward.

    there was a picture here

  5. #20


    My technology teacher, greatest craic ever. Dont give a damn about teaching us, just stories and whatever else he seen in the news.
    The last words of Oscar Wilde, to the wallpaper in his room - "One of us has to go"

  6. #21


    Ms. Box from high school. during my entire stay there, i had her as an instructor several times (Mass Communication, English, etc). she's one of those nice, care-free teachers. well, there is no single word that could describe this teacher...

  7. #22
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    Mr. Lenny Cato.

    I mean really, that's all I need to say.

  8. #23
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    You're asking me to pick my favourite teacher? That's like asking me to pick my favourite member of the Nazi Party. Joseph Goebbels, by the way, for both categories. We had a history teacher who looked just like him, and it was funny when he was teaching us about WW2 and the Nazis. Also, the name Goebbels cracks me up.

  9. #24
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    I would have to say my 7th grade English teacher would be the best. He had a very nice sense of humor. He was also very nice to almost everybody, not to mention his classes were fun and interesting.

  10. #25
    4 Recognized Member Faris's Avatar
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    I've had some pretty strange and different teachers in highschool. I can't pick a favorite, maybe my summer course teacher, since all we basically did was easy-peasy stuff, play cards, pass notes, and pass even if we failed the tests miserably.

    4444444444 4 4 444 44 4

  11. #26
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    in high school I didn't have many, if any cool teachers, I suppose there was the 26/7 year old history teacher Ms. Ridyard she was pretty cool allowed me to get away with a lot of crap like walking out of lessons due to the fact I was being bullied for actually knowing stuff. The only thing that ruined it was the fact that the year I left high school I went out clubbing with some mates (yeah I was just about 16) and she was in the club and didn't recognize me (i'd grown a goatee and looked about 23 with it) and she hit on me, quite scary in the end a friend of hers (another teacher from my highschool) recognized me but not before she'd tried to snog me!

    Also my old Geography teacher would get mad and throw stuff across his room including once a overhead projector (that was funny but the school governors didn't like it)

    In college though things changed, I had plenty of cool teachers from my personal tutor Elizabeth Arlango who would place silly little things that would make our class smile or laugh on the end of every e-mail she sent us (ICT course most of the communicating was through the net). To Maria Bell (head of my course) who cut me so much slack due to the fact I lost most of my coursework time due to RSI injuries preventing me from typing.

    Though my wierdest teacher in college would have to be my other (3rd year) personal tutor, she was pretty cool was old Steph another young and relatively attractive teacher in my life (god was I the lucky one) she taught english and actually stopped me getting thrown out of college on more than one occasion. Her methods to stop me getting kicked out were dubious though including as a one off for stopping me from being thrown out she asked me to go on a double date with her and her friend (her mate was bragging about her 22/24 yr old student b/f and how it was the prime of his life ect ect. and he was going to be there) which I did. I have to admit that was the wierdest date of my life and will remain so I think forever, the 29yr old English A-level tutor and the 19yr old student.

  12. #27
    Yuffie ate my avatar Sefie1999AD's Avatar
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    I've had some great teachers, especially during the upper stage of the comprehensive school (you go there at the ages of 13-15) and high school. Here's some:

    - One of the teachers of my class in the elementary school: she made fun and clear lessons, she had some nice humor there, and her notes were excellent, summarizing the studying material very well. She was also helpful and understanding when some people kept bullying me all the time that year.

    - My music teacher in the upper stage: a fun guy, and he's also the father of one of my friends. He was really into band and choir activity, and it was great playing in the band and in different school events (the Christmas party, Easter, spring party etc).

    - The teacher of the "bad guy" class in the upper stage: he never did lessons for me because he was only teaching the special class that had people who make a lot of noise or even rage in school. He was a pretty cool guy, though, and I think he had even won something like gold or bronze in the Finnish championships in some power athletics event. He also told me his students say "Have a nice weekend!" on Monday or "Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!" on early autumn or so, so I copied those students a bit (so did he). For example, if it was Monday morning and I was heading to a lesson, I told him to have a nice weekend.

    - My advanced math / IT / career's teacher in the upper stage: he reminded me a bit of my history teacher Ojanen from high school (I'll get back to that guy later ). A pretty funny guy. I remember when there was once a visit to a vocational school but I couldn't get there because I was ill, having fever and I had lost my voice, and when my mom called him about that, he said: "That's too bad, there's many noisy people in school who I almost wish would lose their voices, but he's definitely not one of them."

    - My biology teacher in high school: I never liked biology too much, but she was hilarious! The stories she makes to explain some biological phenomenon were so funny. She also swears and uses quite flaming words to students, but she's clearly joking and not meaning it (in a parody movie I made about the high school, she was starring it, and she just loved flaming others there, especially Ojanen). Once there was an exercise in our biology book which she thought made absolutely no sense, so she said: "What? This question totally sucks! Give the authors of the book this answer: go smurf yourselves!"

    - My history teacher (Ojanen) in high school: if you wanted a movie action hero or a rock star, here's one for you! A really cool guy. His notes in history lessons were very good. There was one course where I barely touched the history book during the course, and I didn't even open the book when I was studying for the exam, and I got 9½ from the exam (it had two essays), so I got the grade 10 (the best grade). He's somewhat flirty with the girls, so many girls think he's pretty great. My friend Kossage pretty much thinks about every "cool" movie character reminds him of Ojanen.

    - Another history teacher (Härmä) in high school: he's quite a funny guy, especially when his humor is quite dark, he makes a lot of jokes about Swedish people for some reason and his laughter is quite sick. He'd make a great Kefka, only with a low-pitched laugh. In the movies, Kossage likes to think the villains or some war-crazy characters remind him of Härmä, and Kossage has this comic image in his head where Härmä invades Sweden with a tank and starts shooting at people while doing a maniacal laugh. :shoot:

    Oh, here's an example about how Kossage places Ojanen and Härmä into movies. In Disney's Aladdin, he thinks Jafar is like Härmä and Iago is like Ojanen, and it creates some funny moments when we try to imagine those scenes with Ojanen being there instead of Iago, and Härmä being there instead of Jafar.

    - My physics teacher (Kujanen) in high school: He teaches physics, math and nowadays religion too. I didn't get to know him much in high school, but Kossage sometimes talked with him for about an hour about religion, the purpose of life and other things like that, and I was wondering what on earth is up with them for talking so long. Later, when I got interested in religious things, I met him in the youth events in a congregation, so that's how I got to know him better. Quite a funny guy, he's good with doing speeches and coming up with examples and metaphors. He's also an all-around great person.

    - My English teacher in high school: She's a pretty good teacher, and when I sometimes revisit my high school, she comes to me and asks me how I'm doing in Tampere, how my studies are going, if I've found a lot of new friends there, how I like the city etc. I remember when Kossage and I asked her how our exams went, and she said "they were quite close to 10" and then she laughed, making it almost feel like a joke, so then I told Kossage: "I know! That means we got a 4, because 4 is quite close to 10!" (the grade 4 means you failed the course)

    - My Finnish teacher (AKu) in high school: Each teacher had their name abbreviations, and hers was AKu (short for Arja Kujanpää), and the teachers called her "Aku", which is Donald Duck's name in Finnish. It's funny when sometimes I called out for her name and she didn't recognize it, then I said "Aku!" and she noticed I was talking to her. She liked dark novels, and also horror novels. One of the phrases she uses is "Täh?" which means "What?" So sometimes when she was saying "What? What?" she reminded me of Stone Cold Steve Austin.

    - The psychology teacher in high school: I was never in her lessons, but she was one of the youngest teachers I've ever seen. She was still studying in a university when she became a teacher in our high school for a year. In a student dance event where there's a chance for students to ask other people to dance with them, and some people traditionally ask teachers too, Kossage and I went to ask some teachers too. He danced with the English teacher, I danced with the psychology teacher. She was also one of the many teachers who Kossage and I interviewed in an article we wrote in the school's yearbook, and she was one of the teachers who were doing some live voice acting in an early version of my movie project.

    - The math teacher (Sivonen) in high school: He was the form master of our class. His name is Heikki, but people call him Hessu, which means Goofy (so we had Donald and Goofy in high school ), and since he pretty much hears everything people say and he's also an always-ready type guy, many people call him the Super Goofy.

    - Another math teacher (Mäkitalo) in high school: Another teacher with dark sense of humor. She once said we shouldn't be afraid of her comments or be insulted by them, she just has a weird sense of humor. I asked her, "Don't you mean you have a sadistic sense of humor?" And she laughed so hard. There were other situations when someone said a good joke, and she laughed out loud for a long time, and when she tried to continue teaching, she started to think about the joke again, so she started to laugh again.

    - A physics/IT teacher (Mäkinen) in high school: he seems like a silent guy who speaks in a muttering way, but once you get to know him, he's a funny guy who jokes a lot. A pretty good and interesting teacher too. He wasn't very strict about the discipline in the classroom, but almost everyone was still quiet because they wanted to hear what he was saying. I was also acting him in the student play when high school ended for me, my lines were muttering in a style similar to Kenny from South Park. That was amusing.

    Whew, I wonder if that's enough. All in all, the high school where I was going was just full of great people.
    People dislike FFIX because they're horrible idiots. - Kawaii Ryûkishi
    "One-Winged Angel" is far and away the best final boss song ever
    - Kawaii Ryûkishi

  13. #28


    When it comes to favourite teachers my favour system runs on who I enjoyed making fun of the most. An with that, it's difficult to choose a favourite, since their are alot of freaks to choose from.

  14. #29
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Seeing how someone told me to do it, I'll tell you all about my English teacher. I don't like her, but she makes for an amusing story.

    It's been a long standing rumour that my English teacher was a porn star. They say how she mixed up the tapes for Romeo and Juliet and instead of R&J... well... xD

    At first, I didn't really believe it. You hear these rumours all the time. But as time went on, it just became more and more obvious. She'd always find someway to incorporate sex into a conversation, etc. Also, she'd always say stuff about how guys always propositioned her, but she never mentioned if she said no. Also, during an after school test, she brought her 6th (I think? She might have more, she has a TON of children and she had like, 3 husbands) child into the classroom. She's only a baby and as babies are wont to do, she was on her back, kicking her feet into the air. Then, my pornstar English teacher blurted out "I used to do that position a lot!"

    No lie. She did/said some other stuff too, those are just a few. So that is why I am nearly certain that the rumours are true and that she was a porn star. I even know her porn star name, but I haven't dared look it up yet.

  15. #30
    Mr. Smiles Kossage's Avatar
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    Sephiriroth1999AD already mentioned a lot of teachers that I like, but I'm still going to write 'em down. I'll try to avoid overlap when I write about the same people, but there might still be some, just so you know.

    - In elementary school I had a nice music teacher (Kadar) who really got me interested in music and singing and all that. He had such an odd sense of humour, but that's what made him funny, and he had a good way of teaching the basics of music (the so-called Kodaly theory). I still get to meet him quite often, because I sing in his choir. xD

    - In upper secondary school I had a great biology teacher (Eneberg) who was a witty guy and had that quirky sense of humour. I remember how he made us collect all these insects from a pond and take them back to class, and we'd watch how the water insects killed each other (I guess they were hungry or something). He always used this gavel, and I'll always remember the first words he said to us: "If you disagree with me and want to give your opinion, just raise your hand and flip the bird." So yeah, he was a cool guy and had these interesting lessons thanks to which I learned to like both biology and geography.

    - My history teacher (Linna) in upper secondary school was quite funny, sort of a precursor of my high school history teacher Ojanen if you like. He had actually known Ojanen when I had asked him about it later on, and he joked about the things Ojanen had done as a younger man. Anyway, Linna had this hammer which he used as a slingshot and used it to send batteries flying at us if we talked. He also collected these small figurines you get from Kinder easter eggs, and if someone didn't fare well in an exam, they could give a couple of figurines and he'd usually make the grade better. xD He had a surprisingly similar sense of humour to Ojanen, and here's an example: during one class when he let us get out earlier than normal, he said right before we left: "Just remember that once you get out of class, I'm still responsible for what happens to you guys for the next hour. So, don't get hit by a car or anything that might kill you, or I'll be sent to jail. Then I'll reach out to you, call all of you and ask why you betrayed me. And if I die in jail, I'll come and haunt your houses as long as you live!" But yeah, he was a nice teacher, always joking around.

    - My high school maths teacher (Sivonen), or Super Goofy as we called him because he actually had super powers, was a nice fellow, always inspiring me to study maths harder. He always told us stories about how he had chopped up wood all by himself, how he had once almost carried our history teacher away and always told us that we should come talk to him if any of us broke up with our boyfriend or girlfriend, because no one should have to suffer from broken hearts. He also "threatened" to kick us if we failed to get the necessary 75 done, and always encouraged us to do our studies. Especially in our senior year he became really funny, making jokes about various maths stuff and even some of our teachers.

    - My high school history teacher (Ojanen) was a funny fellow, and after meeting him my life was never the same innocent one it had used to be. When I first saw him I thought he was some town drunk, but he quickly proved to be something totally different. Ojanen had this rockstar attitude (you should've seen him during the American history class when he acted like Tom Cruise; I laughed out loud), and he always flirted with girls. I even found out from my sister that when he had been younger he'd been drinking with girls from senior class and tried to hit on them (but of course in a joking kind of way). He had this interesting method of how we should write notes: his sheets only had the first letter of each word, and in order to understand what that meant we had to listen to him speak. History has always been one of my favourite subjects, and thanks to Ojanen this just intensified my interest in figures like Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Eisenhower, Mannerheim and such. I remember one peculiar day when I was having a psychology lesson in Ojanen's class, and suddenly he opened the door only to notice that a class was in the room and the teacher was teaching. First he looked around as if he was worried, then he sneaked in so that the psychology teacher wouldn't notice him, and to top it off he tripped, falling flat on his face. Everyone in the room laughed, and then the teacher herself saw Ojanen, asking what he wanted. Ojanen took his brefcase and apologized while smiling and then he looked at us, saying: "You had your fun, so quit it. The rockstar's going, byee~!" The way he said this was quite funny, and he almost tripped again when he left the class. He also did this funny dance move when he left as if he was in a rock concert. Heh, Ojanen was such a cool teacher. xD

    - My other high school history teacher (Härmä) was the more sinister one of the two history teachers. If Ojanen was the angel (and sometimes a lil' devil in disguise), Härmä was the hell lord himself, but not in any negative way, mind you. He joked about how much he hates Swedes and told us he'd gun down every one of them and a certain Swedish king if he could go back in time. His laugh was so funny, but apparently it gives a lot of people the creeps, which is a shame, because the laugh is something you must hear. If you think Kefka's laugh was bad, you should listen to Härmä's deep bass laugh which uses this interesting rhythm. Although Härmä's history lessons were hilarious, his second philosophy lesson was the funniest. He joked around pretty much all the time, often making fun of Ojanen who had taught that same course, and when he laughed, he couldn't stop (he kind of reminded me of one of my maths teachers, Mäkitalo during that phase xD), and eventually all of us were laughing. He also taught us stuff about whether it can be proven that God exists or not (quite interesting lessons and nice theories from both side of the spectrum), and he never forgot to insult Swedes. I'd have a lot of stories to tell about him, but it'd take so much space to write them down, so I'll let it pass.

    - My biology teacher (Katajamäki) was quite funny too (notice the pattern I use to describe teachers?). She joked around in class and usually made fun of people who didn't follow her lessons. She also taught geography, but I never attended to her class. However, I got to see a glimpse of her geography skills when we had school on one Saturday. When we were having these assignments where you had to pinpoint a location of some city by using coordinates on a map, some freshman asked where Athens was on the map. Katajamäki got furious and shouted: "You numbskull, don't you know where the freaking Athens is? I'm going to throw some chalk at you and then send you flying all around that freaking city!" I laughed out loud when I heard that, because the way she said it was so funny even though she was just joking. The freshman was really scared though and shut up after that. I also remember another funny episode (I know there are plenty of them, but I'll mention only a few). As we had had this exam about evolution and Mendel and stuff, I got the second best grade (9 out of 10). However, because my other exams went well, I decided to retake the exam, because I knew the subject well and I wanted to get the best grade. I retook the exam and after the exam I talked with Katajamäki about it, and she grinned and said: "It's good you retook that exam to get a better number than that good-for-nothing 9 you got out of the previous exam! 10's the way to go, man!" Eventually I got the best grade, 10, and since that day Katajamäki and I have always been joking about that incident. She was a nice teacher with enough sarcasm and sort of a love-and-hate relationship with Ojanen (in a friendly manner, of course), and managed to liven up school life.

    - One of my university English teachers (Goymer) is quite funny. He's a lot like Ojanen in many ways and seems to support anarchy, often joking that the British royal family should be hanged. Of course that's more of a joking kind of statement than his real view, but he does seem to despise some aspects of Great Britain nevertheless and instead enjoys the Finnish countryside. He does joke about Finns and Swedes too, especially those who study economics. He jokes a lot about the US, especially in our American culture class, and has quite a sharp tongue. He usually laughs at his own jokes, but most people don't seem to get them, and then he looks at us like we're crazy if we don't understand his jokes. The expression he makes is priceless, even funnier than that of Jim Carrey. Anyway, he teaches all kinds of stuff well and is particularly interested in films, novels and history in general, and his lectures are interesting.

    There are so many other great teachers I could mention, like Kujanen, Mäkinen, Potka, Kujanpää, Mäkitalo, Kytöharju, Uurtimo, Valkeinen, Porter, Tiusanen etc etc, but I think this list will do, and the people mentioned here left their mark on me (in a metaphorical way xD) and really got me interested in all kinds of stuff. All in all they're a great bunch, and I'm happy to say that most of my teachers were great and there were very few horrible teachers I've met. Thanks to the nice teachers I kept on studying, and they always encouraged me to give all I got, and that has helped me a lot in life. I still talk to many of them, and they still haven't lost that wit and charm they had years ago, which is nice.
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