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Thread: Have you ever felt???

  1. #1
    Banned DeathKnight's Avatar
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    Default Have you ever felt???

    Like you can't believe what you see?:

    -The way people have changed
    -How fast days/months/years pass by
    -How less connected you are to the times
    -How there's no one you can associate with like you used to?
    -How hostile people have become
    -How every little thing affects you MORE

    -There's no way I'm emo/gothic or any of that crap lol, but there are times when I just wonder if I was warped into the future/past...or to a time where I don't really belong. Not sure, but society since 2001 has been going down instead of up, I enjoyed the 90s, and I feel there's SOMETHING wrong with the 00s.


  2. #2


    I agree. I'm not exactly pleased by the way people treat each other these days. It's like you can't trust anyone.

    I've noticed a lot with the kids are really disrespectful (yeah I feel really old when I say that) I like to take care of kids, but some of the things they say, just makes me go "what the hell are your parents teaching you?!"

    but yeah, something is wrong, I agree.

  3. #3
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    People have become more sensitive, that is my belief. I don't know exactly when it happened, but somewhere around 9/11 is a good guess. It's a natural thing, I suppose.

  4. #4
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Have you changed along with them too? For the worse or for the better?

    Sometime it is easy to notice changes around us but not ourselves.

  5. #5


    The world has become a more hostile place, im not suprised that everyone is a bit more sensitive and frightened than before.

  6. #6
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Sure. Time has been flying really fast. Sometimes I feel like I'm not even living my life, but watching it go by.

  7. #7
    Banned Itsunari 2000's Avatar
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    Something enigmatic should go here ...


    Hostile ? Hah, you don't know the half of it... Everyone, on every street corner or train platform , is a potential enemy ...
    Last edited by Itsunari 2000; 06-02-2006 at 10:19 PM.

  8. #8
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsunari 2000
    Hostile ? Hah, you don't know the half of it... from my perspective anyway. Everyone, on every street corner or train platform , is a potential enemy ...
    Talk about being suspicious...

  9. #9
    (。◕‿‿◕。) Recognized Member Jojee's Avatar
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    I feel like I've changed way too much, actually ^^ And sometimes not enough :</>D

    I also feel really bad for old people when I see them, and I know I shouldn't but I'm just like "Awww they're so old ;_; They have to use a cane to walk and they hobble so slowly, I feel so bad for them, I wondre how they feel about their oldness ;____;" /swt xD Except I know it's inevitable and then I get scared that my parents will become like that soon and wonder how they feel that like over half their lives is over already, and I'm always afraid my grandpa who lives with us right now will die because he's old... although I know it's inevitable that he will well within my lifetime anyway D: And then I'll be old and hobbling around! And then I get to thinking that I'm at the prime of my life right now, it's only downhill from here xD! Man that stuff depresses me :X


  10. #10
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    It's called life.

    there was a picture here

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus
    It's called life.
    Life is for the weak. Undead is the wave of the future.

    And yes, its happened to me. Quite a bit. I can't believe I signed up for the Navy, but I did. NEver saw myself working for the government.

  12. #12
    Seraph Auragaea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ^^~*M0oNLigHt~Rac00n*~<3
    I feel like I've changed way too much, actually ^^ And sometimes not enough :</>D

    I also feel really bad for old people when I see them, and I know I shouldn't but I'm just like "Awww they're so old ;_; They have to use a cane to walk and they hobble so slowly, I feel so bad for them, I wondre how they feel about their oldness ;____;" /swt xD Except I know it's inevitable and then I get scared that my parents will become like that soon and wonder how they feel that like over half their lives is over already, and I'm always afraid my grandpa who lives with us right now will die because he's old... although I know it's inevitable that he will well within my lifetime anyway D: And then I'll be old and hobbling around! And then I get to thinking that I'm at the prime of my life right now, it's only downhill from here xD! Man that stuff depresses me :X
    On Aging
    By Maya Angelou

    When you see me sitting quietly,
    Like a sack left on the shelf,
    Don't think I need your chattering,
    I'm listening to myself.
    Hold! Stop! Don't pity me!
    Hold! Stop your sympathy!
    Understanding if you got it,
    Otherwise I'll do without it!

    When my bones are stiff and aching
    And my feet won't climb the stair,
    I will only ask one favor:
    Don't bring me no rocking chair.

    When you see me walking, stumbling,
    Don't study and get it wrong.
    'Cause tired don't mean lazy
    And every goodbye ain't gone.
    I'm the same person I was back then,
    A little less hair, a little less chin,
    A lot less lungs and much less wind.
    But ain't I lucky I can still breathe in.
    The things I could not do yesterday, I shall not fear to attempt today, for I shall never give up on tomorrow. - Alexia Lynn Elesius (Wild ARMs Crossfire)

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus
    It's called life.
    Lolz burn on your life DK.

    Yes, everyone feels it, it's normal. Most people try and deal with it even though they hate it. I'm no exception. Yes, people are going to change. That includes you. That's part of life.

    Quote Originally Posted by DeathKnight
    Not sure, but society since 2001 has been going down instead of up, I enjoyed the 90s, and I feel there's SOMETHING wrong with the 00s.
    You were younger and therefore more naive about the wonderfulness of the world, and as you mature, you see it for what it is. Not saying you can't have fun in the '00s, but you've most likely lost alot of innocence since the 90s.

  14. #14
    Banned Itsunari 2000's Avatar
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    Something enigmatic should go here ...


    Quote Originally Posted by Ultima Shadow
    Quote Originally Posted by Itsunari 2000
    Hostile ? Hah, you don't know the half of it... from my perspective anyway. Everyone, on every street corner or train platform , is a potential enemy ...
    Talk about being suspicious...
    Suspicion bordering on paranoia, granted.

  15. #15
    Jäästä Syntynyt GooeyToast's Avatar
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    I belong in pre-historic times

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