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Thread: Father

  1. #1
    Banned DeathKnight's Avatar
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    Inspired by Rye's "Oh Snap" thread.

    Ok here we go:

    -What are your feelings 'bout fathers?
    -experiences? are you going to be a good father?
    -are you going to have kids at all?
    -and what do you want to teach your children as fathers?
    -Is our society corrupted with men who don't care 'bout their kids?
    -What is your father like? are they with you?

    Discuss these and other topics related.

    PS: If any of those it's too personal, it's ok.

  2. #2
    bitchin in black Twisted Tinkerbell's Avatar
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    I never knew my dad, he left just before I was born, and due to the stories I've heard about him, that is not a bad thing. I was raised by my mum'd parents, and my Grandad was a great substitute father to me. I was really close to him, and I still really miss him (he died a few years ago).

    This sexy sig is by Owen Mcwere. Thank you Owie!

  3. #3
    Missing Dell's Avatar
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    -What are your feelings 'bout fathers?
    What a kid should feel about his father. Well, I'm a kid. Sometimes, my father really make me mad.

    -experiences? are you going to be a good father?
    Depends on my future.

    -are you going to have kids at all?
    I'm not barren so I will, probably.

    -and what do you want to teach your children as fathers?
    Good things! I also teach him/her how to kick AG.

    -Is our society corrupted with men who don't care 'bout their kids?
    Like hell, I know.

    -What is your father like? are they with you?
    Well, yes when I need to, I'll go to him or else, I just stay in my room playing RPG, soemtimes my father comes to my room.

    I'm way too young to answer this but I'm a genius, I will.

    The Late Owen Macwere Production.

  4. #4
    Banned ~SapphireStar~'s Avatar
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    My parents spilt up shortly after I was born, but we kept in touch. Took me to Florida for the first time, played computer games with me, gave me a shoulder to cry on and helped me out money wise. Sadly Ive not spoken to him since he moved to Perth 2 years ago. And I recently found out he abused my mum ...

    Little girls adore their fathers and why you discover something like that, it can change your view on them. I'd want the father of my children to be the best he can be, just to basically be there for them when they need him.

  5. #5
    A World Unseen Rusty's Avatar
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    -What are your feelings 'bout fathers?

    Fathers don't get a fair go in the courts.

    -experiences? are you going to be a good father?

    What sort of experiences? No, but hopefully I'll make a good mum one day!

    -are you going to have kids at all?


    -and what do you want to teach your children as fathers?

    Can't answer. I'm a girl xD

    -Is our society corrupted with men who don't care 'bout their kids?

    No, not in Australia in my opinion.

    -What is your father like? are they with you?

    I think my father is awesome. I hold my Dad in great admiration. I live with my Dad, I chose to leave my mother at 13 due to personal reasons. I have a really great relationship with my Dad.

  6. #6
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    No, Rusty, I am your father.

    EDIT: I couldn't help it

    there was a picture here

  7. #7
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Old Manus should bury his wild BMX extreme sports before settleing down as a father.

  8. #8
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    there was a picture here

  9. #9
    it's not fun, don't do it Moon Rabbits's Avatar
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    -What are your feelings 'bout fathers?

    I hate my own. I don't care about others.

    -experiences? are you going to be a good father?

    I don't plan to be one.

    -are you going to have kids at all?


    -and what do you want to teach your children as fathers?

    See above again.

    -Is our society corrupted with men who don't care 'bout their kids?

    Not corrupted per ce, but it's a problem.

    -What is your father like? are they with you?

    He was physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive. My father is on the other side of my country.

  10. #10
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    -What are your feelings 'bout fathers?

    There they are.

    -experiences? are you going to be a good father?

    I probably would be.

    -are you going to have kids at all?

    I don't want any, and if I had any by accident, it would be a medical marvel indeed.

    -and what do you want to teach your children as fathers?

    They are lucky to be born from two men.

    -Is our society corrupted with men who don't care 'bout their kids?

    Certain parts of it, yes.

    -What is your father like? are they with you?

    Pretty much useless. He doesn't contribute anything to the household. No job, doesn't clean, all he does is fix stuff when it breaks. He spends the rest of his time chain smoking cigarettes that my mother buys for him and watching tv.

  11. #11
    Enlightened Despot SammieBabe's Avatar
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    -What are your feelings 'bout fathers?
    My dad is pretty cool. My stepfathers were jerks. Dad used to piss me off when I was a teenager, but he was doing what he thought was right. And he was. He also taught me how to drive, took me to concerts, made me study, and helped me become a good person.

    -experiences? are you going to be a good father?
    No, but I think my husband is a great father...

    -are you going to have kids at all?
    Expecting number 2 as we speak...
    -and what do you want to teach your children as fathers?
    You may not always like Daddy, but he'll always love you...

    -Is our society corrupted with men who don't care 'bout their kids?
    With both men and women, yes...

    -What is your father like? are they with you?
    Yeah. He's alot like me, just taller and male. He recently went back to school to finish his degree, and is currently playing in two rock bands. He's still there when I need him and still listens to me cry, no matter how dumb the reason. I know that no matter where in life I go, my Dad will always be behind me 150%...

  12. #12
    PSP IZ DA DAWGZ!!!!!!! Cid Vicious's Avatar
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    What are your feelings about fathers
    I think having a father is an important thing in your life. Not having one can screw you up.

    Are you going to be a good father
    I'm going to be the best i can.

    Are you going to have kids at all
    I hope too.

    Is our society corrupted with men who don't care about their kids
    No. I've seen women treat their kids much worse than men

    What is your father like? Are they with you
    I never knew my father. He was jailed before i was born, and died while still in when i was three. My step-father was an w*****, he died when i was eleven.

  13. #13
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    Are you going to have kids at all?

    No. But that's not a certain answer.

    What do you want to teach your children as fathers?

    To do the best they can, and then go get a soda when they're done.

    Is our society corrupted with men who don't care 'bout their kids?

    Most definitely. That goes for women and mothers, too.

    What is your father like? are they with you?

    He's okay.

  14. #14
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    What are your feelings about fushas

    Fushas are the male equilvalent to mushas.

    Are you going to be a good fusha

    Only if my wife does all the work.

    Are you going to have kids at all

    How can I be a fusha with no kids!? Trick question.

    Is our society corrupted with men who don't care about their kids

    Of course men care. They care up to the point where they don't have to care anymore.

    What is your fusha like? Are they with you

    My fusha is here with me. He is goot.

  15. #15
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    My feelings about my own father are nothing but positive. I know that some people's fathers can be abhorent arseholes however. Thankfully mine isn't. I'm sure I would be a good father, the one thing I need to work on is my temper. I tend to fly off the handle a lot without much provoking. However I'm usually great with kids so I'm guessing I'd be good at the job. As for what I'm going to teach my kids, the primary thing is to always look out for other people and help in anyway you can. I don't want my kids to be greedy, so I'll also teach them the value of friendship and family over material (something many kids lack these days). I don't know if our society has lots of fathers who don't care about their kids, but there seems to be a generally accepted practice that men can leave the kids in the care of their mothers. Indeed, custody laws favour the mother in almost all cases, even when it's obvious that the father would be a much better parent to the child.
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