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Thread: The Journal Thread (September)

  1. #16
    Meep~? Sapphire's Avatar
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    Looks like I've gotten a chance to come online again!!

    It's 2pm in the afternoon now, and my parents have gone out for a few hours or so so I've gotten the chance to come online again. I'm ill though... so that's a reason to stay home while the others go down town. Another reason why I'm allowed to stay at home is because I'm supposed to study somemore... my mom wants me to study for 4hrs each day... I really feel rather guilty ya know, somehow I can't seem to study for that long. The longest I've made it was around 3hrs. This is really stressful...

    And plus I haven't completed my D&T artefact in school yet... I still have to go back during the holidays to complete it though... *sigh* Oh well...

    *We were put on this earth to brighten the lives of others*


  2. #17
    Recognized Member Britt's Avatar
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    School starts today. I got up at 5:50AM, to prepare last little preparation things. It didn't really help that I'd rolled around until about 1:30AM, completely unable to sleep. I started thinking about Angela, and once I start thinking about Angela, I might as well turn the light back on and stare out the window, because I won't get back to sleep. xD

    Little musing times are few and far between, these days, so I welcomed the chance to really stop and think. Last night was probably the first time I seriously got to sit and muse for a good week or so. I can't put my finger on why, but it's just been hard to focus, lately. The world seems to be spinning faster, time moving swifter. But I figure that's a pretty good thing, what with school back.

    Most people like going back to school to see their friends again. I probably would, if I had any friends to speak of. So I'm really kind of dreading bumping into all those idiots again. But whatyagonnado, as a wise man once (quite often, rather) said. (I spelled it properly, didn't I, Brian? xD)

  3. #18
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    September 4th, 2001 4:33 PM

    Today was just another day of school. Nothing too special. I had a fun during the second half of the day, as usual.

    I think I'm getting the flu that's been going around lately. I've had a horrible stomach ache all day, and last night while laying in bed, I felt sick too. Maybe if I'm lucky my mom will let me stay home tommorow, if I still feel bad.

    I'm getting more and more anxious to get and learn the bass guitar. I've decided on getting a four string and picking it, as apposed to the other type and using my fingers. Yeah, I know all this about bass guitars, and I've never even played one before.

    Hopefully, I'll be able to get some materials together and finally be able to launch my site. It'll be cool when that happens.

  4. #19
    Umi Butterfly


    Today was my first day back at school. I'm so glad to be back. I got to see all my friends and I know I'll meet more.

    I'm excited to see what the year will bring, though the school accidently switched a course without telling me.
    So now I'm in drama.
    *Amazingly has a huge fear of speaking publicly.*
    [I saw amazingly for those of you who know me and have spoken to me on the phone etc.]

    I'll just take it day by day.

  5. #20



    -_- Slept horribly. I couldn't sleep for some reason. I have no idea why. O_o; Plus, when I did at about 3:00, the kitten I'm babysitting decided to put a big scratch on my hand, effectively keeping me up for another half hour. Woke up again at 4:30, and then again at 7:00 to get ready for school. First day today.

    Got to school. Currently, I have a spare. I'm only in grade 11, so I had to straighten that out with Guidance. Took Law. I don't really want to, but it was either Gym, General Workplace History, or Law. I think I made the right choice.

    Met up with some friends after walking laps around the halls aimlessly. Meh. Nothing big.

    Home room. Ashley was late. Stuck with many grade nines for 10 minutes. Kinda creepy. O_o; All in all kinda cool though.

    First Period. English. Me and Ashley walked toward the classroom to find the possibly the 3 biggest bitches in our grade walking in the classroom. We nearly cried. -_-; But a lot of our friends are in that class, so it's okay. We had to sit in the front becauce we weren't early. Ashley tried switching with this guy Jay, to the back, leaving me in the front alone. Thanks again, Ash. *glare* But, she came back, of course. ...Eventually. ~_~ The teacher's nice too... Although he did say he was going to put us up on desks, blindfold us, and let the rest of the class gawk at us. That's a scary thought.

    Second period. Biology. My teacher's a really good one. I'm glad. Lots of friends in there too. It's gonna be a good class.

    Third and forth period. Co-op. Yarg. I know a couple people, but they're not really friends.. Luckily, my cousin Gillian is in there with me. ^_^ We're really close, so it's good. She's older too, so she can help me a bit. I still don't have a placement, but I'm almost sure to get in at the veterenary clinic near my house.

    Fifth period. Ugh. This is where my spare was. I choose law, and the guidance guy gave me a note to get in. When I got there, the teahcer just gave me a dirty look. O_o; I apologised, and tried to explain, but she just said "I don't care. Sit down.". I felt like such an idiot. Gah, what a bitch.

    Sixth period. Graphic Arts. I have a few friends in there, including Gillian again (it's a grade 12 course). Mr. Goheend, my teacher is... so odd. He spent the first half talking about fish, and the second trying to convince us he's psychic. What a cool class that's gonna be.

    Seventh period. Art. >_< My favourite last year, but I got a bad teacher, and an even worse class. I got stuck with all the people who failed grade 12 art, and people who just picked it to fill their time table. The teacher's a real stiff too. SO many rules. O_o; I also don't know hardly anyone there.. Only 2 girls I barely know. ~_~ Ah well, I can just focus on my art. It works.

    Eighth period. Math. *shudders* I have Mr. Hamely for this. Quite possibly the MEANEST teacher ever. ;_; He yells pretty much all the time. >_< And I've got some major jerks in my class. *sighs* They'll make this class hell. -_-

    All in all it wasn't too bad... This year could turn out not bad at all.

  6. #21
    ORANGE Dr Unne's Avatar
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    September 4, 2001 8:45 PM

    My computer had a meltdown today. I almost had to reformat the HD again, but I got away with just deltree-ing the windows directory from DOS and reinstalling windows. Ah well. It's almost back to normal now.

  7. #22
    Umi Butterfly


    I'll do what Elyse did...


    Got to school with wet pants. My laundry wasn't quite done but I forgot that easily as I saw all my friends. I'm so happy to be able to see them frequently again. I thought Elyse would find me but no. The bell rang and I went up to my TAP [Teacher Advisory Program] Class. Mr. Makintyre (He's SO COOL! =D But he can't wear deoderant because he's allergic to it.)... anyways Elyse and I are in the mentor program along with our friends Craig and Jeff and two OAC students. The program just puts some seniors in the junior TAP classes for advice and to help them out. ^_^ *Wee*

    Period 1 : English : I have this class with Elyse. I'd say she summed up the events pretty well although I remember something about wanting to be thrown out the window. [Which reminds me. O_o; Our school gave us Student Life Insurance packages... *kawff.*]

    Period 2 : Biology : Mr Korsmit is our teacher. Again, I have Elyse in this class. I had Mr. Korsmit last year he is the BEST teacher. He's so funny and cool and even knows how to deal with the twits.

    Period 3 : Drama : .. AHHHHHHH KILL ME! This was a freak accident that happened with a course selection conflict. *Jabs pen through brain.* I don't like Drama.. I don't like speaking publically. *fear* I'm deffinately going to try my best to get the heck out of that course... I only know 2 people and not that well. One had this massive crush on me too, so I'm not that comfortable with him.

    Period 4 : Math : Mr. Hamely. ~_~; Joy... He yells A LOT. I had to have a small smart mouth and a Roseanne wannabe in that class too. Of course the lil' puke decided to say that Mr. Hamely was being rude and that he had some sort of mental problem. My ears are still ringing and I can't get the image of Mr Hamely's veins sticking out, out of my head.

    Period 5 : French : This is a grade 10 class... I didn't take it last year so I figured why not this year. I know a few in that class like Zipora... But other than that Meh. I have my old french teacher too. Madame Turner. >)
    She just "LOVED" me. *Stupid 3 "s" words.*

    Period 6 : Latin : Mr Makintyre teaches this course. It's an OAC course. I hope I'll do okay.. Anyways. I'm looking forward to that class... not a lot of people so it should be nice an calm.

    Period 7/8 : Co-op - I have co-op with one of my good friends, Cory. He's GREAT! =D I have a placement in the Lakerdige Hospital which is REALLY amazing! ^_^ *Cheers*

    Period 9 : Singing : I decided to be crazy and take another class. I get a 1/2 credit for it. It should be nice. ^_^; I hope I don't hurt anyone's ears.

  8. #23
    Being Who Transcended All Black Mage's Avatar
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    September 4th, 10:06pm

    Today wasn't real bad. My problems have been fading but still around. I woke up at around 7:30am, which is insanly early for me, but I didn't want to get up because I'd have house work, so being as irresponible as I am, I closed my bed room door and played Xenogears. (which I bought Saturday ) I finally got up around noon and ate a sandwich which I made. Then I got on the computer and just browsed EoFF and Nifty. I had soccer practice aroun 3:30pm. It was alright, but we had to run 2 miles which myself and half the team did poorly, which we really can't explain. So our coach made us run suicides (run to the 6 line and back, then the 18 and back, half feild and back, then the end of the field and back) but it could have been worse. One of the team members, who is my friend, quit the team because of this, but the coach'l let him back on. After practice I walked home due to my ride being late, it was only a mile and a half, nothing too bad. I got home and heated up dinner. then I came back online, played some more Xenogears and I am back here again. School starts tommorow and I really don't want to go, but thats life. I have to escourt this girl that is new, who my father's friend has been trying to set me up with against my will might I add, so I should fix that. I know i's a bit selfish but I really dislike people interfering with my "love life" for I just turned down help from a friend also, I want to figure this out for myself and without people telling me how to do it. Now days, at least here in my school, people get a girl friend just to have one, which I disagree with. Oh well, So, all in all, it was an alright day, could have been worse, could have been better. Good luck with your day all.

  9. #24
    the salt of the earth Ally's Avatar
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    My old school has its first day today... so all my old friends are in school right now. Hehe. >=D

    Unfortunately... I go tomorrow. *sigh* I've calmed down a bit about the whole "I don't know anyone and I'm gonna be all alone" thing... but I'm still nervous. This place is twice as big as my old school... I know that I'm going to get lost. Oh well; it should only take a week or so to get used to everything.

    This is probably gonna sound stupid, but I am so scared of lunch time. Everyone else has their friends and cliques that they sit with... I have no one. I haven't even made any friends are the neighborhood. I've been a hermit for the past two weeks... hiding in the house, avoiding any contact with anyone. I'm such a coward. >_< I should stop worrying... I'm sure everything's gonna be fine.

    Oh! I saw one of my best online friends yesterday. I haven't seen him online since May... unfortunately, I didn't get to him in time and he signed off. *sigh* I hope I can catch him today. He's missed a lot. ^_^

    My birthday is in two days! *dance*
    Wait what.

  10. #25
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    Wednesday, September 5, 2001 - 4:38 PM CST

    "I'm surrounded by friends, yet I feel so all alone."

    That quote sums up my mood for the day. And, yeah, so I'm quoting something I wrote.

    It fits.

    Anyway, I don't know. I've been lost in thought and immersing myself in my music and my writing (see for one such effort) and it really isn't helping. I don't know what's eating me, or how to make it better.

    So I'll just continue introspecting. If I seem quiet in chat, it's because I'm not all here. Meh.

    My classes began today, so that was "fun."

    Well, let's see... an hour and a half to kill til my night class. Time to find more posts to reply to.


  11. #26
    Recognized Member Britt's Avatar
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    Today was another terribly long day. Again, nothing eventful took place, save for that sophomore level computing class I was put in. I showed the teacher, Mr. Haiden, a simple rundown of my HTML stuff. It more or less rendered him speechless. He doesn't even know how to do what I did, and he's a certified professional. Most frightening of all is that it was really pretty basic stuff. I currently have very little faith in my school.

    I had to go in to work, today, after school. It was unexpected, but necessary. Had I not gone, my co-workers Theresa and Jamie would have been completely alone on a pretty busy day. So, yeah, that was interesting.

  12. #27
    Fluttershy Recognized Member Ashi's Avatar
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    Mood: Hyper.
    Music: Don't let me be the last to know - Britany Spears.
    Okay, so I went partying at the club tonight. It was too hot. At first I hung around with my little sister while she walked around and I sat down and listened to some music on my disc man.

    I called "R" (the guy who said I should come with him) and he said he doesn't have a ride and that he couldn't come. I almost cried. Not just because I'll probably hand around, but because he sounded so depressed and he really wanted to come. =( *sigh*

    I sent Mikael an SMS. I really didn't know what else to do. After that my sister and I walked then we met up with some of my friends. My friend called her cousin. He was a guy I knew in my old school. She said, :"You do remember Katherine, dontcha?" He said: "Of course I do! We just said hi," (and we did,). so she said: "Oh yeah?" And then he said: "I'll kiss her then!" And I was like: O_O; But naah, it was just a little one. And his girl was like, "Whaaat? Now I'm jealous," but she wasn't really serious. Hee-hee.
    I had so much hanging around today I'm even gonna go next week. I'm taking peeps from my class with me wether they like it or not! *hmphs* And "R" too. (The guy I had a crush on last year).
    When we were going home (9:30) I called him:
    R: Hey, hun.
    Me: Hey (name).
    R: Did you leave the club already?
    Me: Yeah, we just did.
    R: I'm so sorry about today, I really couldn't find anyone to take me.
    Me: Don't worry about it. It was fine. Honestly.
    R: That's great!
    Me: Thanks.
    R: Hey, I gotta go. Talk to ya later.
    Me: BuhBye.
    *click went our phones*
    I think I'll go bug him on Satureday.

    Eeep, yet another music video timed out. sucks.

  13. #28
    Silent Emotion Rainecloud's Avatar
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    7-9-01. The last day before my holiday

    I'm in a reasonably good mood, for quite a few reasons. Today is my last day of hell at work before my 9 day holiday and my parents are going away too. That means I have the house to myself at long last. I can get up when I want, I can make my own food, I can use the computer whenever I want, I can go into town when I want and I can use the phone/internet when I want. Me? Selfish? Naah. I just need a little freedom for once. I hope the feeling of depression won't be too much to bear once I return to work the following Monday.

    Why did I come back to EoFF so soon? Well, I always told you I'd be coming back, but I didn't expect the new site to fail so miserably in such a short time. That's what you get when you assign mods that can't handle responsibility...or mods that abuse power. It's out of my control anyhow, the boss makes all the decisions, and most of his decisions are downright awful. I've tried to advise him, but to no avail. He's right and I'm wrong.

    The name change...I loved the name "Rainecloud" but after 13 months of using it...I've grown somewhat tired of it. I've been to lots of places with the "Rainecloud" name, and I was a naive and stupid newbie when I first used it. That's how most people remember me, and I want that to change. Besides, I just love Knightmare.

    To quote Rydia: "Playing on words again! You clever thing! "

    This final day at work will go so slowly...they always do. I don't think I can stand stapling one more funeral service sheet together. Why do people have to die dammit!?

    I'm glad I've been accepted back here. I knew it would be difficult for you to welcome me yet again after my plans have once again failed, but you have done...because you care.

    Well, since I've been back, I've been murdered by Wyllius six times in 2 days, so that's a good start.

    I'm enjoying reading this daily grind thread, but some of the posts really do worry me - Alixsars for instance...he must be having such a hard time in life if he thinks suicide is the way out. Everyone here is finding life so much more difficult than I...and I am thankful I don't really have any major problems to deal with. The only thing I have to deal with from time to time is myself.

    Alixsar - don't do anything silly. You'll sort things out. We here at EoFF care about you (I personally do) and ORPG's aren't meant to be personal anyway...don't worry if someone kills you on it. It's just a game isn't it? Things always get better somehow. Just do the things you enjoy. Be selfish for a while - it really helps

    'till next time...
    "As the days go by, we face the increasing inevitability that we are alone in a godless,
    uninhabited, hostile and meaningless universe. Still, you've got to laugh, haven't you?"

  14. #29
    Recognized Member Britt's Avatar
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    School is so stupid. >_< I mean, like, really stupid. Nothing we're doing is even interesting, let alone challenging or thought provoking. I realize we haven't been there long, but it should be picking up. But it hasn't, really. I've been there three days, and already I feel as though I'd dredging through weeks of it. This year is going to go far too slow.

    My ex-band teacher confronted me, yesterday, about his disappointment with me dropping out, and how they need me back really bad. Perfect. The man treats a person awful when they're his, and when they rebal, he albiet comes crawling on his knees, though he masks that nicely with coy remarks.

    Quitting band has made me one of the more recognized faces in High School, if nothing at all else. I joined band so that I might fit in, somewhere. It didn't really work. I quit band, I'm deluged with charismatic Junior and Sophomore girls begging for me to come back in an even more pitiful way than Mr. Wenz employed. Go figure.

  15. #30
    Being Who Transcended All Black Mage's Avatar
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    September 7, Friday 9:58 PM

    Ah, well after reading through my other post I can't believe I could have been so happy. Today was my third day of school, and well, to be honest I feel just as Britt. I feel like I've been there a week. Well I pretty much take back what I said before. I still have my problems, but I really don't want to/ feel like dealing with that now. I guess this is here to ramble on about my problems and things you don't want to hear, no?
    Well here I go then. Today I woke up and didn't feel real good; Emotionaly speaking. I got up and took a shower. Then School came, went there suffered a few classes, I didn't have much of a conversation with anyone though. partly because there is noone to talk to (male wise because cannot speak to any girl I'd want to with out making an idiot of myself) but I guess thats not really my problem lately. I guess it kind of goes a bit with Alixsar's rather, is like it. Being ignored, it's a horrible feeling. Many of you haven't a problem with this, at least in some feilds, whether irl or online. Well, as some people know, it's horrible to be ignored and well, I have had it happen a lot. Irl and online, it's horrible, you don't know if you said something wrong or if it's something else. I guess it's like, well hard to explain. Like when you tell a joke and hope to make 'her' (or him for the ladies) laugh and you don't whether they think you are funny or stupid. And you just do't know. Okay, bad anology, but I can't gaurentee any of you have read this. Oh well. I guess it can only get better from here right? Yeah..

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