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Thread: The Journal Thread (September)

  1. #31
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    September 7, 2001 10:50 PM

    Today was probably the worst Friday I've had in my life. School, itself, was decent. Nothing too good, nothing too bad. It was just everything else. One of my favorite shirts is screwed up, which I just found out today while I was wearing it at school. On the way home, these jackass eighth graders picked on me. Usually they don't ride in the afternoon, but I guess it just had to happen on a Friday. Then, when I got home, I was looking forward to a nice, quiet night alone while the rest of my family was at a home football game. What did I get? About an hour and a half home alone, then storms and a cancelled games. Today was horrible, to say the least. There really weren't any good parts. EoFF didn't seem to cheer me up. I went into Chat, but I felt like I was just backround noise to a main conversation. The forums didn't have anything too enticing, either.

    I hope all Fridays aren't like this one. If they are, I'll have to be commited into an insane asylum before the end of the year.

  2. #32
    Recognized Member Britt's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Hsu
    On the way home, these jackass eighth graders picked on me.
    Whenever anyone picks on you, do not even acknowledge they exist. They give up after a minute or two. Unless you have a really biting sarcastic remark you figure would work. A nice mixture of these have made me a force to be reckoned with among bullies. xD

    Later, 09.07.01

    Friday. Glorious, illustrious Friday. I've had a nice day, really.

    We had class elections, today. Those both sucked and ruled at the same time. The arse part was that only one person ran for three of the 6 catagories- Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Treasurer who won by default really, really sucks. Which is not a good thing.

    On the other hand, the other three elections- President, and the 2 High School Student Council elections, went nicely. My intelligent accquaintance Ryan took President easily, and both my friend Matt and I nailed Student Council positions by a landslide. So, that was pretty alright. Everything else was fairly uneventful.

  3. #33
    Char, The Red Comet bennator's Avatar
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    9.8.01 12:04 A.M.


    Got back from an away football game with the band, and the usual fun and bad stuff that goes with it. (How come other school's cheerleaders are so much better looking then ours?). Anyway, High School has been strange for me. Last june, I was a depressed, almost suicidal person, who hated everyone and everything. Now I'm much happier and light hearted, and life seems to go well, even though I've had the same problems, they just don't bother me anymore. I've had more social interaction in the past 7 days, then all 3 years of junior high. I don't want to sound like an super-happy idiot, believe me people who are having problems, I do know what it's like. Anyway, If I can get through the insane workload, I think HS is going ot be a great place. I've also met so many new people that I like, that's life.

    Whenever anyone picks on you, do not even acknowledge they exist. They give up after a minute or two. Unless you have a really biting sarcastic remark you figure would work
    Yup, that works well, as does a knowledge of a martial art. Three people that always picked on me stopped, after their punches were dodged, and they were thrown to the floor. Aikido is great.
    Grab the opportunities life hands you, that's my motto!

  4. #34
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    I know this is off topic, but I have to say it: I did that all of last year to them, and it just made me feel miserable. This year I'm going to lash back at them and give them a taste of their own medicine.

  5. #35
    Good luck. And Godspeed. bossker's Avatar
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    I've moved on to another place.


    Originally posted by Britt

    Whenever anyone picks on you, do not even acknowledge they exist. They give up after a minute or two. Unless you have a really biting sarcastic remark you figure would work. A nice mixture of these have made me a force to be reckoned with among bullies. xD

    How do you ignore a foot in your ass? I don't know about bullies back east, but bullies down in CA tend to be a little more physical then they are verbal...

    Oh, and btw, my day was OK, school, HW, Talked to my friends a bit about our plans to tommorow....we're gonna play tennis and/or golf and then go to the museum for some AP US history extra credit....well life's pretty peachy right now
    Don't ya just love EoFF?

    "How can you not know the greatest member known as Bossker?!" ~Rirse
    "How can you not like bossker!? Bossker's a hottie! "~Ayame
    "Bossker's my dad."~Mikitzsu

  6. #36
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    I might as well do this...I fell like it is a fun thing to do.


    Well, after a rather sh*tty week, my girlfreind and I had a real good time today. We weren't fighting with eachother though. Everydy this week we have been upset about something...even today...and it ruined our day...
    But today, even though it was the worst "upset period", we did a 180 and everything turned out great!! and we went out eat and we just had lots of fun!

  7. #37
    Recognized Member Britt's Avatar
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    Originally posted by bossker
    How do you ignore a foot in your ass? I don't know about bullies back east, but bullies down in CA tend to be a little more physical then they are verbal...
    That's because they're morons. >=] Even if such a thing happens (it has), I ignore it. It's easy to ignore that. You just keep walking. They still give up eventually. And if they ever really did anything to you, you can press charges and be set for life. That's always fun.


    Heh, I got to sleep in today. xD w00t! I can't stand getting up at 6:00 everyday.

    Today, my parents are taking my sister to a huge party. So I get to be home alone all day. *dances* Thing is, I have no idea what I want to do, really. xD I doubt I'll be able to play Baldur's Gate for 6 and a half hours until Angie gets home. xDD I've been thinking of re-reading the Dragonlance saga, but I've found every book in my collection except the first, Dragons of Autumn Twilight. So I'll probably end up spending a good deal of my time rummaging for that.

  8. #38
    the salt of the earth Ally's Avatar
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    I finally started school. Wee. It's so lonely now... I wanna go back home.

    Well, yesterday was my birthday. School was crappy, as expected, but everything started to look up once I got home. I saw the birthday thread in General and that really made me smile... and my dad took me to Chevys and junk. We ordered dessert... and my stepmother tells the waitress to put a candle in mine. We never got a candle. I got the entire Chevys waiter/waitress crew doing some happy birthday chant for me. xD I was mortified beyond belief... they put a sombrero on my head... and my dad took it home with him. At least no one from school was there.

    Anyway... I went for new glasses today. I don't need a new prescription, thankfully, but I needed new frames anyway. I picked out a nice expensive pair. ^_^

    So now I'm home alone, waiting for my dad to return from his trip to the computer shop with my webcam. Maybe I'll watch The Matrix later... I can play the DVD on my computer now.

    Yay for me.
    Wait what.

  9. #39


    I've just registered to this god forsaken place, and to be frank I'm quite surprised, i would expect one hell of a lot more members for a site such as this, it has a ton of great graphics and info for FF, a most spectacular site indeed!

  10. #40
    Too Damn Old Alixsar's Avatar
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    I tried to post here on my birthday but I was too lazy :P

    Anyways, I had fun on Thursday...I didn't do anything...but my mom gave me 50 bucks for my birthday so I spent it. Well...almost half of it I spent on Oracle of Seasons (one of the new Zelda games) for my game boy. My grandma gave me 60 bucks...and I still have twenty left from the 50 my mom gave me. I dunno what I'll spend it on, if anything. Friday was meh. School's been meh all week. I finally got to talk to Elyse yesterday, it had almost been a week. O_o;; It just kinda seemed weird. Oh well...what can ya do? I know this is short and not descriptive but I got six hours of sleep so I really don't care right now. Ugh, ok see ya.

  11. #41


    9-9-01 10:24pm

    I've been in quite a mood the past few days. I haven't been talkative, or exceptionally cheerful, and I've had a lot of stuff on my mind. I said something to someone the other day, and I shouldn;t have.. It's hitting me now that I shouldn;t have said that. He knows who he is, I hope he knows I didn't mean it. Right now i'm incredibly tense, and a bit depressed. I'm gonna go shower and write a bit.. hopefully that will help.
    The only stars in my sky are the ones i haven't let fall down yet.

  12. #42
    Silent Emotion Rainecloud's Avatar
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    Default Depression...

    10-9-01. Depression Rears it's oh-so-ugly head...

    It's the first day of my holiday, and already I'm depressed. I'm bored out of my skull, all my friends are at college/school and I have nobody to talk to apart from my senile Grandparents. They know nothing about me due to memory loss...and it's really awful to see them in that state. Worse still, I have to sleep at their house whilst my parents are on holiday. I come back here to use the net, so it's not so bad. I feel so sorry for them, living completely pointless lives, with only their next meal to look forward to. It makes me want to cry...and I am while I'm typing this. I must control myself while I'm at their house...I don't like to show my emotions.

    I have lots of money to spend...but nothing to buy. I don't want to waste it, so I'd better save it. I might need it someday. The only thing I buy nowadays are Final Fantasy soundtracks from I look forard to my "Pray" album and the "Suteki Da Ne" single which should be arriving through my door soon. The postman suspects that I'm ordering porn from the net with me receiving all these packages...I'm embarassed, even though I know it's not! xD

    I feel slightly happier now. My main objective in life is to please others. At the moment, I've become a very close friend of an 11 year old girl who is...having family problems. Her Dad loses his temper a lot. He lost it when I was sleeping over at their house a while back (I'm friends with the girl's older brother) and he lost it with her. She accidentally overloaded the dishwasher and smashed a few plates. He dragged her around by her hair and hit her. I could have killed him....but I controlled myself. She was so embarassed and in a state afterwards, so I consoled her. We are very good friends now, and she talks to me whenever I'm around. It's nice to have such a caring friend, one who sticks by you all the time, even if she is so young. I swear, if her dad ever does anything else, I won't control myself again.

    Just seeing Britt's new signature has made me feel so nice and happy inside. I feel happy for you and Angela. I hope everything works out well for you.

    Till next time...I'll be watching Knightmare...
    "As the days go by, we face the increasing inevitability that we are alone in a godless,
    uninhabited, hostile and meaningless universe. Still, you've got to laugh, haven't you?"

  13. #43
    Higher Than Jesus Silverlocke's Avatar
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    Winamp has developed a nasty tendency to make me click the minimize button to minimize it, instead of just clicking on IE. I find this increasingly annoying. Right now I'm on the verge of asking for help. I'll wait on that, though.

    Let's has been disappointing. Computer Science was as expected. In fact, I predict that that will be the theme of this school year. smurfing dull and boring. I have lots to daydream and write about, but I'll have to pay some attention. Right now I'm thinking that I'll go for a career in music. It looks weird typing that, but I love making music. I just need to know how, and it'll take a LOT of time. The effort isn't a problem..I can get done what I want to if I try hard enough. I think this year I'll be mostly slogging through until I can have fun in Year 12. I'm considering changing something to some form of marketing course, just in case I get interested in advertizing, but I'll have to wait on that for now. Damn the lack of a decent Home Ec. course...But no...only 'cooking' and 'economics', neither of which I'm which spending a time-slot on. Still, though, my classes are looking extrememly dull and predictable, and so easy I just might fail them.

    Math - Non-gifted, and looks just stupid. I have a hard teacher, but math is generally a snap so long as you do your h/w and study.

    Physics - Looks like it might be the most interesting course...which is scary. I have lots of people to talk to here, at least.

    English - With the amazing generic teacher and mandatory study of Shakespeare, this looks like a for the assigned 6-8 hours of h/w a week...blah. We're reading the once and future king at the moment....Could be worse, I guess. And we have to keep a book journal...ugh.

    Computer Science - Programming. Visual Basic. I have a seat that isn't in front of the fan, so the room is unbearably sticky. Going to be easy, but an absolute bore. Very little h/w, mind you.

    Day 2:

    Ancient Civilizations - Useless, but it'll be a lot of fun. A lot of work, but a great teacher, and a class with lots to mock. It'll be my little reminder of last year. Yay.

    Vocal Music - Taken by accident, and promises to be an incredibly easy, yet boring 92-100. I thought it might actually help me sing, but that seems VERY unlikely.

    Drama (playwriting) - I don't really need to write plays, but acting is fun enough, and it's just a good course to take. Pretty useless, though. Will probably be harder than I think, but at least I have peers I talked to...last year, anyway.

    Chemistry - Fun with a teacher whose idea of first-day fun is making a "gigantic phallic symbol" from dishwasher detergent and lighting it on fire. Joy. I don't even need to know this.

    So....every single one of my courses, save (hopefully) physics, is useless. This year promises to be dull. I'm getting sick of it already. I'm already disconnecting. Totally. Most of the friends I made last year I'm ignoring or telling to go away, and I just feel like writing lyrics. Lyrics, mind you, not poems. I get the feeling I might not be too much fun this year. Dammit. I KNOW year 12 will be fun, but this I'm feeling terribly bored already. And lonely. I don't know why the last one, I honestly don't. Today I just caught myself thinking that I wish I had a purpose. Worst of all, I'm not depressed either, really. Just very pensive and thoughtful and worried. I kinda wish I would be depressed, but I'm feeling almost apathetic, and I'm starting to get a little scared, because I get the feeling I might lose all I got last year, then year 12 will have to be spent scrambling for it again. I know that the feelings are there, and I don't feel like giving up, and I'm fighting now, but I can't just make myself really depressed, or sad. I'm scared, though. I dont' know what I can do...I'm getting darker and darker the more I write. I'm starting to laugh at things in a really dark, mean way, already, as opposed to the playful way I did before. I'm starting to really dislike everyone and everything, and I want to be alone all the time now. Not alone as in not having anyone care, or not caring, but just that I want all the noise around me to stop. Other than whatever music I have playing, that is. I'd better get over this, and I know that I can. I KNOW it. I always can. But I'm worried...I'm repeating myself, too. I try to talk to people and smile, but inside I just feel like running. I already told my group I don't want to talk to them...I don't know how much more alienating I can get. Gah...I'm making it worse by writing this, but maybe I need some sort of catharsis. Whatever it is, it won't come tonight. I don't even have someone to tell me what to do. Nicky's great to talk to, but she's kinda where I am. Daniel is a great guy too, but he won't know what the hell I'm talking about, I don't think so, anyway. I could try talking to Becky....I think I will. It's just that I've relied on her before, and I don't want to worry her. Well, worth a shot, I guess. Oh, and my mom's computer is broken, so she has to use this one too. smurfing amazing.
    My best friend, after a night last Friday where he said some amazing things about me, and beautiful, said something yesterday that made me so incredibly angry that even now I'm almost shaking. I've done a lot of horrible things and great things with him, but I'm not sure I can get over that. It's not a matter of forgiving him, I just can't believe it still. We've ALWAYS stayed friends to this point, so I won't say that we never will again, but it may take a couple months until I trust him. At all. And I don't think he understands the line he crossed either. And he still says I'm the most important person in his life...*sardonic laughter* Yifei, man, I love you, but you gotta find your own way sometimes and don't put that kind of pressure on me...don't cross that line again. You once said that if I was anyone else you would have killed me for what I did to you. Well, right now, if you were anyone else, I would be out destroying your life. You don't understand why, but take my word for it, you've got a LOT to learn. I do too, but you have to at least open your mind. That's all.
    As for me...I feel a bit better for saying that, but I'm still feeling cold and emotionless, for the most part. I could go on forever, and maybe I will later tonight, but for now I'm done. Anyone who read that, thank you...Unlike me, you aren't part of the problem, but part of the solution. For now, anyway. Ach, I feel like such a different person...bye for now...

    *puts on 'Untitled' and is glad he still feels something*

    Love always,
    No matter what your opinion of yourself may be, within every insecure person lies the thought that you are better than s/he.

  14. #44
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    September 10, 2001 9:31 PM

    Today was an interesting day. At school, it was basic, as usualy, except for the huge mishap that happened with a Social Studies/Language Arts project.
    Something odd that happened is that the drum section in my band got a girl drummer. We've never had a girl in it, so it'll be wierd. The guys and I will probably end up scaring her away. (we're known to do stuff like that)

    The only complaint about today is the baby shower my mom held for a co-worker. About 20 people she works with that I've never seen, yet they know me perfectly, oogling over baby socks isn't my idea of fun. I locked myself away in my room and watched TV, did homework, and slept.

    Also, my dad has been bugging me to build a website for him. Every time he talks to me, he asks if I've worked on it. I'm getting nothing in return, yet he tells me to work on it all the time. He's given me no images and no information. He just said to build it. What's even worse is that I'm working on my own website at the same time. Joy?

    Until next time...

    (BTW: If you want to see the site I'm working on, it's at )

  15. #45
    *permanently smitten*
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    let me see...refused my scorpionflakes, started a big debate, tried to stop teachers from embezzling money from the student council, managed to not break my ankle today, did stuff and things and it all just starts the same and ends the same...washed out, outdone, done with, withdraw, draw on three...

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