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Thread: The Journal Thread (September)

  1. #91
    Umi Butterfly


    September 30, 2001.

    I had an amazing night yesterday. I won't give details but here's the blurb:

    1) Found out my friend finally got hooked up with another friend. =p I've been meddling for a while to get them too. They didn't listen to me till recently.

    2) Worked : began half-hour early, finished 3 and a half-hours later. That was fine though, the best people were working -
    Kate= Co-Window worker.(We had so much fun! We were like bumping eachother around and joking in dirty ways with the kitchen guys. =p A grade 9 asked for her number at one point, and I looked at him and I said "Excuse me, I don't quite appreciate you picking up my girlfriend.")
    Marie-Ann= Drive through.(She's just generally really nice, hyper and works so hard I almost did nothing. She taught me some stuff on DT too.)
    Andrew= Manager ( He gave us like so much free food! He's really the bset, he put the radio on blast while we closed and is just generally awesome. He jokes about too, he threw me in the frezer and locked me in. XD ) Tyler= Kitchen (One of the guys we joked with. Wrote messages on the Big Mac boxes again... my goodness, it's so funny. We also had a sanitizer fight, spraying eachother. I got some in my mouth, and he looked like he peed himself when we were done.)
    Mike= Kitchen Asst. Manager (He's nice, tall and kinda quiet... until the jokes rolled in. He's SO dirty. XD He kept asking obscene things between Kate and I. I will not repeat, though mind you it was funny.)
    Bret= Kitchen Closing (My favorite guy there! He rules completey. He sometimes gives me drives from work. He's such a horn dog though. =p Kate and I spent like 25% of our time back their playing about with him. He's the most perverted guy I know. He'll say things seriously too, but will always be joking. He was also the guy who through the pickle at my head.)
    Will= Lobby (He's weird, but also perverted, only in a more serious manner. @.@ I spent time avoiding him and his little questions. He's real nice, a little too huggy, but nice. )

    3) Kate and I got off at like 12 am.

    4) We walked over to Shoppers' Drugmart and back, played a bit more with Bret.

    5) Stayed till 1 am. Kate smokes, so we were outside for a while, and she's such a flirt too. She was whistling at guys who drove by in the drive through. One actually stopped.

    6) The guys that stopped offered us a ride home. Kate said yes. I was going to kill her. ~_~ Thank God I bitched so much saying "They won't take us home, you know that? They're going to drive us to the woods and do evil things.. Kate......" Anyways they drive away waiting for us. XD Go me and my complaining.

    7) Kate tried getting Bret to drive us, he would have but he wasn't off till 4 am. So Wyll was going to drive us at 2 am.

    8) Coincadence, a pair of friends of Kate went through DT and she scored a ride with them.

    9) We went to Kate's no one was home, so she called over 13 friends in total. I thought I'd feel out of place because they're pretty different from me. They all smoke, and make out and talk seriously about sex as if it were like breathing air... But It was actually fun. I hung out with them all, and although I went on the patio because of all the smoke, I had some people join me. The guys are all nice and sweet talkers. =p The girls gossip a lot... but it was really fun because it was all joking and being hyper.

    10) I slept over at Kate's. We were watching "Super Mario Brothers" the movie. I fell asleep half way through. I woke up thoughat like 11 today. Our friend Chris from work, and Bret came over. I felt so bad because I was in a pair of borrowed pjs and I really looked awefull. We had coffee with them and then Bret drove me to my house at 11:45. I got all cleaned up, went back out to Kate's we all just hung-out and then Bret and Chris took me home at 1.

    I had an awesome time! XD Deffinately want to do it again.

  2. #92
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    Hmm. Dandiness.

    This day was kinda all around the place for me. For once, though, I've been so relaxed, that the low points didn't even phase me, and the highs were just plain great.

    Bad stuff:

    I found out my neighbour, in the past few months (I don't know her, but my parents do), came home to find her husband and kids had gone. Her husband had taken her kids to ANOTHER COUNTRY. God, that's awful. I still can't understand what it would be like to go home to find your life has disappeared. She's moving out now...

    My stepmum has an infected blood vessel or something. Scary stuff. She was rushed to hospital, and won't be back for around 2 or 3 days.

    I'm a bit confused about one of my friends. He was being really weird, and he wouldn't talk to me when I asked him stuff. Scarey, almost. I can only guess at what it's about... but... grr, if that is what it's about, he's not helping anyone, not even himself. *sigh* I hate it when I'm confused about my friends thoughts of me.

    Good stuff:

    I rang Ashley, and she is just plain awesome. Of all the people I've rung in AmeriCanadia, she's the only one who actually talked about something. Which, by the way, is not bad or good. It's different. I loved it. That's gotta be one of the nicest calls I've had in a while. I just can't wait to ring my 'sister' now. Too bad she never has her phone on *grumbles*...

    I'm just plain relaxed about everything, and it's wonderful. Emma and I are settling into friendship, which is awesome. I still wonder if I'll ever meet her, coz, well, it seems I'm an awfully scarey person to meet, or something >_< ah well. There's always hope

    Yeah... otherwise, my day has been pretty cruisy. Those five things just kinda highlighted it, that's all. Oh, I got to talk to Jooz, too That was nice. Almost a relief? I dunno. Just... nice to catch up, coz I miss her every now and then.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  3. #93
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Starting new thread. :P


    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

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