Quote Originally Posted by boys from the dwarf
its great but still needs some more work. FF has never been just a war. it need plot twists and interesting enemies. but if it had most of the things id expect from an FF id definetly buy this.
Oh, I have not meant to imply at all that this is a finished product. It is nowhere near done. This is just setting the scene. I still have a lot to go. It is not going to be "just" a war, though that will be a major focus of it.

Most of the characters from the original will return, though they will not actually join your clan until later. Shara and Ritz will return to Clan Ritz and then lead their clan into the war, Cid will be trying to hold the judges together, Ezel will be trying to find a way to cancel his antilaws (and I must admit, I look forward to seeing Ezel's reaction to learning that he has to work to reinstate the laws he spent the first game trying to break down. ), and Babus will be stuck doing his best to keep Ivalice going, since he is the closest thing to an administrator that Ivalice has left. So you'll start out with just Marche, Montblanc, and a few clanners again, and the plot and character development will progress as you go.

As for enemies, while I obviously can't bring Llednar, Mewt, or Remedi in, I'm sure I can come up with some "interesting" villains.

So I'm still working on this, but I'll update as I go.