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Thread: why do you hate tidus

  1. #136


    Quote Originally Posted by Rosenti View Post
    There would have been no journey at all if it wasn't for Yuna.. Guardians are nothin without the summoner.. besides Auron.. ive never seen him make a big decision, only suggestions.. to me Auron will never be the Leader. Cause he wasn't there when it was important.. he First comes in, in Luca right??
    Yes I realize how important the role of Summoner is, but that's the only thing that makes Yuna important. She would have been basically useless as anything else (not in battles though, I <3 white magery ). As I've been saying, she did not take up the leadership position, despite being the centre of the group.

    Yes, Auron does first come into the group at Luca (ignoring the Zanarkand scene). However, that is still very early in the story, and very little had been decided by that point at all. I honestly can't give any examples of big decisions Auron makes... I wish I could, but it's been a while since I've been really stroyline-oriented in this game. I do know though, that his guidance... his leadership if you will, helps the party ALOT through the middle section of the story, and as I've said, he is the major decision maker for quite a long time.

    It seems to me, all you're doing is downplaying Auron's role by switching words. What he says could be taken as suggestions, but since the whole party knows to trust him, and therefore follows his advice for the most part, I prefer to call them decisions, and Auron a leader. Tidus was the 'helper', and, though Yuna did make some big decisions, she usually sought Auron's consent beforehand anyways... recognizing who the leader was...

    EDIT: WHOOOOAAA, I just looked at the title of the thread again. Hah, I'm drifting pretty off-topic here, I'll try to focus on Tidus more than Auron from now on then. Still, what I've been saying is why Tidus isn't a leader. It's not like that's a big problem though... really, it's a nice twist away from the protagonist=leader thing I see all too often in RPGs (though, not being a real hardcore gamer, I can't say that with any conviction..). I don't like Tidus for other reasons though, which I'm sure I've said earlier.

  2. #137
    I miss kinje longaway :[ Eiko Guy's Avatar
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    storyline - tidus
    rikku attacks yuna in luca- gets away never finishes pigrimage
    yuna's marriage to seymour- rikku wouldnt have joined because lulu and yuna wouldnt have trusted her and now yuna has a husband

    see what could happen without tidus

    Fat kids are harder to Kidnap.

  3. #138


    Umm but the storyline would go differently. In Luca There was still Kimahri and Lulu plus the fact that they wouldn't even be looking for Auron in Luca if Tidus was not there so Yuna might not have been captured.

  4. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by eiko guy View Post
    storyline - tidus
    rikku attacks yuna in luca- gets away never finishes pigrimage
    yuna's marriage to seymour- rikku wouldnt have joined because lulu and yuna wouldnt have trusted her and now yuna has a husband

    see what could happen without tidus

    No. Tidus is the centre of the stroy we see, but again, he is not the leader of the group.

    The kidnapping in Luca had nothing to do with the end of the pilgrimmage. She kept going after that, and even after the Moonflow kidnapping, and only stopped once she found out that (SPOILER)one of her friends would have to be sacrificed along with her, in order to beat Sin the traditional way.

    By the way, Yuna would definately have trusted Rikku... remember, they are cousins. In fact, I don't think the act that she helped Tidus earlier had any effect on the decision at all... all it did was convince Wakka (well, that and the fact that he didn't even know she was Al-Bhed..).

    Oh, and... a character can have huge impacts on the story without being the 'leader'. Without Kimahri, for example, Yuna would have never reached Besaid, and the story would have been ALOT different, if una ever even did become a summoner. Does that make him leader? Without Auron, Tidus would never have even made it out of DZ, so he had a much larger effect on the story than Tidus did. So I fuess, by your logic, he'd be the leader? How about Wakka... he's one of the main reasons Tidus even became Yuna's guardian. If he'd listened to Lulu early on, things, again, would have been alot different. What I'm trying to say is... all of the main characters had a huge effect on the storyline. That's why they are main characters. Trying to argue that Tidus was the leader because he was important to the story is useless, because so was everyone else. Also, you were lead to believe that Tidus was alot more important than he actually was because he was the protagonist....

  5. #140


    I agree with FTF, I do not think there was any particular "leader". Everyone pretty much worked together in the story. If I had to pick a character with the most leadership qualities, I would pick Auron.... but that's just me.

    I do not dislike Tidus either. Yeah he is pretty feminine, and yeah he is a touch on the whiney side... but so what. Then again I don't dislike a lot of people. I really didn't even notice how whiney he actually was until I saw how frequently other people commented on it. Then when I replayed the game, I noticed.

  6. #141


    I quite liked Tidus actually, I thought he was courages considering the changes in his life. But i would have much preferred him to have got with Lulu instead of Yuna who I thought was just a bit too...quiet(not necessarily a bad thing) but...hmm i can't really explain it.

  7. #142


    He is supposed to suck and be annoying and a horrid leade, at least for the first part of the story. After the suckface scene he steps up and really becomes something special. It is like a comming of age story meets an actualy character that grows and changes story. I think he is a damn cool character myself.

    "But omg he is phag" is about the most goddam annoying reasoning I have heard. It is obvious at this point that some one needs to start breathing. Or stop.


  8. #143


    FFX dosent have a "leader", if your thinking of a leader is the whole quiet/anti social/forgets his past guy. Like FTF said, all the charicters are important. But if I had to list wich ones made the best leaders, iw woild be:

    1 Auron
    2 Lulu
    3 Tidus
    4 Yuna

    and so on. But meh, just my opinion.

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  9. #144


    I didn't think he sounded whiny......

  10. #145
    FFking! and FFK_reborn Shadowdeathrose's Avatar
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    Whats Wrong with tidus? just becuase he is whiny? how the ....... would you feel if you was transported 1000 years in the future with no way of getting bakc and then you find out that your dad is the person that destroyed your city and is the person cuasing all the trouble!!!.

    he's not whiny anyway!
    Yes i do thank the person that made my sig all them months ago...just let me know who you are Luv ya x x

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  11. #146
    Banned Malboro_Menace's Avatar
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    "But omg he is phag" is about the most goddam annoying reasoning I have heard. It is obvious at this point that some one needs to start breathing. Or stop.
    Here, here!

  12. #147
    Is not wearing socks tidus_rox's Avatar
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    Name ^^^

  13. #148


    I dont hate him at all

    Malboro_Menace I need you to know this guy is dead

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    Seymour a land of suffering and sorrow caught in a spiral of death. To destroy.. to heal -- Spira, I will become Sin

  14. #149
    Ball of Pure being sephirothishere's Avatar
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    he pisses me closed.....
    seriously....he doesnt bother with consequences or stuff like that....
    pisses me off.....they should have mde another squall or cloud game....

  15. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by sephirothishere View Post
    he pisses me closed.....
    seriously....he doesnt bother with consequences or stuff like that....
    pisses me off.....they should have mde another squall or cloud game....

    Seriously, No.

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