I believe Final Fantasy X is the easiest Final Fantasy hands down! I have a strategy that even an idiot can follow and look like a complete RPG Master! To start off the beginning of the game don't train AT ALL! Quickly get to the part where you get Auron then use these three party members (Wakka, Auron, and Lulu) Until you obtain the airship. From there unlock Don Tonberry and Cactuar King and use the trick I put in a different thread Reffer to Best Place For AP? and check out my trick because it lets you train whoever you like (I recommend Auron, Wakka, and Switch Lulu with Tidus because quick hit rules). Oh and the Overdrive to AP weapons can be unlocked easily I'll get back on how to do that... If I remember correctly it had to with getting the Doors To Tommorow From capturing all the enemies in either Cavern of Stolen Fayth, Macalania Woods, or Thunder Plains, or maybe somewhere else I can't remember right now I'll get back on that later. The first time I went through it I beat it easy and I was still a noob and I didn't even use this strategy.