Possible spoliers I guess.

(SPOILER)First of all, not too far in. Won the crystal cup with the jecht shot and venom shot. 2 to 1. Graav sure is tough.
Played another game just after landing at the place after Luca.
Beat some team named Guados... 2 to 1.

For the blitzball questions:

Should I play alot of blitzball right now or should I continue the story to find more areas/players?

Is there any disadvantage to leveling up my current squad?

Are there any recruitable players right after landing here(right after Luca, the game, and 2 new guardians with swords)?

I win games ok by staying away from the other team with Letty and passing far to Tidus, who usually gets a goal, but notice my team rarely wins encounters with opposing teams.. and loses the ball alot if caught. Also we lose even 3 on 1 encounters when the opposing team is on offense(Graav especially). Is there anyway to stay away from the opposing team better to open passing up and stop encounters more, or make my people a little better at handling them?

And now back to the general..
No offense to any FFX fans, but Tidus... can be highly annoying. (SPOILER)His little spat with Auron out on the dock where he throws a temper tanturm had me reaching for the remote to mute the TV. Sigh, how much of this do I have to endure? The game is rather fun at times. I'm getting used to the sphere grid, and assume theres no way I can mess it up, which had made me pause before about gaining sphere levels early. It also has some very corny/trying to be funny moments that just... are not funny. Tidus is just too carefree, corny, and strange. He doesn't take any responsibility or act mature at all most of the time.
Aside from my lack of liking for Tidus, the ultra long FMVs that take forever and seem like they could be sped up or shortened.... the blitzball aspect of the game, the sphere grid, and the fighting are ok and enjoyable..
Just the game needs:
less or shorter FMVs
less Tidus talking
more fighting

I can understand the reason for a save sphere every 50 feet. You need them to not have to replay the FMVs.

The story so far is a little confusing... especially with the somewhat bomb dropped by Auron that (SPOILER)Sin is Jecht...
Thats a little hard to think of, but I'm sure it'll be clearer later.

Not meaning to be negative, just Tidus' personality is really.. abrasive.
Auron is much more likable... would have preferred him as the main character.... or even Wakka.
Hope Tidus changes later in the game.
Didn't mean to offend anyone or bash or any of that sort, just stating my feelings and opinions. Thanks for any Blitzball help. Sorry if anyone flames me back because they like Tidus. Just merely an observation and how I feel about him.