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Thread: Why did Square go hip all of a sudden?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Why did Square go hip all of a sudden?

    Quote Originally Posted by many others
    I never really liked this hip style Square has sticked with in the newer FF games.
    It feels like they're trying to reach out to the spoiled, 10-year-old brats out there, so they create games with a more "hip" attitude.
    Yeah yeah, you all know what I mean: the first six parts in the series were all about pure fantasy, perhaps a little darker in the later ones: then, suddenly some punk kid with a huge-ass sword jumps off a train and starts talking to some tough-talking bodybuilder.
    Like "yo, man, this %¤/&¤% ain't nuthin' to leave 'round here, now!", bla-bla-bla.
    Then of course they throw in this excessively hot chick Tifa, and of course everyone's gotta be fat politicians and whatnot.
    I mean, sure, I did somewhat learn to like the huge changes, but sometimes I think this hip attitude becomes a bit annoying.
    It went on in FF8 as well, with a bunch of teenagers that were way too realistic for my tastes.
    For a while they went back to their roots with FF9, but instantly afterwards they went on with this hip style: Tidus in jogging shoes or what the heck it's supposed to resemble.
    It's Final FANTASY, for God's sake, not Final Future!
    I know Square always try to do something different, but this hip style doesn't feel like a good thing to stick with.
    They should've stopped after FF8, perhaps even after FF7.

  2. #2


    I put your post in a quote tag, because it is a rehash of every other "They should have stopped" thread.

    These threads serve no purpose. If you are so dissatisfied with the direction that Square-Enix is taking the Final Fantasy series, then don't buy the games. If you admittedly have grown to like the new style, then what are you complaining about? There is no room for discussion here, for that reason, case closed!

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