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Thread: Revelation of Time Compression

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    Viator's Avatar
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    Default Revelation of Time Compression

    I will try my best to explain what the meaning of "The Process of Time Compression".
    Before that I want to say something.It’s about perspective.
    It’s only the matter of someone’s perspective.The perspective is the way we can understand things. And if we talking about someone’s perspective it will end up with “It’s none of your business”.
    So it’s the matter of perspective to make us understand something the way we want.

    This thread has connection to Rev of the Truth thread because in that thread you can find many explanations which are true. Time Compression is not really a mystery to Me.
    The mystery to Me is Time Decompression.
    If we can say Time Compression < > Time Decompression.
    But I am sure it’s more than that because The Way Time Decompression works is not only different from Time Compression but also almost impossible to understand.

    Time Compression is a word same as shoothing stars,we know that is not star we see fall BUT meteor.So the meaning of Time Compression is Absorbing Time and Space NOT Compresseng Time and Space.
    You CANNOT compress Time because Time is infinite.
    You CAN absorb Time even Time is infinite.

    Scan Ultimecia it said Absorbing Time and Space NOT compressing.
    This is the proof that TC is absorbing NOT compressing.

    I will tell you the Truth now.
    What IF The Process of Time Compression IS The Achievement of Time Compression,why? Because Time is Infinite;this is the fact.If Time is finite that means Our lives are meaningless.

    Time IS infinite hence from the proof that we still alive and always alive.Time IS infinite.
    Compression is wrong,the right word is 'Absorb'.
    There's different between compress and absorb.
    How can you compress something infinite?
    But you can absorb something infinite.

    Why Squall and Co can go through TC to the future inside Lunatic Pandora and why we see the effect of TC in Lunatic Pandora?
    The answer is because Ultimecia cast TC and because of Ellones power.
    No 2 is the most important part because that is the event Squall and Co go to the future.
    Then why ONLY in Lunatic Pandora;Squall and Co can go through TC and go to the future?
    It's because the 'effect' of Ellone sends Rinoa back to the present IN Lunatic Pandora will make only Squall and Co can go through TC when they inside Lunatic Pandora,while everyone else CANT.Because Lunatic Pandora is the place Ellone use her power and her power affected with TC then make ONLY Squall and Co can go to the future(The source of Ellones power at that time is inside Lunatic Pandora)That's why ONLY Lunatic Pandora is the ONLY way Squall and Co can go inside TC.That's why we can see the effect of TC.
    You see when Rinoa is back to present in Lunatic Pandora Squall and Co get to Time Compression.
    Why Laguna and Ellone dont get to TC too?
    It is because they already out from that room
    (The room when we fight Adel)
    So that room is the connection to get inside TC.
    Because Laguna and Ellone already out of that room they dont get inside TC,that's why ONLY Squall and Co alone can get inside TC and nobody else.

    Now I realized there’s somethig more about TC.Actually there’s 2 phases of TC.
    The first phase is when Squall and Co go through TC and end up in Ultimecia’s Castle in future.At this phase 1 we see the effect of TC,but after Squall and Co arrived at Ultimecia’s Castle in future we don’t see any effect of TC again,why?It because The phase 2 is not happen yet.What I mean is this phase 2 needs TIME to happens,that’s why we don’t see any effect of TC when Squall and Co arrived at Ultimecia’s Castle.Ultimecia uses this phase 1 to get back to the future to possess Her own body(If you read Rev of the Truth thread,you must know what I am talking about).
    So TIME between after the Phase 1 and before the Phase 2 is the time Squall and Co kill all Ultimecia’s servant.When Squall encounter Ultimecia,She said the world was
    on the brink of that ever-elusive 'time compression'.That means the phase 2 is almost begin.The phase 2 begin when we fight Ultimecia at that Final Battle. That’s why we see the effect of TC.

    Now I already fully explain why we see the effect of TC in Lunatic and in the Final Battle.I realized this when I remember Squall said I don't know what's going on. But since we're still here, I think we still have “some time” to finish our job.

    I will make a diagram to make you understand.

    |**********************************|\*** ***********/
    |**********************************|*\** **********/
    |**********************************|**\* *********/
    |6*********************************|***\ 13******/ 14
    |\*********************************|**** \******/
    |*\********************************|**** *\****/
    |**\*******************************|**** **\**/
    |***\2*****************************|**** ***\/
    |****\*****************************|**** ** / 15
    |*****\****************************|**** /
    |******\ **************************|***/
    5*******>1------------12-----------------| /
    |****/ 3

    * = NOTHING (I just put them to make the diagram perfect).
    So actually there’s NO “*” in that diagram)
    1 = Rinoa (PRESENT)
    2 = The way Squall and Co go through TC
    3 = The way Rinoa back to the present
    4 = Young Adel (past)
    5 = The way Ultimecia back to the future
    6 = The commencement Room
    7 = Ultimecia’s Castle (Future)
    8 = Time Compression
    9 = Time Decompression
    10 = The way Squall go to the past (Ending Event)
    11 = The Ending Event (You know what I am talking about)
    12 = The way Quistis,Selphie,Irvine,Zell back to present from Time Decompression
    13 = The way Rinoa end up in garden BUT still in Time Decompression
    14 = Squall all alone in Time Decompression World
    15 = Rinoa found Squall and after that back to the present

    7 - 8 = Time after Phase 1 and before Phase 2
    2,4,5,6,7 = Phase 1
    8-9 = Phase 2

    Time between 7 and 8 not affected by TC because Phase 1 is over and phase 2 is not happen yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Bahamut
    Take into account the fact that you travel through TC and LEAVE TC before ending up in Ultimecias world, before seemingly entering TC again in Ultimecias battle. Prerably, it should explain why Odine makes it sound like you couldn't actually end up anywhere BUT Ultimecias time, when the error margin are VERY slim(considering how close Ultimecia comes to full time compression).
    Actually Squall and Co never leave TC, when they arrived at Ultimecia's Castle they still inside TC.
    They can ONLY leave TC when Time Decompression.
    When TC start there's no more past,present or future again.
    There's only the "NOW" time.
    So when they arrived at Ultimecia's Castle they're not in past,present or future.They only in the "NOW" time.
    Yeah I know we can see they arrived in future but like I said When TC start there's no more past'present or future.There is only the "NOW" time

    PS:Special thanks to Lychon for the "NOW" time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Bahamut
    Explain why Squall and Co were not affected by TC(ie. why weren't their own individual lines of time also compressed?)
    Emotions,ect affectes with Squall and Co when they in 'The Process of Entering TC' but when they arrived inside TC emotions,etc do not affected again because 'Inside TC',emotions,etc had nothing to do with'The Process of TC'.
    But after TC was over the next thing happens is Time Decompression.Time Decompression affected with emotion,ect.why?Because TD is the contrary of 'The Process of Entering TC'.
    So emotions,ect only affected in 'The Process of Entering TC and 'The Process of out TC / Time Decompression

    So they can survive inside TC because they are not part of Time and Space.Actually Time Compression ONLY absorb Time and Space.
    Actually Human is NOT part of Time and Space.
    They just exist in Time and Space.
    So when Time Compression starts it only absorb Time and Space not human,Squall and Co is an EXCEPTION.

    Why Time Compression had to do with love,friendship,thought,memory,emotions, etc?

    Because Time Compression created by sorceress and sorceress has emotions,etc.
    If Time Compression created by machine(Time Compression Device)emotion,etc wont affected because machine dont have emotions.

    Now I want to talk about how Rinoa can find Squall in that place.(you know what I mean)?Rinoa can find Squall because Rinoa still in Time Decompression.When we see Rinoa running around in the garden and searching for Squall,actually she is still in Time Decompression,why?The answer is very simple.If you remember about TC event in Lunatic Pandora there’s conversation between Rinoa and Squall.

    Quistis: Where are we supposed to go!?

    Squall: To Edea's house!

    Rinoa: I'll... Probably disappear...

    Squall: Quistis: Where are we supposed to go!?

    Squall: To Edea's house!

    Rinoa: I'll... Probably disappear...

    Squall: Just stay by my side. I won't let you disappear!!!

    Rinoa said she will disappear,why? Because The Party wants to go to Edea’s House,but Rinoa doesn’t have good memory about that Edea’s House because she just go to that place once.She afraid she will disappear if she cant imagine that place but then after that Squall said just stay by my side. I won't let you disappear!!!
    So Rinoa can make it together with everybody else to that place because she was with Squall.But after Squall and Co defeated Ultimecia,Rinoa doesn’t have Squall in her side, she just end up with Quistis,Selphie,Irvine and Zell.But even without Squall Rinoa still trying to imagine that garden in the orphanage but Rinoa cant make it back to that garden without Squall,so Rinoa just end up in the garden in Time Decompression World.So rinoa keep searching for Squall and finally she can find Squall because Squall in Time Decompresiion World too.When Rinoa found Squall at that place Rinoa thought Squall is death,she start thinking about The Promise they made at “that garden”,So when Rinoa hold Squall they finally can go back to “that garden” at the orphanage in the present.Because like I said Time Decompression affected with emotion,ect.So Rinoa can go back to that garden at the present because she was with Squall this time and Her emotion about The Promise at “that garden” make her back to that garden with Squall to the present time.
    I hope you can imagine that.

    When Squall and Co through TC they have to arrived in Commencement Room first before they can go to Ultimecias Time and Place,why is that?

    Commencement Room or you can call it Genesis Room or Genesis Space(This is only what I call it).
    Squall is not only arrive at Commencement Room/Genesis Space but also in Genesis Time(This is only what I call it so don’t need to argue about this Genesis Time)
    This Time (Genesis Time) and Space (Commencement Room) is the first place Squall and Co arrive in TC before Squall and Co can go to Ultimecia’s Time and Space (Center of Time Compression).
    The meaning of TC is absorbing Time and Space NOT compressing Time and Space.
    So when this TC/Absorption starts it always absorbs the nearest Time and Space.
    Squall and Co is not in the nearest Time and Space (Center of Time Compression) when they get inside TC, they are far from nearest Time and Space (Center of Time Compression) so they need to get through this Genesis Time and Genesis Space (outside part of nearest Time and Space) first before they can enter Ultimecia’s Time and Space or you can call it the center of Time Compression.

    The hardest question about Time Compression is :
    Why Ultimecia needs to go to the past to perform Time Compression?
    Actually this is not a question, this question was only tricked us. We were tricked by this question for a long time and we were confused by this question, why? because this is not the right question.
    The right question is : HOW Ultimecia performs Time Compression?
    The answer is :
    Ultimecia cast Time Compression Magic + Ellone’s Power = Time Compression.

    We were always tricked by the fact Ultimecia go to the past, that’s why we always think she needs to go to the past to perform Time Compression.
    Ultimecia doesn’t need to go to the past to perform Time Compression She ONLY needs Ellone’s Power to perform Time Compression.
    Ellone’s Power can send someone's consciousness to the past.
    So Ultimecia go to the past is INEVITABLE if She wants to perform Time Compression because that is how Ellone's Power works(send someone's consciousness to the past).
    Ultimecia uses Ellone’s Power when she go to the past and cast Time Compression Magic to make Time Compression happens.

    Ultimecia cast Time Compression Magic + Ellone’s Power = Time Compression.

    The Truth is The Process of Time Compression is The achievement of Time Compression.


    Edeas initial powers = A
    Adels powers = B and then after that Rinoa recieved Adels powers.
    Rinoas powers = B
    Ultimecias powers = (C) ; Her power is He life

    Edeas powers after Ultimecia possess her = A + (C) = A(C).
    Ultimecias and Edeas powersdo not added up because you can see there's "( )" ;boundary between their powers.So Ultimecia only use her own powers / (C)

    I already PROVE that Rinoa only has Adels powers NOT Edeas.If you cant accept this truth you cant/wont find the answer.

    Now I will tell My argument about "Time"

    Time is one of the world's deepest mystery.No one can say exactly what it is. time has primarily been perceived as a virtual entity.Yet, the ability to measure time makes our way of life possible.Most human activities involve groups of people acting together in the same place at the same time.People could not do this if they did not measure time in the same way.

    One way of thinking about time is a world without time.This timeless world would be at a standstill.But if some kind of change took place, that timeless world would be different "now" than it was "before".The period-no matter how brief-between "before" and "now" indicates that time must have passed.Thus,time and change are related because the passing of time depends on changes taking place.In real world,changes NEVER STOP HAPPENING,that means TIME IS INFINITE.Some changes seem to happen only once,like the falling of a particular leaf.Other changes happen over and over again,like the breaking of waves against the shore.

    Any change that takes place again and again stands out from other changes.The rising and setting of the sun examples of such change.The first people to keep time probably counted such natural repeating events and used them to keep track of events that did not repeat.

    Now I will use formula to determine Time compression and Time Decompression.

    Space = Time : Energy

    Space = Total space caused by Time Decompression.
    I think it infinite because time never stop.

    Time = Time after Ultimecia defeated;after Time Decompression began
    We will never know how much time it takes.
    But I believe it infinite.

    Time = Space : Energy(gravity)

    Energy = Energy that produced after Ultimecia defeated;Time Decompression Energy.

    I will use Gravitation's Formula to get Energy's formula.

    Gravity = Energy : Space

    With this we can get Energy's Formula.

    Energy = gravitation : Space(cm3)

    Gravitation is UNKNOWN because we cant predict the gravity in Time Decompression Condition.

    In Time Decompression quant space the energy in cm3 declines but the total quant energy is maintained constants.
    That means energy always constants.

    When space grows time also expands and energy decreases inversely in cm3 proportion, hence the energy per cubic cm decreases but total quantum energy is preserved (constants).

    Energy that get absorbed inside TC is equal with Energy emited after TC ended;when Time Decompression began.

    Energy TC < = > Energy TD

    I can only show the formula but I cant carculate it because we will never know the physics law in Time Decompression Condition.Even though these formulas is absolute in any universe (I think).

    According to wave theory, time, space, and energy, are the three media that are woven together, (quant, wave formation). Wave theory shows how each has its own properties and behaviors, but one can not exist without the others, more over, each proposes explanation for the others, time alone do not exist, time shows some energetic activity in some space.

    This theory shows us that time,space and energy are one entity.

    In Newton's absolute universe, time — as well as energetic matter and space — have neither a beginning nor an end as a main dimension. On the other hand, Einstein's relative time does contain a beginning and end together with the appearance of a formation and disperse, again to the universe's, (to main dimensions) to form new energetic formations (relative time) . Absolute time cannot exist without relative time and vice versa. Newton's absolute time is allied to universal dimension and Einstein's time (relative time) is allied to energetic matter formations.


    Time, as space and energy is a dimension of the universe.

    Without "Energetic Activity" and space time would not exist.

    This "Energetic Activity" in FF8 is "Energy" caused by Time Decompression Energy.
    Einstein’s theories of general and special relativity can be used to actually prove that time travel is possible.

    Originally Posted by autonomy principle:
    The proposal of time travel is backed by scientific theory, but that is not enough to make it realistically possible. Numerous arguments are proposed that that prevent time travel into the past. Both common sense and scientific fact construct serious obstacles. A major argument against time travel into the past is called the autonomy principle, better know as the grandfather paradox. This paradox is created when a time traveler goes back in time to meet his or her grandfather. Now upon their introduction it would be possible to change the course of events that lead up to your grandfather and grandmother marrying. You could tell him something about a family secret to convince him you are who you say you are, and he may proceed to tell his soon to be wife. She may in turn doubt his sanity and have him committed. Thus your grandparents would never have your mother, and therefore you couldn’t be born! But then how could you have ever existed to travel back in time if you don’t exist? You would have had to have been created via autonomy. The next question would be, if your mother was never born, then when you return to the future would anything you did in your life exist? Or would you, your friends, your home etc. never have existed? This is clearly an inconsistency paradox that would rule out time travel, yet interestingly enough the laws of physics do not forbid such excursions. The multiverse concept eradicates the problem of the autonomy principal, because it allows time travel to the past, but to a different universe. You would meet the person who was your grandfather in your universe, but never married your grandmother in his universe. In the universe that you traveled to, you never existed.

    Originally Posted by chronology principal:
    Another argument of impossibility is called the chronology principal. This principal states that time travelers could bring information to the past that could be used to create new ideas and products. This would involve no creative energy on the part of the "inventor." Imagine that Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, the most influential and successful artist of the 20th century, were to travel back in time to meet his younger self. Assuming he stays in his correct universe, he could give his younger self his portfolio containing copies of his paintings, sculptures, graphic art, and ceramics. The young version of Picasso could then meticulously copy the reproductions, profoundly and irrevocably affecting the future of art. Thus, the reproductions exist because they are copied from the originals, and the originals exist because they are copied from the reproductions. No creative energy would have ever been expended to create the masterpieces! 3 This chronology principal rules out travel into the past.

    This is just another problem about time Travel BUT in FF8,time travel will not change anything because what happened had happened and cant changed the past,present or future (this time travel only to completed the past NOT to changed the past).The effect of time travel in FF8 is nessecary to make FF8 universe like the way we see in the game happens!!!.

    A notion that was once nothing more than science fiction, is now a concept that’s becoming reality. Einstein’s theories of general and special relativity can be used to actually prove that time travel is possible, and research has shown that fast moving craft can travel into the future. Time dilation is the easiest method because it merely requires high velocity motion to experience time travel.3 Phenomena known as wormholes and closed timelike curves are possible means of time travel into the future and the past.4 Traveling into the past is a task which is much more difficult however. Its theory involves complicated scenarios of tears in four dimensional space-time, energy equivalent to that of an exploding star, and traveling near the speed of light. Both common sense and scientific fact can be used to paint scenarios that become serious obstacles. Yet even these hindrances can be explained away! If the multiverse concept is reality, then most present ideas of time travel are based on a false reality. If time travel is completely impossible then the reason has yet to be discovered.

    multiuniverse actually exist but human only MISUNDERSTAND with universe's theories,that's why they still cant find the answer.TIME TRAVEL IS POSSIBLE IN REALITY WITHOU CREATING NEW UNIVERSE (YOU CAN SEE IT IN FF8) IT ONLY HARD/ALMOST IMPOSIBLE TO EXPLAIN IT BY WORDS.

    Time travel is possible in real life according to Einstein’s theories of general and special relativity.

    But in FF8 time travel caused by magic that means Einstein's theories is NOT valid to explain time travel in FF8.
    So we have to make new theory to explain this phenomena.(I will tell you this new theory in another episode,so stay tuned)

    When TC happens it's not only absorb time and space but also energy because according to wave theory, time, space, and energy, are the three media that are woven together, (quant, wave formation). Wave theory shows how each has its own properties and behaviors, but one can not exist without the others, more over, each proposes explanation for the others, time alone do not exist, time shows some energetic activity in some space.

    This theory shows us that time,space and energy are one entity.

    The proof TC absorb energy is sorceresses' powers.
    Sorceress' power is some kind of energy.
    ThaT's why Ultimecia can absorb all soeceresses' powers when TC happens.But when TD happens all sorceresses's power back to the owners on their time and space.Ultimecia only has her powers when TC is over.

    Special Law of Time Compression.

    Energy that get absorbed inside TC is equal with Energy emited after TC ended;when Time Decompression began.
    In Time Decompression quant space the energy in cm3 declines but the total quant energy is maintained constants.
    That means energy always constants.
    Energy TC < = > Energy TD

    Time needed in the process of TC is the same with the time needed in the process of TD but time that get absorbed inside TC is not equal with time that out of TC/after TC over because Time is Relative but equal with total space that out of TC/after TC over.

    Maybe this is the reason why Squall end up in the past.

    Total space that get absorbed inside TC is more solid than Space outside of TC/space that have not get inside TC.

    Maybe this is the reason why Rinoa,Quistis,Zell,Selphie and Irvine end up in that Void/White Space.

    -- ----> Space <---- -- = ----> Time : Energy <----

    Time Compression's Formula

    <---- -- Space -- ----> = <---- Time : Energy ---->

    Time Decompression's Formula

    Total space that get absorbed inside TC is not the same with total space that out of TC/after TC is over because space always changing and expand but equall with total time that out of TC/after TC over.

    -- ----> Space <---- -- = ----> Time : Energy <----

    Time Compression's Formula

    <---- -- Space -- ----> = <---- Time : Energy ---->

    Time Decompression's Formula

    Time has many infinite time dimensions
    The number of time dimensions is infinite. This means that you cannot count how many time dimensions as it goes on forever.
    Time has intervals. This means that the time dimensions have intervals between each other. In other words, it is the time difference between each time dimension. But really, there isn’t any because the difference is so small, a time dimension could equal that difference which again has interval difference that just goes on for infinity but gets smaller in difference each time.
    Time force relies on itself to keep it going. This means that every time dimension there are, they are all needed to rely on each other to keep time itself going. If this is true, then time is infinite which is true and so this is true.
    If time relies on itself to be infinite, then that must mean there is a loop of time.
    Time is always everywhere. Wherever anything is, there will always be time.
    If time exists anywhere, then in a black hole where they say there is no time, there has to be time, or everything is nothing. It only slows it down so much it hardly moves but still does move.
    Time is something that passes uniformly without regard to whatever happens in the world.Time is a measure of the cycles of change within the world.
    Absorbing time will make A New Dimension of Time where Any Dimension of Time (past,present,future and whatnot) exist together in That New Dimension of Time.
    This New Demension of Time will keep contain All Time (past,present,future and whatnot) because time is infinite the process of absorbing time will go on forever, that's why there's 2 Ultimecias, The First Ultimecia will keep absorbing time to make The New Dimension of Time and The Second Ultimecia Ultimecia will/can reign in That New Dimension of Time.

    Last edited by Viator; 07-30-2006 at 01:45 PM.
    Someday I will conquer all and I will be free -- Believe

  2. #2


    Hey dude not trying to be a dick or anything but......Who's going to read all that?

  3. #3
    Viator's Avatar
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    Hey dude not trying to be a dick or anything but......Who's going to read all that?
    The one who want to find the Truth
    Someday I will conquer all and I will be free -- Believe

  4. #4
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    Isn't Time Compression time...compressed? I don't need to go through formulas to figure that out. Thanks for writing it up, at least.

  5. #5
    Viator's Avatar
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    Isn't Time Compression time...compressed? I don't need to go through formulas to figure that out. Thanks for writing it up, at least.
    TC is actually absorb NOT compress.
    Last edited by Viator; 06-26-2006 at 10:02 AM.
    Someday I will conquer all and I will be free -- Believe

  6. #6
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Maybe there's connection with PUPu.
    Remember PuPu gives us something(PuPu card)
    PuPu card can be refined into Aegis Amulet.
    Aegis Amulet can be used as Eva-J or Speed Up
    Maybe because of Aegist Amulet Squall and Co can survive at TC
    Maybe this is the answer,maybe not,who knows...
    Indeed. So if we dun do the PuPu sidequest ALL YOUR CHARACTERS will be wiped up in Disc IV in regardless of age and sex.

  7. #7
    Viator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viator
    Maybe there's connection with PUPu.
    Remember PuPu gives us something(PuPu card)
    PuPu card can be refined into Aegis Amulet.
    Aegis Amulet can be used as Eva-J or Speed Up
    Maybe because of Aegist Amulet Squall and Co can survive at TC
    Maybe this is the answer,maybe not,who knows...
    I will stay with this answer until I find better explaination.
    Someday I will conquer all and I will be free -- Believe

  8. #8


    Great. Viator has been sending me PM's full of this stuff for quite some time now, and obviously is not content with the fact that I don't bother answering them anymore. Now, Viator, I won't be altering the FAQ because of any of this, but will answer just those points which make some sort of sense.

    I already explain it that TC effect with all of time the reason why we see it in that event was because we ONLY play the game.I hope you accept this answer if not you wont find the Truth.TheOnionKnight's explanation is NOT valid and wrong because there's no way to fully explain the effect of TC even with what we have seen in the game.This is still a mystery yet unsolved.But I wil try to solved this mystery
    It's true that Onion's theory along with the rest of the time theories in the FAQ do not satisfactorily explain everything concerning TC. Specifically, as you point out, it does not fully explain why we see the effects of TC in the Lunatic Pandora but nowhere before that. But what about your later explanation of it:

    Then why ONLY in Lunatic Pandora;Squall and Co can go through TC and go to the future?
    It's because the 'effect' of Ellone sends Rinoa back to the present IN Lunatic Pandora will make only Squall and Co can go through TC when they inside Lunatic Pandora,while everyone else CANT.Because Lunatic Pandora is the place Ellone use her power and her power affected with TC then make ONLY Squall and Co can go to the future(The source of Ellones power at that time is inside Lunatic Pandora)That's why ONLY Lunatic Pandora is the ONLY way Squall and Co can go inside TC.That's why we can see the effect of TC.
    Well, as neat as it sounds, this is not satisfactory either. All you say is "Ellone's powers affected TC to the extent that TC only appeared in that very room" but this is not backed up by anything at all. It's pure assumption on your part that her powers have this effect on TC.

    So although it's a nice idea, it doesn't solve anything. The ,ystery of why we see TC where we do is unsolveable, I would say.

    Scan Ultimecia it said Absorbing Time and Space NOT compressing.
    This is the proof that TC is absorbing NOT compressing.
    That does not constitute a proof at all. The scan can be interpreted as meaning that as time is now being compressed, Ultimecia is absorbing it bit by bit (ie. it is being compressed with Ultimecia as the centre, hence she absorbs time as it is compressed towards her). Ultimecia's compression and absorbtion are two different matters.

    Your proof that time must be finite because if not our lives would be meaningless is also nonsensical.

    This explanation is wrong the one who picked Irvine is Martine and NOBODY else.
    Cid never know about this mission.
    I did not write this text, so I cannot really answer for it, but the author said that some luck was involved (ie. Irvine was the only wildcard), and also, Cid may have assembled that team not because he knew of the sorceress assasination plan, but because he knew that's what they'd be doing sooner or later.

    Now, as for the answers to my questions from year back, I believe I have answered them as best as I can already in my FAQ.

    The rest of your reply I do not find serious enough to answer.

    But again, not mine to answer for I'm afraid.

  9. #9


    Remember what Laguna said after Adel defeat that he said use strong emotions (love and strong bonds) to achieve TC but Squall didn't do what Laguna said, all what Squall did was blaming himself that's why Squall didn't achieve TC and ended up on a stone land, his OP affected by Squall.. that explains why they all didn't achieve TC too. However, Rinoa wasn't affected by Squall, because Rinoa is on the other side (Ulteimca) and she came to wake Squall to end the TC.

    This assumption makes sense for me, I guess.

  10. #10
    Banned Lychon's Avatar
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    Relax Viator...I'm writing an official FAQ that proves the possibility and plausibility of the R= U theory which I will post on GameFAQS and other websites. This FAQ will nullify Sir Bahumut's sophisms in his own FAQ, and will also put to rest your own attempts to disprove the R=U theory.


    P.S. The amount of paradoxes and incorrect physics I found in your FAQ Sir Bahumut was staggering.... However, I support your assertion that time compression centers on Ultimecia's coordinates in the space/ time dimensional continuum. I've written and defended a similar premise. Also, don't expect my FAQ any time soon...I have too much schoolwork at the moment. :hourglas:
    Last edited by Lychon; 06-26-2006 at 09:41 PM.

  11. #11


    Remember what Laguna said after Adel defeat that he said use strong emotions (love and strong bonds) to achieve TC but Squall didn't do what Laguna said, all what Squall did was blaming himself that's why Squall didn't achieve TC and ended up on a stone land, his OP affected by Squall.. that explains why they all didn't achieve TC too. However, Rinoa wasn't affected by Squall, because Rinoa is on the other side (Ulteimca) and she came to wake Squall to end the TC.
    Yes, this is the accepted explanation for why Squall doesn't make it back from the future by himself, but it does not explain anything else than that.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Outer Heaven
    Hey dude not trying to be a dick or anything but......Who's going to read all that?

  13. #13
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    Okay, do any of you honestly listen to yourselves? (Or, look at yourselves?) Type? You're using mothersmurfing formulas and figures and conspiracy theories to prove how a fictional plot element in a video game works physically. Do you not find that strange in the least? At any rate, from what I understand in the game, TC is just all of Time Compressed into one instant. (It's what Odine said.)

  14. #14
    I junctioned your GF ;) BardTard's Avatar
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    Dancing Chocobo

    Quote Originally Posted by Viator

    I already PROVE that Rinoa only has Adels powers NOT Edeas.If you cant accept this truth you cant/wont find the answer.
    That's not true, they said in the game that "Matron passed on her powers to Rinoa" or something like that. They did! I played disc 3 like a million times cus I love it so much! So I know!

    But yeah... umm interesting stuff. And if their powers just keep building up within the loop... I say they should kill Rinoa. Solution to all the problems.

    Don't ask.

  15. #15


    Parsimonious solution to all this nonsense about power build up: ULTI DID NOT GIVE ALL HER POWER TO EDEA. Thank you. That is all.

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