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Thread: Moving Out

  1. #46


    Donīt forget your origins i think that when you donīt have any good job or donīt have any money source you shouldnīt leave your parents house.

    Go to university or try to find a job before doing this i think that unless your like a 30 year old guy with no job and who doensīt do anything for a living then you should be thrown out!!!

    But if you work and stuff then your parents have to be pretty bad to say "Donīt you think itīs time to go..."

  2. #47
    Howdy. Shaun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue phoenix
    Welcome to capitalism, no matter what you do, itll always be like that.

    sorry for the double post. if it is physical abuse then you can get help from childrens charities, who would give you free accomodation, however your domestic situation would have to be terribly bad to even attempt this as it would burn all bridges with your parents for good.
    Yes, I doubt I'd go to that level.

    Quote Originally Posted by blue phoenix
    If financial worry was put on top of this i couldnt cope, luckily it isnt yet. Getting a new apartment at 17 wont be a clean break, its highly likely itll be a start of a slippery slope, because you dont have the finances. And thatll just be another worry.

    in short, i dont know your full background, but id recommend sticking it out as long as possible and continuing your education till you at least finish college (College is 16-18 in england right?)
    Maybe. And yeah, college is sixteen to eighteen. I've seen several cases of people younger than me living on their own though. I don't see how it isn't a possibility.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZeZipster
    Ramen is really, really cheap noodles. You get them freeze-dried in little bags. They might be called something else where you live, I know up north people call them Oodles of Noodles. But yeah they're like dirt cheap usually around 30-50 cents (idk how much that is in any other currency) a bag. actually has some for 33 cents.
    I'm English!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer
    Donīt forget your origins i think that when you donīt have any good job or donīt have any money source you shouldnīt leave your parents house.

    Go to university or try to find a job before doing this i think that unless your like a 30 year old guy with no job and who doensīt do anything for a living then you should be thrown out!!!

    But if you work and stuff then your parents have to be pretty bad to say "Donīt you think itīs time to go..."
    It's a couple years until I can go to university, and then there's the issue of affording it - but if what boris no no said is true, well, maybe. My parents are pretty much saying those words despite the efforts I've made in everything lately and it's a strong encouragement for me to leave.

    Anyway, thanks for your posts everyone! I might hold back for now, but if things don't go well, I don't know. Don't feel any particular need to reply to this thread now. It can happily die. Thanks everybody.

  3. #48
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Yes, i am moving to a new host after the current one outlived its usefulness.

  4. #49
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Default For your reference

    Also, Ash left his home at 10 catching critters and living in the wilds with strangers.

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