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Thread: what happens to Balamb Garden

  1. #31


    Oh I see. I thought you were meaning it as in Seifer hadn't changed back to normal.

  2. #32
    Card Queen Qurange's Avatar
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    Oh, no, not at all. Though 'normal' might be the wrong word now that he's in control of his mind again and has to deal with the whole thing, I think he's no longer under Ulti's control, considering.

  3. #33
    loinharte's Avatar
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    in your mom.... i cant get out!!save me


    of course hes not under ultis control squal and gang kicked her arse
    but he still might be crazy

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  4. #34
    Ball of Pure being sephirothishere's Avatar
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    i thought that in the end after you have killed ultimecia...she goes back in time to the orphanage and gives edea her powers so then the whole cycle kinda starts again except this time squall have already killed ultimecia so she is dead to put it bluntly....

  5. #35
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    She gave Edea her powers however Edea explains this one quite nicely. No the loop does not continue Edea firstly shows up as the Sorceress who takes over Gabaldia (funny they fought Esthar because they were ruled by a sorceress, strange how things work out in the end isn't it?) This is all when she is under Ultimecia's control however after her defeat in the awesome clash between Gabaldia Garden and Balamb Garden she regains her self control. After the battle when you talk to Cid and Edea in the orphanage either her or Cid state that Edea was a sorceress long before Ultimecia took over her powers and mind for herself. Edea couldn't explain the prescence of the sorceress that gave her, her original powers she just appeared one day when Edea was young. When you go back in time at the end of the game and witness Ultimecia giving Edea her powers that is Edea recieving her first batch of powers. In other words Ultimecia was destined to lose from the begining because for Edea to be a Sorceress meant that Ultimecia had to die. It doesn't mean that Edea would later then become posessed by Ultimecia again as well she's dead and I believe Time compression (once fixed by Ellone stopping it) would have ironed out the time line so that it wasn't a loop.

    As for Seifer? Well his problems that Squall and company would have to "deal with" as some one put it are likely or not going to be things they cannot deal with, yes they can help him become accepted by the world once more as not going to destroy it infact since he, Fujin and Raijin seem to be fishing in the great lake in Esthar they are being taken in by the Estharian government no doubt Laguna offered to help Squall out there. Probaby in return for Seifer and his friends help against the monsters if they were willing to fight them even, Seifer has a lot of demons to confront, he tortured the few people he could consider allies and friends (even though him and Squall hate each other it's somewhat similar to me and my old worst enemy it's more a case that they were alike and didn't want to admit that they were), in ordering troops to attack Balamb and Trabia garden's he condemned many to death and almost killed his ex-girlfriend who it seemed he still liked if you look in to the actions taken in Balamb on the night of graduation, in Esthar.

    As to the possibility it is a time loop? (I question this one myself here) No it doesn't begin again for the Squall you control has already killed Ultimecia and ended the conflict that led him to that point. As for another universe within the multiverse it is entirely possible he witnessed the beginning of the conflict. Look at our own understanding of the multiverse (and yes it is a real thing) and you'll understand. If you know nothing go read up on astro physics, quantam physics or to cut the effort down watch a program that used to be on called Sliders and the film The One with jet li they explain a bit and afaik the knowlege is pretty sound (apart from the power transfer in the one)

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