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Thread: Forum Staff Experience

  1. #1
    *insert meme here* Ryth's Avatar
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    Default Forum Staff Experience

    This is a thread to tell us of your experiences as a staff member on sites, whether it be vbulletin, invisionfree, proboards, or whatever. Just tell us if you're still on staff on whatever forums, how long you've been on or were on staff, why you aren't on staff anymore (if not any longer), and well, whatever you want.

    I've been an admin and I am currently an admin of 3 InvisionFree webistes, called Wolve's Den, Land of Realms, and Kingdom of Ani-Gamers. I'm completely in charge at Wolve's Den, it's my site, I didn't make it though, a friend of mine did but life started getting busy and she didn't have the time, where it came over into my possession. It's almost got 100 members, but not many are active, it currently as more of a cult following then anything else. It was made on March 31, 2005, I joined May 3th, 2005 and I was admined to root admin on September 23, 2005.

    Land of Realms is a new forum, few members, nothing big so far, nothing big at all. I run in sort of a "partnership" with the guy who made the layout and etc. It was made July 6, 2006 and I joined and was made admin July 7, 2006.

    Kingdom of AniGamers is also another partnership deal, my girlfriend (EoFF member, Daenerys) and I run it together and it's been mildly successful. It was made May, 27, 2006 and I joined and was admined on the same day.

    I am a mod at one site currently called Realm of Fantasy, this site was the first site I was put on staff. Due to the poor judgement of the 12 year old (who lied to us and said he was older) who went admin crazy so now every active member is on staff save a select few. The place has had sour luck and has a smaller cult following than WDF and KoAG, most members have given up on making it larger, which is why there are still too many staff members. Realm of Fantasy was made January 30, 2005, I joined March 16, 2005 and was modded the same day.

    I've been a moderator on four forums previously. One was Final Forums, I haven't been there in a long time but it died out quickly, I don't know how it's doing now, if it's still in existence. Another forum is the same case, Gamer's Delight died out in what seemed like no time, info is sparse, I was also moderator was somewhere called GMSR's Forum To Stay, which was a horribly amateurish site, and I tried to shape it up, which I succeeded in most parts in doing so, but the community forced me into leaving because they annoyed me, the site is shut down I believe.

    I was a forum moderator for the site Gamer's Society, but I didn't care for the place, but I popped in to check the RP forum (which I moderated) that no one posted in, I was demodded for inactivity, I honestly don't care.

  2. #2
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    I am a former Cid's Knight at this here forum. I was also an Administrator at Fool's Gold, but resigned because it's not a great place.

    Here, I was a Cid's Knight from late 2001 (or early 2002) to April 2004. before I resigned, I won a Best Cid's Knight Ciddie, so I must have been doing something right or was just a fun and well known knight at the time. By the time I resigned, my dad was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and had died in the summer of 2004. Anyway, that doesn't really involve EoFF, but was one of the reasons why I had resigned, along with the fact that I needed to move on, and that my girlfriend wanted my attention more. xP Unfortunately for the case, I hadn't moved on, as I stayed at the forums since then, but things are different with my girlfriend regarding staffing. As of last year, I had begun to regain new interest to return to this staff, so whenever the staff asks me to rejoin them, I may accept. That is if I get asked, and I don't think that may happen, but who knows? The current staff is a confusing one indeed, and I bet most of them don't like me anymore.

    As for Fool's Gold, that place sucks balls. <3

    <b>EDIT:</b> I also forgot that I moderated a few ezboards before I found EoFF. I like to call this part: Pre-EoFF. Back in late 99 to 2000, I was a member of a friend's messageboard on ezboard. Eventually, I moved up in the ranks and became a moderator of his forums. During this time, I ventured into various other ezboards and befriended several people. One was Brittk007, and Kefkathe3rd. I had close contact with the both of them and we were into Gundam Wing at the time. Shortly, my friend left his ezboard into the hands of our friend, Shykid, She renamed the ezboard and turned it into one about anime and videogames, and she, Britt, Kefka, me, and someone else were all admins of said ezboard, and we called ourselves the Fearsome Five, and each one took a role of a gundam character. Well, I'd say more, but it's boring*, so I won't bother.

    * Not really.
    Last edited by Agent Proto; 07-14-2006 at 07:51 PM.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  3. #3
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    I've adminned my own littled private boards in their various incarnations for years now, which is nothing in particular to boast about, seeing as how the activity peaks at all four of the active members being on at the same time. It's mostly a board for my friends and I to hang out.

    I've been an EoFF staffer since June of last year, I think. Or late May? I don't remember exactly.

  4. #4
    purple Alive-Cat's Avatar
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    I was once Admin or Mod on many a forums. I let all spam go un-moderated, encouraged it even. I flamed, I banned, I unbanned, and in the end every forum turned out to be A-Okay!

    Moral: Fish are better off in the sea. Really.

  5. #5
    Banned ~SapphireStar~'s Avatar
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    I was a mod on the first FF site I joined. I enjoyed it, but there is always someone who questions you for closing a thread or deleting a post, etc. Eventually they get banned.

  6. #6
    Lumberjack Recognized Member RSL's Avatar
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    I've been a mod or admin of this site ever since it started in December of 1999.

    Other than that, I haven't had much experience. I was a moderator over at FFWA for about 3 weeks. Then the site went down for a couple months and when it came back, I didn't care about it anymore (and I still don't!)

    Other than that, maybe I've been a moderator at some small EZboards or something, but in general they were small sites that really didn't need much moderation.

  7. #7
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    Only a moderator at FFNet. I feel like I'm to only one left.

  8. #8
    (。◕‿‿◕。) Recognized Member Jojee's Avatar
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    I modded at a ton of random small forums. Was a mod at EoFF during the EZboard days, although I don't think I did too much, to be honest I also modded on a relatively well known RO server's forums, but that didn't end too well.

    My biggest experience with modding was probably when I co-owned (well, technically I still do ^^ But it's really died down and is pretty inactive now) a forums and was an admin there. They were quite active for a while, and it was fun, but geez the things you have to deal with. xD Being an admin/mod = responsibility, which is why I generally tend to shy away from those positions on bigger boards >:</>D I like being able to be silly and spam and stuff, without having to think, but waiiiit I need to set a good example, or something ^_^;;


  9. #9
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    I was a professor with no modding capabilities, which meant I just answered questions by students -.- at a very insecure MySQL based [customwritten] harry potter rpg. When the time came that the board was using up too much of the server's processor, we switched to phpbb2 and the professors were given global mod access after a while. The site is now totally defunct but used to be

    I modded/mod a now-inactive not-dolling board, It's around, but hardly active at all.

    I've modded at eoff for nearly a year now.

    Operating channels is far more fun-- I had an sop for a while in #harrypotter in back when there were a ton of people in it, then there was an overthrow and I only had an aop afterwards, which ticked me off-- the chick that took over the channel was ttly a ho :] I never did much in there except kban a few floodspammers once xD

    Then eventually I got an op in #magichogwarts when the people running it handed it over to the people who had been at the site forever, this may have been on or after dal was ddosed really bad one summer and we moved to dynastynet Somewhere along the line I ended up with founder access, but it died off with the site dying off:]

    Sometimes someone gives me a halfop in #eoff, and those my friends, are the second happiest times of my life.

    (chat>forums for the record)

  10. #10


    I'm a moderator at the Concerned Forums which is the forum for the Half Life 2 Concerned comic. Lots of members there. I also used to be a moderator at a forum called The Betrated before it fell apart. I was a staff member at, but that wasn't for forums.
    Last edited by drunkymonkey; 07-14-2006 at 07:30 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by spiffing cheese on msn
    Lameshout: Lamers That Matter

  11. #11
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    Forum-wise, I am currently only a staff member on my own board, [Red Wings] (phpBB). I've been an administrator since its inception on May 3, 2006. I do not think that I shall ever leave; I know: surprising.

    As an administrator, I have ran quite a few of my own hangout and joke boards, all on ezBoard, including Kill Dragons Because They Suck A**, [Adverse Babble], Esperwind, [Eyes Off Final Fantasy], and Kenshin Es El Stupido. They all met with varying degrees of failure and date from 2002 to 2006.

    I also helped run a board called [Gaming City], which was owned by a guy named [Trunks]. I forget the exact timeline of this, but it was probably for several months that I stuck on staff. One slow week, I decided it would rouse interest if I banned him and took over the fora. I was banned after that, but I had indeed brought the amount of posts up a fair bit due to my coup.

    As a moderator, I have moderated at a fair few boards. My favorite post was probably at [Psychotic Intent], an ezBoard. I was a moderator there from when I joined in late 2001 to when [Oni] finally moved ship to his new site in January of 2005. I never registered at the new PI because of issues with school, home, and work, so I never rejoined Oni's current staff. I still have my powers at the old board, but that's no real use. :o

    Other fora I have moderated at include [Bleys'] [Vesper Network] and The Restless City. I modded at Vesper from almost the start of it as an ezBoard, through its reincarnation as a, what, invision board, to its sudden end a few months later. The Restless City, a board ran by a friend's friend who thought to add me to staff because I seemed competent. I worked there, again, from its near inception (2002) to its demise in 2004 because Stray was going through some artistic issues. Funky stuff.

    I moderated [BoB's] LJ Forums for the entire week it was active. :|

    That should be it. Most boards are not given links because they are either completely gone or I am completely unable to find them if they are not.

  12. #12
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    I'm a mod on Summoner's Final Fantasy forum. It's new, and pretty small, so there's not a whole lot of modding to do. I spend most of my time moving closed topics to the junk forum

  13. #13
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    Ive modded/admined/staffed on alot of forums, mainly anime related ones >.>, as a review writer/anime uploaded type person, and any forum I make lives for a fw months then dies a painful death, then gets reincarnated only to die again, im on my second attempt now, an Anime RPing forum, along with my other anime forum x.x

  14. #14
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I have never been a moderator or administrator of any forums, ever.

    Okay. Uhm...

    EoFF (2002-ongoing, Cid's Knight then later Administrator, also Senior Site Staff for what that's worth) - vBulletin
    Aiyon (admin, owner) - IPB then later vBulletin
    LJ Forums (admin, owner) - vBulletin
    Eyes off FF (admin, owner) - vBulletin
    Something? (admin, owner) - proboard
    Team exDee (admin, owner) - vBulletin
    omgmyhat (admin, owner) - vBulletin
    The Basement (admin, owner of licence) - vBulletin
    the Gamer's Alliance (admin) - vBulletin
    CricketWeb (forum moderator) - vBulletin (events group) - vBulletin
    Fool's Gold (staff forum access as an advisor) - vBulletin
    Rune City (admin - see notes below) - can't remember, I think phpBB or IPB.

    I was made an admin at RuneCity after someone impersonated me going "oh look I'm Loony BoB from EoFF I'll make a great admin" - after it came to light that I wasn't thim (when someone tried to contact him using my EoFF profile), I registered out of curiosity... and they adminned me. Heh.

    I think there might have been more but I guess I can't remember 'em all. I was also a moderator on Hot or Not for a while. That was interesting enough. I think I might have been given some kind of power at other boards such as The Final Fantasy Federation and whatever it was that Emma started up back in 2000 or early 2001, when FFI started up (I was never a staffer at FFI, mind you, only an advisor on occasion).

    I think that's it...
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB
    I have never been a moderator or administrator of any forums, ever.
    Quote Originally Posted by spiffing cheese on msn
    Lameshout: Lamers That Matter

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