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Thread: FF8 Character Outfits

  1. #1
    zbonks's Avatar
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    Default FF8 Character Outfits

    The catagories are:
    -Best dressed male
    -Best dressed female
    -Best overall
    -Funkiest dressed
    -Worst dressed male
    -Worst dressed female
    -Worst overall

    For best dressed male i would have to say Laguna in the past he looks good in blue, but his present outfit looked weird
    -best dressed female- i say Quistis, she looked good in red and her outfit looked great on her. Julia, Edea, and Ultimecia looked good in their gowns too, but they were too simple. Ellone looked great in her outfit as well. I don't like the color yellow so sorry Selphie. Rinoa's outfit was too odd for me.
    -Best overall-Laguna in the past
    -Funkiest dressed- Dr. Odine, I mean you've seen him. It looks like he's wearing one of those things a dog wears so it doesn't lick its stitches!
    -Worst Dressed male-I'm not a fan of guys wearing fur and the x on Squall's butt was weird. Zell's was okay but it didn't fit him. Irvine's outfit looked great on him. but i don't like brown. I would have to say the winner is Squall,with his Seed uniform on.
    -Worst dressed Female- Selphie's dress was a little short for me. When Edea wasn't in her soceress dress she reminded me of a witch and Adel looked like a man. I say the worst dressed female is Edea, when she isn't wearing her soceress gown.
    -Worst overall-Esthar soldiers. Esthar soldiers could be a man or a woman and the looked like bluish green insects to me.

    Thats my two cents. WHat do you look of the outfits?
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  2. #2
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    -Best dressed male - PuPu
    -Best dressed female - PuPu
    -Best overall - PuPu
    -Funkiest dressed - PuPu
    -Worst dressed male - Esthar Soldiers.
    -Worst dressed female - Those random sorceress from Time Compression.
    -Worst overall - Angelo.

  3. #3


    -Best dressed male- hmmmm probly seifer
    -Best dressed female- Quistis
    -Best overall- Irvine. the outfit works
    -Funkiest dressed- Headmaster Cid
    -Worst dressed male- Zell in his seed uniform. He looks gay
    -Worst dressed female- Rinoa. her outfit is very strange
    -Worst overall- Raine. her outfit is too simple

  4. #4
    IceAngel's Avatar
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    -Best dressed male- Squall or Laguna (SPOILER)I guess dress sense runs in the family.
    -Best dressed female- Quistis or Ellone. I like Ellone's green thing.
    -Best overall- Past Laguna
    -Funkiest dressed- Kiros. I know its suitable for his battles but there are other things he could wear.
    -Worst dressed male- Odine. Need I say more?
    -Worst dressed female- Selphie clothes were too simple.
    -Worst overall- Adel. Man or woman?????

    Thank Sapphiresea for the Siggy! :kaolove:

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  5. #5


    -Best dressed male- Squall
    -Best dressed female- Rinoa, but somethng about Quisty's outfit makes me feel nice inside.
    -Best overall- Rinoa
    -Funkiest dressed- Kiros.
    -Worst dressed male- Odine.
    -Worst dressed female- Raine. Sweater. Yuck.
    -Worst overall- Adel-naked and not pretty. So she/he used Rinoa.

  6. #6


    -Best dressed male: Irvine (he may have been a perv but he knew how to dress)
    -Best dressed female: Ellone
    -Best overall: Ellone
    -Funkiest dressed: Fujin (everytime I looked at her I wanted to take a bath)
    -Worst dressed male: Dr. Odine
    -Worst dressed female: Adel
    -Worst overall: Dr. Odine

  7. #7


    Best dressed male: Irvine nice style
    -Best dressed female: Fugin
    -Best overall: Irvine
    -Funkiest dressed: Ragin
    -Worst dressed male: Squall
    -Worst dressed female: Rinoa ( feet on the back bwahahah)
    -Worst overall: Squall & Rinoa it´s impossible to choose the worst.

  8. #8
    I junctioned your GF ;) BardTard's Avatar
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    OOH, this is hard. FUN!

    -Best dressed male- LAGUNA The bright green shirt is so cool and he just looks so cute!

    -Best dressed female- SELPHIE I would totally wear that. Totally. I LOVE Short skirts/dresses and boots. Totally my style.

    -Best overall- SELPHIE ^^

    -Funkiest dressed- ESTHAR SOLDIERS. WTH. Actually, pretty much anyone from Esthar.

    -Worst dressed male- KIROS...scares me...

    -Worst dressed female- ADEL. I think she used to be a man.

    -Worst overall- ADEL.

    Quote Originally Posted by f f freak
    Worst dressed male- Zell in his seed uniform. He looks gay
    Zell IS gay. I thought Squall looked funny in his SeeD uniform.

  9. #9
    GAH!! _yeojina_'s Avatar
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    -Best dressed male- Squall Leonhart. Enough said.

    -Best dressed female- Rinoa Heartilly. Enough said.

    -Best overall- Rinoa Heartilly. Enough said.

    -Funkiest dressed- Quistis Trepe. Enough said.

    -Worst dressed male- Zell Dincht. Enough said.

    -Worst dressed female- Ultimecia. Enough said.

    -Worst overall- Adel. DEFINATELY enough said.
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  10. #10
    Lightning's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by f f freak
    -Best dressed male- hmmmm probly seifer
    -Best dressed female- Quistis
    -Best overall- Irvine. the outfit works
    -Funkiest dressed- Headmaster Cid
    -Worst dressed male- Zell in his seed uniform. He looks gay
    -Worst dressed female- Rinoa. her outfit is very strange
    -Worst overall- Raine. her outfit is too simple
    Wow, we're like the same except...I say Squall for the best dressed male...
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    Final FantasyXIII's Lightning

  11. #11


    -Best dressed male ... Adel Zell!
    -Best dressed female ... Edea or Ultimecia
    -Best overall ... Zell, (c'mon, cut me a break)
    -Funkiest dressed ... Rinoa, what was with that?
    -Worst dressed male ... Cid, dammit
    -Worst dressed female ... Ellone - boring old fart
    -Worst overall ... Adel, it'd be a man if it wasn't a sorceress!
    Last edited by Laugh at face of Danger; 07-23-2006 at 12:33 PM.

  12. #12


    -Best dressed male-Irvine
    -Best dressed female-Quistis
    -Best overall-Quistis
    -Funkiest dressed-Ultimecia
    -Worst dressed male-Zell
    -Worst dressed female-Selphie
    -Worst overall-Edea

  13. #13


    -Best dressed male - Squall Leonhart
    -Best dressed female - Rinoa Heartilly
    -Best overall - Quistis Trepe (The instructor uniform and normal outfit both look good on her)
    -Funkiest dressed - Kiros
    -Worst dressed male - Irvine Kinneas
    -Worst dressed female - Adel ... assmuing they're female
    -Worst overall - Adel
    Last edited by magiere; 07-23-2006 at 03:03 AM.

  14. #14
    it's not fun, don't do it Moon Rabbits's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=magiere]-Best dressed male - KIROS IN HIS SOLDIER OUTFIT<3!
    -Best dressed female - JULIA IN HER DRESS <3!
    -Best overall - JULIA IN HER DRESS <3!
    -Funkiest dressed - ULTIMECIA O.O
    -Worst dressed male - CID >|
    -Worst dressed female - SIREN >|

  15. #15
    Unlimited Hentai Works Twilight Edge's Avatar
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    -Best dressed male - Young Laguna in his casuals.My,was that suitable.
    -Best dressed female - Julia in her dress.I love it it was so freakin' hot.
    -Best overall - Quistis Trepe (The instructor uniform and normal outfit both look good on her)
    -Funkiest dressed - Kiros.Nuff said.
    -Worst dressed male - Doc Odine.It ooks like he has a fan for a collar.
    -Worst dressed female - All soceresses excluding Edea.
    -Worst overall - Adel .Need I say more?

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