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Thread: Post-Wedding Thoughts

  1. #61
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    How cute. Congratulations.

    So that's what Kishi looks like. He looks so...normal.

  2. #62
    Khaotic's Avatar
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    Congratulations Mandy.

    Post wedding thoughts?"phew"

  3. #63
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    I hope you got some pictures, and saved some of that cake...I won't be happy if you didn't...tch, I hate being not old enough to drive...

  4. #64
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Kalen and her boyfriend are really cool people.

    Shlup is a lot more softspoken than we expected. She looked stunning in her dress.

    I always expected kishi to be taller. He and Necro were like peas in a pod.

    I wonder if Sean felt weird that there was this group of people standing over by him who all met through his website. I'd feel weird.

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  5. #65
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    I haven't had any chance to go through the pictures (although Amanda should be happy to know that I took nearly 8 gigs worth of photos) but I'm sure I got some good shots out of the hundreds I took. I'll try and get them up ASAP!

    Also, Kalen was so awesome to hang around with. And it was really great having her there, I wish I could drag her along to all the weddings I go to even though I don't think she would want to. And we made our boys be friends! Kalen and her guy showed us crazy kung fu monkey magic stuff after the wedding was winding down, it was fantastic.

    Um. I wasn't sure who Kishi was, and I didn't even know Necro was gonna be there so I was kinda taken aback when they sorta just appeared in front of me and demanded to know if I had an "online persona". Kishi kept dodging pictures at first but I managed to get a good dozen or so by the end of the night. He also pulled my hair at one point. =/

    Necro is... a weird guy. xD

    He wore nail polish that was painted on by a 16 year old girl. Or so he said.

    And yeah, Cid's right, Necro and Kishi make a really cute couple.

    Tony and I met Cid and his wife, but not until the very end of the night and it was just a quick, hiya, nice to meet you sorta thing.

    And Amanda and BJ were sucha awesome couple. I liked how BJ was so reluctant to take off his sunglasses, even at night.

  6. #66
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Those sunglasses rocked.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  7. #67
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    who is a better couple, Kishi and Necro or me and Yams?

  8. #68
    Prinny God Recognized Member Endless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azar
    I would've enjoyed being there and meeting so many people from EoFF, though it would've been a little weird since I don't know Shlup or her new husband at all very much.

    I'm looking forward to more pictures, and possibly the opportunity to see an unblurred kishi, since I missed the chance to meet him this summer.

    My thoughts exactly, all the more since I was in the US when it happened. Alas, MS is a long way from CA, too long to sneak in.

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  9. #69
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel
    I liked how BJ was so reluctant to take off his sunglasses, even at night.
    Yeah, he'll just say "The sun never sets in Cool Town." xD

  10. #70
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    Sean those are terrible pictures of me. Wait, did you take them?

    Anyway, PG's take on it all, and I have the memory of a gnat...

    When I arrived in Ontario Ashley/Abominatrix told me that Kishi had vanished after two weeks. Supposedly is hanging around Necro. Ashley left me to cower by myself and even demanded I have Necro drive me to the wedding....which was a pretty damn difficult thing for me to do when my hotel phone wasn't activated (no credit card ). Anyway we set up the meeting and I waited in the lobby until two wackos showed up.

    The first thing Kishi did was reach down my pants. I kid you not. I guess my shirt was untucked? He Ashley/Teh Abominatrix told me, "creepy". Looks normal, healthy, but has this...expression of utmost creepy terror. I loved it.

    We hit a chinese joint and drove down to the desert to Mandee/Shlupquack's wedding. We took a wrong turn, got all confused "Who the hell would put a church here", and even turned around on the road we were supposed to follow. Finally found it and was like....ten minutes late.

    PG: "Don't worry -- nobody starts a wedding on time".

    How right I was. Now, imagine this. Our resident tentacle loli-centric Kishi, his newfound "partner" Necro, and like one of I think two asians at the a white tux. And liberty spikes for hair.

    Yeah...we managed to find the area where the wedding was and basically hung around babbling and pointing out how our liason Ashley was indisposed and thus we had no idea what was going on or what to do. Do we sit on the left or right side (I still have no idea whether I was in the groom's side or not)? What do we do?

    After more mulling around I saw Sean. I recognised him....Sean, do you even know who I am?

    Anyway, the site was a 'beautiful' (if you can call the desert a beautiful place) place -- I almost expected to see a ravine. Did I mention the wedding started late? We had time to look around, act confused, find a spot to sit, and I even managed to egg Kishi on about his.....preferences. (Stop staring at her. She's too old for you. Sixteen is too old for me) I think it was Mandee's grandmother who smacked Kishi for that remark

    Now forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I think it was Mandee's sister who was the flower girl and BJ's brother who was the ringbearer. BJ's brother is....rather young, and rather prone to distraction. Basically the wedding ring was dropped several times through the ceremony, and our ringbearer wandered around left and right, finally ending up plain walking away from the "altar".

    Ah, the innocence of youth. As Jesus would probably say, blessed is the innocence of youth. In other words, there is no reason to fault a child for such silliness (plus it was pretty funny).

    And just like that, the marriage was done. I think the entire thing took all of half an hour, if even that. Pretty impressive, as I was expecting something...drawn out.

    After that, we had the requisite wedding dinner and dancing. I met both Mandee's father and mother rather informally (her Mother approached us and accused us of being her friends, and her father and her basically approached the lot of us this one time). In my opinion it was Ashley/Abominatrix's parents who were the most entertaining. I unfortunately will not go into details because I value my life, but suffice to say they provided hours of unwholesome laughs. Much love.


    - we did harrass Miriel. I saw her and since I had thought since the beginning that she was miriamel, there was silent confusion on my part. Miriel did you even know who I was? Does anybody?
    - Necro had hearts painted on his nails
    - Necro and Kishi only looked alike because they are similar height. For example, Necro doesn't have tentacles.
    - Necro found his suit jacket the day of the wedding. I believe he was wearing runners as well
    - Kalen doesn't know me. Neither does Sean. I am angry. Rawr.
    - When Ashley/Abominatrix picked me up, she was wearing a piece of plaid fabric around her waist that was held together literally by a patch and a safety pin that was always coming off. I'm sure she wore other clothing but I have no idea what that was, nor did I really care.

    Ashley doesn't have the internets, but hello Ashley.
    - Mandee was very mean to me. And I gave her money too. PS: why are you reading this? Shouldn't you be at your honeymoon? PPS: the envelope basically wishes you and BJ good fortune and etc. It was either this, or a Snoopy envelope that says happy new year.
    - Mandee threatened me repeatedly about my white suit but I wore it anyway. *flex*
    - I pointed all the time because it makes an excellent picture. See Kalen's shot.
    - I want a copy of the picture of me + Ashley. Thanks.
    - The wedding 'started' at 6pm and ended probably around midnight. I left at 11pm. For that, I am very grateful.

    Any questions, you better ask soon because again, my memory is very bad.

  11. #71
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    how many tentacles?

  12. #72
    it's not fun, don't do it Moon Rabbits's Avatar
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    I wish I had the patience to paint my nails something other than a solid colour.

    :} I don't know anyone who was there, but congratulations to the couple and all that good stuff.

  13. #73
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    PG is not very smart. Expecting my bridesmaid to have time to do anything but wait on me on my wedding day? She was with me from 11:00am until 11:00pm (which is when the wedding ended, not midnight).

    The wedding started late because so many guests were late. All the wedding party was ready to go on time.

    The ringbearer (my brother) is three. He actually behaved better than I thought he would. Everyone thought I was nuts for letting him be ring bearer, but I knew it would amuse me. I watched a video of it yesterday and noticed he stood behind BJ and did a little kung fu for the audience.

    BJ and I opened our gift from you last night. We were wondering if you understand the conversion of Canadian to American currency. Nonetheless, thank you. You may suck, but at least it's mostly in good ways.

    I'm leaving for my honeymoon tomorrow.

  14. #74
    wat? Misfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leeza
    Mandee and her dress are gorgeous!
    I concur, the pictures are wonderful and everybody looked so nice. :] Can't wait to see some more pictures, it looks and sounds like such a beautiful wedding.

    I hope you enjoy your honeymoon, as well. :]]

  15. #75
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    I very thoughtfully left out the ones where Amanda was half-naked and stuff.

    And now for a Kishi picture:

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