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Thread: America Under Attack thread (read first, please)

  1. #91
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    I hope what ever group is behind this gets torchered in the worst ways imaginable. Estimated about 10,000 dead and probably more injured. This may lead to war but with all the nuclear arms a war is the last thing anyone wants to happen. I wonder if school is closed...probably not. Most schools in chicago are closed so who knows?

  2. #92
    Oh go on then Cz's Avatar
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    I'd just like to offer my condolences to everyone who has suffered losses todya. You know, we've been talking about who did it, and why they did it. But we are ignoring the fact that thousands died today.
    It could have so easily been I offer my condolances, to the family of those who died today.
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  3. #93
    Garnet of Alexandria


    Even though I'm in the UK (England) I'm speechless by this tragedy. I got back from my work experience to see the news on the tele and the first thing I saw was footage of the second plane crashing into the second Tower of the World Trade Centre. I was horrified.

    The news sickened me and I know that once the culprits and the country that backed them finicially are found, the USA will not hesitate to totally level that country.

    If you have lost any relatives or anything in this tragedy then you have my deepest sympathy.

    I'm pretty scared that London will be attacked because my area is only five minutes away from London.

    So I wish you all good luck in getting through this crisis and I hope this dosen't lead to anything bigger, and hopefully not a 3rd World War.

    *look's up at post* Gee... I sound like Tony Blair *lol*.. You can always count on me for a laugh in times of crisis..

    Anyway I'm going to go and watch the news so I'll post as soon as I'm thinking straight again k?


  4. #94
    ORANGE Dr Unne's Avatar
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    crono_logical: There is absolutely no justification for anyone to take pleasure in the death of anyone else. Americans do not sit around celebrating the deaths of people in Palestine. We think it is horrible. Why the heck does everyone think Americans are evil? I do not understand it at all.

    Taking pleasure in the deaths of innocents is sickening in every way. Even if the people killed by this attack were evil in some way, which they most certainly were not, it still would be wrong to celebrate their deaths. Anyone who thinks they have the right or that there might be even the slightest justification for this is a sick demented filthy animal. Murder is wrong, PERIOD. Nothing justifies killing innocent people.

    The amount of dead has to be more than 10,000. There were 50,000 people in the building, and many tens of thousands more on the streets, or in businesses nearby, or in the subway that goes right under the building. And there's still the people in the Pentagon that were killed, not to mention the peopel on the planes.

    This world is a sick place full of sick people. I can't just can't stand it sometimes.

  5. #95
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    Same here Black Mage.

    I also believe that this situation can be turned upside down. That Superpowers like Russia, China et cetera would join USA in their fight againts the terrorism and would try attempt to kill it for good.

    People who are still thinking of World War, it's not gonna happen. I can't see any way how there would be a World War. I doubt that Russia or China would attack USA when they go to terrorist hunting. As I said, I wouldn't be surprised if they helped them.

    I guess leaders of these Superpowers knows what will happen if they use nuclear weapons, so you can forget the World End also. Nobody wants it, and it won't happen.

    There are no Hitlers, Stalins, or other sickos in the charge anymore.

    EDIT: Yeah, it's sick Dr.Unne. MAny of them just have been raised that way, and it's horrible.
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  6. #96
    Master of PYREX Awrini's Avatar
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    This is nothing as to what I expected... I've been wondering why this has been happening... I had really gotten scared when Somerset County in PA was hit because I only live about 20 miles from there. The estimated casualties hit 10,000. I really hope for the best for all the families that lost relatives.

  7. #97
    Gyrating Possum Chaos's Avatar
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    Yeah, I heard about it in Physics.
    I didn't know the extent of the damage when I was at school. Me and a few 6 formers (12th Grade?) Were laughing over it, saying how come they couldn't of aimed at Bush, that sort of thing. But, yeah, got home, saw the news and well, this is pretty big.
    But, I doubt they will be a war. From what we know, the attack was not ordered by a government, thus no war can come of it, well, not a world war. But, I'm rather shocked at my behaviour.
    I did nothing.
    Yup, thats right, nothing. I shrugged it off when I first heard and when I saw the footage, nothing. Yeah, I felt angry towards the people who did it, but...nothing else. No surge of emotion or anything, I saw the crash and I thought nothing of it, just like I would a film.
    It's shocking isn't it.
    But then again...
    It just shows how accustomed we are to wrong doing. We see violence on the news, masses lying dead, masacred in the East, but we dont have big threads like this do we? We don't say 'isn't it a shame?'...nor do we have an uproar. This is just the same though isn't it?
    Isn't one life lost as bad as 1000?
    It's only when it's closer to home that we notice, that we grieve, that we say isn't it a crying shame, should'nt these sick people be brought to justice.
    Maybe we only care about things that are on our doorsteps.
    Just think about what I've said, don't bother flaming me, dont say how sick and uncaring I am. Just apply it to you. For most of you it will fit.

    God bless the families who lost their loved ones.


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  8. #98
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    I didn't read this whole thread, but I'm sure anything factual I could add has already been said.

    I'm feeling physically ill at both the sheer horror of the situation, and the sheer relief that my parents flew home yesterday, and not today. And I'm a little scared; I'm not too far from Chicago, and I have a brother (along with his sister and their son) who live in a Chicago suburb.

    School is being infested with terrified paranoia, yet no classes or anything has been cancelled. So we all go to class adn talk about this the whole time, getting nothing done. In my music rehersals, we've tried to practice, and we all sound horrible singing, hands shaking on keys. My piano teacher was nearly in tears because her sister works at the United Nations complex and her family has not heard from the sister yet.

    I don't know what else to say. I just hope we get this resolved quickly, with minimal carnage. Too many ahve died already. And what really pisses me off, is that they were primarily innocent, innocent to whatever cause of teh terrorists (i.e., those on the hijacked planes). Their deaths didn't even have meaning for the terrorists, they were just in the wrong plane at the wrong time. Horrible.

  9. #99


    These people . . .

    This whole mess is so foolish. How does a terrorist's mind work? Why is killing a large group of civilians supposed to help whatever cause motivated this? How can a person believe that an entire country is unified in evil? SHAME.

    (Side note, regarding fanatical education - members of the Taliban state that they care for nothing but the Quran . . . and a lot of them can't read.)

    And the Palestinians dancing in the streets - DAMN those idiots. Do they seriously think that no one in the U.S. belives they deserve a homeland? That every American is behind Israeli actions all the way? Particular Israelis and particular Palestinians have done evil, evil things to innocent people in the Middle East. But I try to believe that most people are just people, concerned about their work and their families, but unwilling to destroy the families and livelihoods of others. The dancing in the streets tests that belief. I hope that in Palestine there are many who feel for those killed and wounded in the U.S. just as many of us here feel for the victims there.

    Please - no more.

  10. #100
    Twisted Heat


    Originally posted by edczxcvbnm
    I hope what ever group is behind this gets torchered in the worst ways imaginable. Estimated about 10,000 dead and probably more injured. This may lead to war but with all the nuclear arms a war is the last thing anyone wants to happen. I wonder if school is closed...probably not. Most schools in chicago are closed so who knows?
    Puh-lease! There is gonna be war now! I'm sorry to say it, EVRYBODY hates war! Mr. blood thristy...he said "I will hunt down whoever did this and they will pay dearly..."

    GOODY!! This just in...DoD is talking...looks like there is a possibility, a good one (evil) that there will be war...if they find out...

    this is very horrible...*bows head in silence for the victims of this aweful, tragic attack*

  11. #101
    Ten-Year Vet Recognized Member Kawaii Ryűkishi's Avatar
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    Florida Governer Jeb Bush has asked three things of the citizens of Florida: to wave our American flags at half-mast, to contact blood centers and donate our blood to the injured who need it, and to pray for the tens of thousands of people who have been injured or killed.

    I don't own an American flag (I'm not what you'd call a patriot), but I am already looking into donating my blood and am constantly praying (not to God, but in general) for the safety of the initial survivers.

    I implore you citizens of other states to carry out Jeb's requests as well, at least to the best of your ability. It's the least you can do.

  12. #102


    Originally posted by Dr Unne
    crono_logical: There is absolutely no justification for anyone to take pleasure in the death of anyone else. Americans do not sit around celebrating the deaths of people in Palestine. We think it is horrible. Why the heck does everyone think Americans are evil? I do not understand it at all.

    Taking pleasure in the deaths of innocents is sickening in every way. Even if the people killed by this attack were evil in some way, which they most certainly were not, it still would be wrong to celebrate their deaths. Anyone who thinks they have the right or that there might be even the slightest justification for this is a sick demented filthy animal. Murder is wrong, PERIOD. Nothing justifies killing innocent people.

    The amount of dead has to be more than 10,000. There were 50,000 people in the building, and many tens of thousands more on the streets, or in businesses nearby, or in the subway that goes right under the building. And there's still the people in the Pentagon that were killed, not to mention the peopel on the planes.

    This world is a sick place full of sick people. I can't just can't stand it sometimes.
    I agree with you 100%. Why do innocent bystanders have to pay for these sorts of things. There is no reason people taking an everyday flight should pay the price because of a pissed group of terrorists. It's disgusting.

    I would be disgusted no matter what country this was in. Murder is wrong. How can people live with themselves? Those people did not deserve to die. Nobody should die for a political statement.

  13. #103
    ☆carrot☆ Linus's Avatar
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    1. No flag.
    2. Gotta be 17 in SC, 18 in GA, and 18 in NC. Not gonna happen.
    3. Been doin' that for hours.

    One school district in SC was left open after eleven AM. Mine.

  14. #104


    I live in Northern Va

    my Dad works in DC. he is home ok.
    my moms friends workins in the pentagon. when it happened. he got out ok, i think he mit be a little shook up but not hurt

    my condolences to any tothers who have family in new york or dc

  15. #105
    I've Seen Things Rydia of Mist's Avatar
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    As soon as I find out where the nearest facility is to do so, I will be out giving blood.

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