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Thread: America Under Attack thread (read first, please)

  1. #166


    What's funny about that is that Afghanistan says they want to tell our children they feel our pain, when their children, their police, their citizens, danced in celebration in the streets.

  2. #167
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Squeegee. Seriously.

    Reagan would not have bombed Afghanistan.

    You find the people responsible for the acts, and then justice should be done. Afghanistan is not responsible. The terrorists are - and note, everyone, those terrorists are NOT confirmed yet. We don't know, for sure, who they are. We all have hunches, duh, but we still don't know. There's no use bombing one country just to find out it was another. Oops?

    Now, when that guy bombed Oklahoma's building (I'm not too clued up, sorry)... does that mean that the country should be blamed? Should USA bomb THEMSELVES? No, that'd be stupid.

    So, bombing a country for a mere citizen's wrongs is... wrong. The government does the bombing, bomb the government. The terrorist does the bombing, bomb the terrorist. Of course.
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  3. #168
    Matt Drudgified Stevo's Avatar
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    Well, I smell War brewing on the horizon... Dirty, pointless wars... *frowns*
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  4. #169


    266 passsenger deaths i believe.

  5. #170


    Ok, so I may be hasty in saying Afghanistan. But whoever it is, we should take care of them. I'm writing all this assuming that whoever attacked us worked in conjunction with a country's government. That makes them part of that country, if they are hired out by the government. It is then the country's fault.

    But you know, you people are the ones who say that pacifism is the key. Woo hoo for you. Pacifism is a failure in my opinion. [[edited by Asorie]]

    Squeegee, I understand the way you're feeling right now. At least, I can empathise. So you've probably calmed down a tad and realized that that last part was a little unneccessary, right? Just letting you know.

  6. #171


    *sigh* I'm too drained to write any further on this matter, as I just wrote an exposé on it already. But I will stress my main points that the United States of America needs to unite under a common flag and concentrate on reconstruction, not revenge. Where will revenge take you? Assuming we do nuke wherever? Terrorism will actually increase because of that oppressive action! Anyone who is advocating all-out war needs to simmer down and think about the ramifications of such an action. And it's highly possible the perpetrator was an American. Okay? So let's pull together. We have enough sorrow invested in this, let's try and keep our heads above water.

  7. #172
    Good luck. And Godspeed. bossker's Avatar
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    Here are MY feeling...if you feel offended, well meh, feel free to ignore me...etc. etc.

    OK, so the world trade center was destroyed and the pentagon and pittsburgh were attacked...MANY MANY US casualties....but then again, Iraq, Sudan, and Afghanistan have suffered civilian casualties on our maybe going out and "Nuking the Muthaf***rs" would be a little drastic, no? I personally think the terrorists will get off Scot-free. I mean, if it is Osama Bin-Ladin, we've spent millions of dollars trying to kill this guy. He's bombed embassies and killed americans for WHO knows how long. And we've only caught the minor guys in all these USS Cole explosions, embassy bombings. In this case, the minor guys were no getting them. So, im fairly sure that the terrorists will go unpunished and this even will fade like the other events.

    And about going to war...Im pretty sure if we attacked Afghanistan with no REAL reason, the other muslim countries would rally behind them. And "so what" you say...."we can take them all out." Well my friends, let me enlighten you. This event has proven that the US is NOT invincible, hell the Pentagon was attacked for crying outloud...Pakistan has nuclear capabilites...If we "blew them the f**k" up...we'd get blown the hell up too....think about it. Well those are my thoughts....

    Terrorist act, terrorists get off scot free, even fades. <---order it'll happen in.

    And to the people that said they had NO reason, this attack was warrented from a Afghani, Iraqi, or a Sudani point of view.
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  8. #173
    Recognized Member FFmusic dj's Avatar
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    as a Muslim and going with the Islam Religion ...
    if muslims really did what they did in NY and DC, ..... there going to HELL!
    no where in out Bible does it say to kill people ... and by how they killed was ....... , this was just damn wrong!

  9. #174
    Stone's Avatar
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    I would have to agree with LoonyBob. It wasn't Afghanistan, but a terrorist group that has attacked the U.S. I hope they find out who did this before any more mistakes are made and any more lives are lost.

  10. #175
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Hmm... yeah, I agree on that note. If a government is working with the terrorist, then bomb the government facilities. Not for the mere point of revenge, but to prevent killing in the future. Death leads to life, kinda.

    But don't bomb a country when you don't have proof it was them. That's a no-no.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #176
    American Badass's Avatar
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    I can't really add anything because there really is nothing left to add. I have been in a sad state of shock all day since first finding out what happened listening to Howard Stern on the radio. Then finally seeing everything happen on the news when I arrived to my college and seeing everyone huddled around the tv in the room watching the news.

    It really hit home for me when I actually got home and began watching the news in depth. Seeing the video again and again of the plane crashing into the second tower. I thought glumly that everything that happened was one hell of an organized attack. The attack on the World Trade Center was terrible, but as well as a diversion. Then the Pentagon itself was attacked as well as several other buildings. No one has ever reportedly tried to take out the Pentagon before. That is a first. And then pure physics told someone that the WTC towers would eventually collapse.

    Make no mistakes about the events today. They were terrible. They were unforgettable. The United States was embarrased today, the military in particular by the Pentagon getting hit. There is no doubt in my mind that America will not stand being embarassed.

    But realise one thing for those of you who live in the US. No matter what course of action is taken, not everyone will be completely happy. For years and years the US has had it's hands tied over terrorism and security by activist groups who say we go to far with it. I'll be the first to admit, however, the the US has certainly been involved in things we should never have been involved with in the first place. But a line must always be drawn at some point. It is my hope that most people realize that that line has been drawn, crossed, and pissed on today. I hope justice is served.

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  12. #177
    Lumberjack Recognized Member RSL's Avatar
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    This will be an unforgettable day. It'll be one of those instances where people say "Do you remember where you were when you heard that the World Trade Centers were struck?"

    I'll read through this thread later. They said that the President will address the nation in about 20 minutes, so I'm going to watch that.

  13. #178
    Unmasked! Bloodstone's Avatar
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    I agree with Bush. This is such a cowardly act by those responsible. And it is stupid too. What do they hope to gain from this, from killing thousands of innocents and bringing economic crisis, fear, and mistrust among nations?

    Anyhow, any of you read Tom Clancy's Debt Of Honor? Those damned terrorists must have taken the idea from there. In DOH, a commercial plane was crashed upon - was it the Capitol? - and took out the president.

    I hope justice will be brought upon those who are behind this.

  14. #179
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    "The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise -- with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disentrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country."

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  15. #180


    This is so, so horrible...

    All that's left is the who, and the why.
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