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Thread: Im skinny..looks like I'll die lonely

  1. #91
    Kurui's Avatar
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    I feel kinda fat reading this

    Oh well, I'm a girl, and I really don't care what a guy looks like, as long as he doesn't try to put me down for being bigger or smaller than he is :rolleyes2 Today's society should focus more on individual personalities. There's way to many people out there completly obsessed with physical apperence. It makes me want to cry


  2. #92
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB
    I'm BoB..looks like I'll die Loony

    Last edited by Dignified Pauper; 08-08-2006 at 05:27 AM. Reason: because something just wasn't right

  3. #93


    what are you talking about? Skinny guys these days are more and more acccepted amongst girls than ever, hell I know alot of girls that even PREFER it. Get over it and quit using it as a crutch.

  4. #94

    Default Are y'all kidding me?!

    Never have I seen such a thread screaming, "I'm Emo.."

    Please I urge you don't be emo, there are plenty of people in worse situations and if all you have to worry about is being skinny, then life is good.

    Over 50% of America is FAT! To be skinny in America is great. Skinny guys with faded pants, and tight shirts (though it's metrosexual) its actually in style.

    People make fun of the fact that you are skinny because they are simply jealous. I was skinny for years, I had been swimming since I was 11 years old, I was actually called an, "anorexic mother smurfer," once upon a time. I am 5'10" and weighed about 150. Now I am 5'10" and weigh 170, but am getting to about 160 by the end of August, I got a little fat in my old age (21).

    I gave up swimming about one year ago and cooked for myself this summer, gaining about 15 lbs. I'd rather be skinny than fat, how about you? Thin is attactive, especially in college.

  5. #95
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Shadow
    Skinny guys with faded pants, and tight shirts (though it's metrosexual) its actually in style.
    No, that's just European fashion that gays latched onto first and exposed to America.

    honestly, in all reality, maybe you're just unattractive, lovehurts, and if that's the case, you'll just have to find someone that matches your level of misfortunate aesthetics, or wait to find a pretty girl who likes you for you. Chances are, the former will like you for you before a pretty girl will. Further, maybe you should not be so picky either.

  6. #96


    This isnt about girl trouble....Im not ugly. GEZZE! Ive been asked out on a date many times. The reason it failed is because I in ME turned it down. I just feelt that skinny guys arent as sexy or attractive to the female as the larger and more buffer guy. That is all. Im not emo, Im not ugly. Why does everyone keep saying that I must be ugly. At the least I just need more confidence given the fact that seems to now be in stone for me that girls can like skinner men.

    Dude Im 18 years old, how could I be a tottall failure at this love thing even if I wanted to be one...!!!?

    WAIT, that's right girls have shown a interest in me before.
    whole damn tables full of them.


    I do ok. Forget this whole thread. I just need to pull myself together. How the hell could I forget who I am like this...I do ok when it comes to this. Forget I said anything.

    Wow, just wow , what am I thinking. I just got a little bit skinny since then, I just need to work out a little again, I m tired right now so I blew up ....

    Forget this thread. Lovehurts is fine.

    Maybe I am being emo with this thread. Forget it.

    Thank you all for the posts, I was able to remember how life is for me realisitcally . I was being a emo freak prehaps.


    Last edited by lovehurts; 08-08-2006 at 06:13 AM.

  7. #97


    Yes I think you are being Emo...

    I am 21 and haven't found anyone then again; its hard to find what I am looking for...

    For me, I want a lady to be Different. She cannot fit into the category as Teeny Bopper, Gothic, Emo, and/or Sorority type.

    I have been looking for a LADY for a couple of years now. One who enjoys
    ballroom dancing, Swing dancing, All varieties of music even the oldest.
    I want someone I can dance with, listen to jazz with, and drink wine
    with. I need someone who fits my unique personality, I like classy
    ladies. Swearing is disgusting. I love the Arts and love different
    sites. I want one that is caring and compassionate.

    I want a lady who wears sundresses and loves class. Being Foreign is
    beautiful but never a requirement.

    Is this so hard to find?!


    And who doesn't want a lady who likes Final Fantasy? This would be a plus

    So I guess, I just took a post from another forum (related to online dating) and posted it...
    Last edited by Shadow Masamune; 08-08-2006 at 06:53 AM.

  8. #98


    I love skinny guys. A lot of muscles is such a looks so gross.

  9. #99
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    I prefer personality over looks, really. I mean, you can't stick with someone who has an ugly personality, it just doesn't work

    However, it's a plus if the guy has a nice bod. I prefer my guys skinny but with a bit of muscle....not to where they're ripping every shirt that they own, but just enough that I know I can at least be protected to a certain extent. Not that I need a lot of protecting...I may be short (I'm only 4' 10 1/2"), but I'm tough :P

  10. #100


    Im 190m and im 65 kg....girls look how u can talk and socialize...thats more important...never had probs

  11. #101
    Banned Cloudstrife4003's Avatar
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    I'm not ugly..I'm actually a pretty handsome guy..but i DO wear tight shirts and baggy pants...maybe they hate the way i dress? But..I guess they hate me bcus...I ^_^

  12. #102


    To all those girls who say they prefer personality over looks. How would you ever learn a guys personality if you hadn't been attracted to him physically to start with.

  13. #103
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    EVERYONE prefers personality over looks, but of course you must be attracted to them first. I don't know a single person that would actually want to BE WITH someone who was just a horrible person even if they were gorgeous. They may want to hook up with them sometimes but not actually be with them. The idea of personality over looks means that eventually it doesn't matter how they look, they could become less attractive to you, they could get disfigured you'd still love them.

    add me, PSN: ljkkjlcm9

  14. #104
    Banned Cloudstrife4003's Avatar
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    yay! thanks jackel!

  15. #105


    Yes, I get that Jackal.

    But the point I was making is, they have to be attracted to looks in the first place.

    I did see that you pointed that out in your second sentence or something. Sorry.

    For example, you could be in a bar and see a girl that isn't what you look for looks-wise but she could be the nicest girl on the planet inside, but because there is no physical attraction to her, you'll never find that out.

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